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Arctic lakes ice break-up timing for 2000 - 2013

Arctic lakes ice break-up timing for 2000 - 2013
Arctic lakes ice break-up timing for 2000 - 2013
This dataset includes break-up start and break-up end dates for 13 300 lakes larger than 1 km2 in five study areas in the Arctic. The dates were derived using time-series of daily surface reflectance data at 250m spatial resolution acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the TERRA satellite. Detailed description of the methodology, validation and analysis is available in: Šmejkalová, Tereza, Mary Edwards, and Jadunandan Dash. “Arctic Lakes Show Strong Decadal Trend in Earlier Spring Ice-Out.” Scientific Reports 6 (December 7, 2016): 38449. Šmejkalová, Tereza. “Quantifying Decadal Changes in Arctic Lake Ice Phenology.” MSc. Thesis, Southampton, University of Southampton. Šmejkalová 2014 and Šmejkalová, Edwards, and Dash 2016. Parameters: Break-up start (BUS) - The day of year when ice-free water appears. (Lat/Lon lake centroid) Break-up end (BUE) – The day of year when water is completely ice-free. (Lat/Lon lake centroid) Spatial coverage: Northern Europe (> 65°N) Northeast Canada (mainland; > 65°N; 85°- 105°E) Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain (> 69°N; 150°- 160°E) Northeast Siberia (> 67°N; 140°- 165°W) Central Siberia (70°- 75°N; 90°- 110°W) Spatial resolution: Lakes larger than 1 km2 Temporal coverage: 1 year Temporal resolution: 2000-2013 (not all years available for all lakes) Data formats: CSV (Coma Separated Values, *.csv) ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) Files: Alaska_ACP_BUS.csv Alaska_ACP_BUE.csv C_Siberia_BUS.csv C_Siberia_BUE.csv N_Europe_BUS.csv N_Europe_BUE.csv NE_Canada_BUS.csv NE_Canada_BUE.csv NE_Siberia_BUS.csv NE_Siberia_BUE.csv Auxiliary data: Lake_polygons_1km2_Alaska_ACP.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_C_Siberia.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_NE_Canada.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_N_Europe.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_NE_Siberia.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Study_areas.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic]
University of Southampton
Šmejkalová, Tereza
Dash, Jadunandan
Edwards, Mary
Šmejkalová, Tereza
Dash, Jadunandan
Edwards, Mary

Šmejkalová, Tereza, Dash, Jadunandan and Edwards, Mary (2017) Arctic lakes ice break-up timing for 2000 - 2013. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/D0288 [Dataset]

Record type: Dataset


This dataset includes break-up start and break-up end dates for 13 300 lakes larger than 1 km2 in five study areas in the Arctic. The dates were derived using time-series of daily surface reflectance data at 250m spatial resolution acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the TERRA satellite. Detailed description of the methodology, validation and analysis is available in: Šmejkalová, Tereza, Mary Edwards, and Jadunandan Dash. “Arctic Lakes Show Strong Decadal Trend in Earlier Spring Ice-Out.” Scientific Reports 6 (December 7, 2016): 38449. Šmejkalová, Tereza. “Quantifying Decadal Changes in Arctic Lake Ice Phenology.” MSc. Thesis, Southampton, University of Southampton. Šmejkalová 2014 and Šmejkalová, Edwards, and Dash 2016. Parameters: Break-up start (BUS) - The day of year when ice-free water appears. (Lat/Lon lake centroid) Break-up end (BUE) – The day of year when water is completely ice-free. (Lat/Lon lake centroid) Spatial coverage: Northern Europe (> 65°N) Northeast Canada (mainland; > 65°N; 85°- 105°E) Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain (> 69°N; 150°- 160°E) Northeast Siberia (> 67°N; 140°- 165°W) Central Siberia (70°- 75°N; 90°- 110°W) Spatial resolution: Lakes larger than 1 km2 Temporal coverage: 1 year Temporal resolution: 2000-2013 (not all years available for all lakes) Data formats: CSV (Coma Separated Values, *.csv) ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) Files: Alaska_ACP_BUS.csv Alaska_ACP_BUE.csv C_Siberia_BUS.csv C_Siberia_BUE.csv N_Europe_BUS.csv N_Europe_BUE.csv NE_Canada_BUS.csv NE_Canada_BUE.csv NE_Siberia_BUS.csv NE_Siberia_BUE.csv Auxiliary data: Lake_polygons_1km2_Alaska_ACP.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_C_Siberia.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_NE_Canada.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_N_Europe.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Lake_polygons_1km2_NE_Siberia.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic] Study_areas.shp [EPSG 3995; WGS 84 / Arctic Polar Stereographic]

Data_description.docx - Dataset
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BUS_BUE_2000_2013.7z - Dataset
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.
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Auxiliary_data.7z - Dataset
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More information

Published date: 2017
Organisations: Global Env Change & Earth Observation, Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute, Palaeoenvironment Laboratory (PLUS)


Local EPrints ID: 415091
PURE UUID: cc36d5e5-f818-47a0-9501-4552c8a6d474
ORCID for Jadunandan Dash: ORCID iD
ORCID for Mary Edwards: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 25 Oct 2017 16:31
Last modified: 06 Nov 2023 02:38

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Creator: Tereza Šmejkalová
Creator: Jadunandan Dash ORCID iD
Creator: Mary Edwards ORCID iD

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