Number of items: 5.
Type: Article
| 2015
| Item not available on this server.
Views of people with high and low levels of health literacy about a digital intervention to promote physical activity for diabetes: a qualitative study in five countries -
A. Rowsell,
I. Muller,
E. Murray,
P. Little,
C. Byrne,
K. Ganahl,
G. Muller,
S. Gibney,
C.R. Lyles,
A. Lucas,
D. Nutbeam and
L. Yardley
Type: Article
| 2015
TElehealth in CHronic disease: mixed-methods study to develop the TECH conceptual model for intervention design and evaluation -
Chris Salisbury,
Clare Thomas,
Alicia O'Cathain,
Anne Rogers,
Catherine Pope,
Lucy Yardley,
Sandra Hollinghurst,
Tom Fahey,
Glyn Lewis,
Shirley Large,
Louisa Edwards,
Alison Rowsell,
Julia Segar,
Simon Brownsell and
Alan A. Montgomery
Type: Article
| 2015
Type: Article
| 2015
| Item not available on this server.
This list was generated on Tue Dec 17 01:39:47 2024 GMT.