

The Communication Routines - A Network Layer Communication Model

Jonathan Dale

Multimedia Research Group

Department of Electronics and Computer Science

University of Southampton



1. Introduction

The Communication Routines are a small set of C function calls that provide stream (reliable, connection-oriented) and datagram (best-try, connection-less) communication within the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communication stack. They are based around the Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanism called sockets, which provide both stream and datagram oriented services.

The design criteria for the Communication Routines were based upon the following considerations:

2. Network Communication

In the TCP/IP networking environment, communication generally takes place between clients and servers, hence the term client-server relationships. A server is a network entity which provides a set of services to a range of clients. Clients can connect to various servers to take advantage of services, which the servers undertake on their behalf. It follows, then, that some form of message exchange (that is, communication) must take place between the client and the server, and vice-versa.

TCP/IP supports two essential modes of network communication:

A third communication exists, called broadcasting, which is a variation of the datagram communication. Broadcasting allows a client or a server send the same message to every network entity within the local network (called the subnet). This can be useful for a number of reasons, for example, propagating common data to an entire network, searching for a particular service within the network, etc. Each network entity receives the broadcasted message and either passes it onto an appropriate software entity which it is running or discards it as unwanted. Broadcasting, however, should be kept to a minimum since it can flood the network and reduce performance.

For datagram and broadcast communication channels, the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted at a time is 8192 bytes. For streams, any amount of data can be written to the communication channel but it is the responsibility of the receiving network entity to read the data in a sensible fashion.

3. Communication Handles

From the point of view of client and server software using the Communication Routines, the key element to network communication is the network communication handle, or just handle, which is a pointer to a communication session. Before any communication can take place between clients and servers, each needs to register for a communication session, the semantics of which are determined by the communication type selected (stream, datagram or broadcast).

For a stream connection, the roles of the client and the server are well defined; the client initiates a connection with the server, an amount of two-way dialogue takes place and then the client closes the connection. The client is always a client and the server is always a server. This means that during registration, the server must register its session first (getting a primary handle) and then, when the client registers its session, the server accepts this connection (getting a secondary handle). The primary handle is used to allow the server to offer a server (to say "Here I am") and the secondary handle is used to actually allow the client and server to communicate. Secondary handles are unaccepted when the communication between the client and the server has finished, and primary handles are unregistered when the server wishes to terminate.

This is demonstrated by the code fragment given in table 1 (most of the function parameters have been omitted for simplicity).



/* Make the server available */
PrimaryHandle = CR_RegisterServer;
/* The client registers with the server */ /* The server accepts this registration */
Handle = CR_RegisterClient; SndaryHandle = CR_Accept;
/* The client sends some data */ /* The server receives some data */
CR_Send (Handle, some_data); CR_Receive (SndaryHandle, some_data);
/* The client receives the results */ /* The server sends the results */
CR_Receive (Handle, some_results); CR_Send (SndaryHandle, some_results);
... etc ... ... etc ...
/* The client ends the communication */ /* The server unaccepts from the client */
CR_Unregister (Handle); CR_Unaccept (SndaryHandle);
/* The client can connect to another server */ /* The server can accept a connection from a another client */
Table 1 : Client-Server Function Calls in a Stream Communication

However, with datagram (and broadcast) communication, a server is classed as a server when it receives data from a client. When a server needs to send data back to a client, it must temporarily become a client and register a new communication session. Thus, the terms client and server in datagram communication depend upon what action the network entity is performing.

The corresponding functions calls for a datagram connection are given in table 2.



/* Make the server available */
RecvHandle = CR_RegisterServer;
/* The client registers for communication */
SendHandle = CR_RegisterClient;
/* The client sends some data */ /* The server receives some data */
CR_Send (SendHandle, some_data); CR_Receive (RecvHandle, some_data);
/* The client becomes a server to receive the results */ /* The server becomes a client to return the result */
RecvHandle = CR_RegisterServer; SendHandle = CR_RegisterClient;
/* The client receives the result */ /* The server sends the result */
CR_Receive (RecvHandle, some_result); CR_Send (SendHandle, some_result);
/* The client reverts back to a client */ /* The server reverts back to a server */
CR_Unregister (RecvHandle); CR_Unregister (SendHandle);
/* The client can now send data to other servers */ /* The server can receive data from other clients */
Table 2 : Client-Server Function Calls in a Datagram Communication

4. Network Abstraction

The Communication Routines provide a layer of network abstraction above the transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack (figure 3) which affords many advantages to the network programmer when compared with standard socket programming:

5. Function Reference

5.1. API Summary

  1. int CR_RegisterServer (int nLocalPort, int nConnectionType)
    Registers a server-style communication channel.
  2. int CR_RegisterClient (LPSTR szRemoteIPAddress, int nRemotePort, int nConnectionType)
    Registers a client-style communication channel.
  3. int CR_Accept (int nReceivingHandle)
    Completes a client-server stream communication channel.
  4. INT CR_Send (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToSend, int nTimeout)
    Sends data to a communication channel.
  5. INT CR_Receive (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToRead)
    Reads data from a communication channel.
  6. INT CR_ReceiveN (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToRead, int nTimeout)
    Attempts to read data from a communication channel until all of the required amount of bytes have been read or the timeout has been reached.
  7. int CR_GetInfo (int nHandle, LPINT lpiPort, LPSTR lpszIPAddress, int nInfoType)
    Obtains information about the local or remote machine attached to a given communication channel.
  8. int CR_GetIPAddress (LPSTR lpszHostName, LPSTR lpszIPAddress)
    Obtains the Internet address for a given hostname.
  9. int CR_GetLastError (void)
    Returns the error code associated with the last communication routine error that occurred.
  10. int CR_Unaccept (int nSecondaryHandle)
    Disassociates the server from a client in a stream communication channel.
  11. int CR_Unregister (int nPrimaryHandle)
    Unregisters a communication channel.
  12. int CR_UnregisterAll (void)
    Unregisters all registered communication channels.

5.2. int CR_RegisterServer (int nLocalPort, int nConnectionType)

Registers a server-style connection for either stream or datagram communication. A server-style connection is characterised by the fact that the server typically `listens' on the specified port, awaiting data from a client.

The local port number to use for the connection. If this value is 0, then any local port is used (use
CR_GetInfo to determine which port has been chosen).
The type of connection to make. It can be either STREAM for a duplex virtual circuit connection, DATAGRAM for a datagram connection, or BROADCAST for a datagram broadcasting connection.

Return values
The primary handle onto the communication channel. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if there was a problem adding the registration details, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
A server cannot make a broadcast connection.
The handle associated with this registration could not be created.

See also
CR_Send; CR_Receive; CR_GetInfo; CR_Unregister

5.3. int CR_RegisterClient (LPSTR szRemoteIPAddress, int nRemotePort, int nConnectionType)

Registers a client-style connection for either stream or datagram communication. A client-style connection is characterised by the fact that the client typically writes data through a port to a waiting server, hence the need to specify a remote Internet address and port number.

The remote Internet address of the server.
The remote port number of the server.
The type of connection to make. It can be either STREAM for a duplex virtual circuit connection, DATAGRAM for a datagram connection, or BROADCAST for a datagram broadcasting connection.

Return values
The primary handle onto the communication channel. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if there was a problem adding the registration details, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The client could not connect correctly with the specified server.
The handle asscoaited with this registration could not be created.
Memory allocation failed.
The registration information associated with this communication channel could not be added.

CR_RegisterClient allocates any local port number (use CR_GetInfo to determine which port has been chosen).

See also
CR_Send; CR_Receive; CR_GetInfo; CR_Unregister

5.4. int CR_Accept (int nReceivingHandle)

Accepts a stream-style connection from a client. This function should be issued by the server in response to a
CR_RegisterClient function that has been issued by the client. A communication channel must have been established on both the server and the client beforehand.

The handle onto the communication channel.

Return values
A secondary handle if the communication was accepted successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if a communication channel has not been previously registered, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
This function can only be used with stream communication channels.
The server could not accept correctly with a client.
The secondary handle to be associated with this communication channel could not be created.
The primary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.
The registration information associated with this communication channel could not be added.

This function should only be used on stream-style connections. A server can only accept on one connection at a time for each primary handle.

See also

5.5. INT CR_Send (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToSend, int nTimeout)

Sends data to a communication channel.

The handle onto the communication channel.
The data to send to the communication channel.
The amount of data to send to the communication channel.
The amount of time (in seconds) before the connection will timeout.

Return values
The number of bytes sent if the data was written successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if the communication channel has not been previously registered, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The data could not be send to the communication channel.
The protocol between the client and the server could not be established.
The timeout period has expired.
The data to be sent is too large for the communication channel (for datagram and broadcast communication channels only).
Memory allocation failed.
The primary or secondary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.

A timeout is not considered to be an error, even though
CR_GetLastError will return CETIMEOUT.

See also
CR_Receive; CR_ReceiveN

5.6. INT CR_Receive (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToRead)

Reads data from a communication channel.

The handle onto the communication channel.
The resultant data that has been read from the communication channel.
The amount of data to read from the communication channel.

Return values
The number of bytes read if the data was read successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if the communication channel has not been previously registered, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The data could not be read from the communication channel.
The protocol between the client and the server could not be established.
Memory allocation failed.
The primary or secondary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.
The registration information associated with this communication channel could not be added or updated.

If there is no data waiting at the communication channel, then this function will block until it arrives. However, it will not block until all of the requested data arrives (see
CR_ReceiveN for a fully blocking receive function). Additionally, this function can only send stream data of a maximum size of 32767 bytes (use CR_ReceiveN to send data that is over this limit).

See also
CR_Send; CR_ReceiveN

5.7. INT CR_ReceiveN (int nHandle, LPHSTR lphszData, INT IBytesToRead, int nTimeout)

Attempts to read data from a communication channel until all of the required amount of bytes have been read or the timeout has been reached.

The handle onto the communication channel.
The resultant data that has been read from the communication channel.
The amount of data to read from the communication channel.
The amount of time (in seconds) before the connection will timeout.

Return values
The number of bytes read if the data was read successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if the communication channel has not been previously registered, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The data could not be read from the communication channel.
The protocol between the client and the server could not be established.
The timeout period has expired.
Memory allocation failed.
The primary or secondary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.
The registration information associated with this communication channel could not be added or updated.

If there is no data waiting at the communication channel, then this function will block until it arrives. A timeout is not considered to be an error, even though
CR_GetLastError will return CETIMEOUT.

See also
CR_Send; CR_Receive

5.8. int CR_GetInfo (int nHandle, LPINT lpiPort, LPSTR lpszIPAddress, int nInfoType)

Interrogates either the local or remote address structure of a registered communication channel, yielding the port number and Internet address.

The handle onto the communication channel.
The resultant port number of the remote machine.
The resultant Internet address of the remote machine.
The type of information to return. If this is CR_LOCAL, then the details of the local host are returned, else if this is CR_REMOTE, then the details of the currently connected remote host are returned.

Return values
TRUE if the remote address structure was interrogated successfully. If there was a problem retreiving the local or remote machine information, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if there is no complete remote address structure associated with the communication channel, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The communication channel could not be interrogated to determine additional registration information.
The registration information associated with this communication channel could not be located.

The remote address structure for a stream-style connection is completed when a
CR_Accept function has been issued (and the connection is made). For a datagram-style connection, the remote address structure is updated each time a CR_Receive is issued (since many different clients can connect to one server). This means that until the first client sends data, the remote address structure for a datagram-style connection will be incomplete.

5.9. int CR_GetIPAddress (LPSTR lpszHostName, LPSTR lpszIPAddress)

Looks up the Internet address of a machine within the local name server or local hosts file.

The host name of the machine to look-up.
The resultant Internet address of the specified machine

Return values
TRUE if the Internet address of the machine was looked-up successfully. If there was a problem obtaining the Internet address, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error code
The local host could not be queried for relevant information.

5.10. int CR_GetLastError (void)

Returns an error code that is associated with the last error that occurred.

Return value
CEOKAY if no error occurred, else the error code associated with the last error.

Two types of errors can be returned by the Communication Routine functions; communication errors (COMM_ERROR) and link errors (LINK_ERROR). A communication error indicates that the communication subsystem has failed and a link error means that there was a problem setting up the local registration information within the link handler. Error codes preceded with CE detail a communication error and error codes preceded with LE represent a link error.

5.11. int CR_Unaccept (int nSecondaryHandle)

Disconnects the server from a stream-style connection with the client. The server is now free to accept another stream-style connection from another client or to unregister its primary handle.

The secondary handle to disconnect.

Return values
TRUE if the secondary handle was disconnected successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if the secondary handle does not exist, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
This function can only be used with stream communication channels.
The communication channel could not be unregistered or closed.
The secondary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.
The secondary handle associated with this communication channel could not be removed.

A secondary handle should be unaccepted before its corresponding primary handle is unregistered.

See also
CR_Accept; CR_Unregister

5.12. int CR_Unregister (int nPrimaryHandle)

Unregisters a communication channel and closes the connection with the attached remote machine.

The primary handle to disconnect.

Return values
TRUE if the primary handle was disconnected successfully. If there was a communication problem, then COMM_ERROR is returned, else if the primary handle does not exist, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
The communication channel could not be unregistered or closed.
The primary handle associated with this communication channel could not be located.
The primary handle associated with this communication channel could not be removed.

A secondary handle should be unaccepted before its corresponding primary handle is unregistered.

See also

5.13. int CR_UnregisterAll (void)

Unregisters all communication channels and closes the connections with all attached remote machines.

Return values
TRUE if all of the connections were unregistered and closed successfully. If any remote machine could not be unregistered, then LINK_ERROR is returned.

Error codes
A primary or secondary handle could not be removed.

All secondary handles should be unaccepted before this function is called.
CR_Unregister should be used to unregister individual connections.

See also
CR_Unaccept; CR_Unregister



EMail: jd94r@ecs.soton.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~jd94r
Copyright © 1995, University of Southampton. All rights reserved.