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Representing distributed cognition in complex systems: how a submarine returns to periscope depth

Representing distributed cognition in complex systems: how a submarine returns to periscope depth
Representing distributed cognition in complex systems: how a submarine returns to periscope depth
This paper presents the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork (EAST) method as a means of modelling distributed cognition in systems. The method comprises three network models (i.e. task, social and information) and their combination. This method was applied to the interactions between the sound room and control room in a submarine, following the activities of returning the submarine to periscope depth. This paper demonstrates three main developments in EAST. First, building the network models directly, without reference to the intervening methods. Second, the application of analysis metrics to all three networks. Third, the combination of the aforementioned networks in different ways to gain a broader understanding of the distributed cognition. Analyses have shown that EAST can be used to gain both qualitative and quantitative insights into distributed cognition. Future research should focus on the analyses of network resilience and modelling alternative versions of a system.
distributed cognition, networks, team work, submarine
Stanton, Neville A.
Stanton, Neville A.

Stanton, Neville A. (2013) Representing distributed cognition in complex systems: how a submarine returns to periscope depth. [in special issue: Beyond Human-Centred Automation] Ergonomics, 57 (3), 403-418. (doi:10.1080/00140139.2013.772244). (PMID:23510256)

Record type: Article


This paper presents the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork (EAST) method as a means of modelling distributed cognition in systems. The method comprises three network models (i.e. task, social and information) and their combination. This method was applied to the interactions between the sound room and control room in a submarine, following the activities of returning the submarine to periscope depth. This paper demonstrates three main developments in EAST. First, building the network models directly, without reference to the intervening methods. Second, the application of analysis metrics to all three networks. Third, the combination of the aforementioned networks in different ways to gain a broader understanding of the distributed cognition. Analyses have shown that EAST can be used to gain both qualitative and quantitative insights into distributed cognition. Future research should focus on the analyses of network resilience and modelling alternative versions of a system.

Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork_v3_ERGONOMICS.doc - Accepted Manuscript
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Published date: 20 March 2013
Keywords: distributed cognition, networks, team work, submarine
Organisations: Transportation Group


Local EPrints ID: 351464
ISSN: 1366-5847
PURE UUID: dacfd624-49fd-418e-be1e-81de6347de5f
ORCID for Neville A. Stanton: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 22 Apr 2013 12:13
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 03:33

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