Happy to be “me”? Authenticity, psychological need satisfaction, and subjective well-being in adolescence.
Happy to be “me”? Authenticity, psychological need satisfaction, and subjective well-being in adolescence.
Adolescents have a strong desire to “be themselves.” How does experiencing authenticity—the sense of being one’s true self—influence subjective well-being? What allows adolescents to experience authenticity? This research tests a working model of how authenticity is implicated in adolescents’ well-being. Using survey, diary, and experimental methodologies, four studies (total N=759, age-range=12-17) supported the main tenets of the model. Authenticity (1) enhances well-being, (2) co-varies with satisfaction of psychological needs for relatedness and competence, and is caused by satisfaction of the need for autonomy, and (3) mediates the link between need satisfaction and well-being. Authenticity is more than a powerful motive: It has robust, replicable effects on well-being, and may thus be a pervasive force in positive youth development.
authenticity, true self, psychological need satisfaction, subjective well-being, self-determination Theory
Thomaes, S.
Sedikides, Constantine
Van den Bos, N.
Hutteman, R.
Reijntjes, A.
Thomaes, S.
Sedikides, Constantine
Van den Bos, N.
Hutteman, R.
Reijntjes, A.
Thomaes, S., Sedikides, Constantine, Van den Bos, N., Hutteman, R. and Reijntjes, A.
Happy to be “me”? Authenticity, psychological need satisfaction, and subjective well-being in adolescence.
Child Development, .
(In Press)
Adolescents have a strong desire to “be themselves.” How does experiencing authenticity—the sense of being one’s true self—influence subjective well-being? What allows adolescents to experience authenticity? This research tests a working model of how authenticity is implicated in adolescents’ well-being. Using survey, diary, and experimental methodologies, four studies (total N=759, age-range=12-17) supported the main tenets of the model. Authenticity (1) enhances well-being, (2) co-varies with satisfaction of psychological needs for relatedness and competence, and is caused by satisfaction of the need for autonomy, and (3) mediates the link between need satisfaction and well-being. Authenticity is more than a powerful motive: It has robust, replicable effects on well-being, and may thus be a pervasive force in positive youth development.
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- Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 16 March 2016
authenticity, true self, psychological need satisfaction, subjective well-being, self-determination Theory
Local EPrints ID: 392914
URI: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/392914
ISSN: 0009-3920
PURE UUID: e706388b-6e7e-4f7d-85fe-22daa7fb28de
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Date deposited: 19 Apr 2016 10:11
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 05:30
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S. Thomaes
N. Van den Bos
R. Hutteman
A. Reijntjes
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