Emma Hart: Transitions

What is the Question department Emma Hart, Night Arrow Emma Hart, Horses, from the series Chasing Animals Emma Hart
01 July 2008 - 30 April 2009

Artist Emma Hart’s practice is a course of action, setting out inventive processes to undertake with the moving and still image. Through trial and error and mostly unpredictable outcomes she questions our conventional understanding of cameras - that they are passive recording devices.

In a new exhibition in the Artists' Studio at Camden Arts Centre, Hart presents the innovative 'Question Department', leading on from her Transitions residency at Hampstead School. Be part of performances-in-progress and multi layered projections.

Hart explores how an artist can operate within a school. Who should be making art, for whom and where? She reflects on the performances inherent within education and the audio visual equipment used within schools, presenting elements of live work and projections made for the classroom. See her new video 'Lost', the inspiration for the 'Question Department'.

'The Transitions' residency was devised to ease students’ move from primary to secondary school, helping give students the confidence to adjust to a new environment. “It is nearly always questions and uncertainty that provoke me to make artwork. Being nervous about starting something – it’s how to begin.” Emma Hart

Hart is London-based and works with live art and video. She has exhibited and performed work internationally, recently at Tate Britain and the ICA with Benedict Drew. From June 2008 - April 2009 Hart is artist in residence at Hampstead School, Camden.

Come along to an opening event on Tuesday 24 March from 4.00-6.00pm and meet the artist as well as the students.

See extracts from the videos on Emma Hart's website.

Transitions is supported by Awards for All and The Hampstead Camden and Wells Trust.