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Pre-service primary teachers’ approaches to mathematical generalisation

Pre-service primary teachers’ approaches to mathematical generalisation
Pre-service primary teachers’ approaches to mathematical generalisation
In our teaching with primary pre-service teachers (PSTs), each of us includes generalising tasks in the context of mathematical reasoning. We set out to explore the value of such activity from the perspective of PSTs and their approaches to generalisation. In this paper, we focus on one PST’s mathematical reasoning when working on the ‘flower beds’ problem. We analyse the ways in which this PST attends to: looking for a relationship; seeing structure within a single figure in a sequence; and seeing sameness and difference between figures in a sequence. We consider what motivates shifts in attention, we reflect on the significance of students’ prior experience, and of student collaboration in our teaching sessions.
generalisation, reasoning, primary teacher training
Alderton, Julie
Donaldson, Gina
Ineson, Gwen
Rowland, Tim
Voutsina, Chronoula
Wilson, Kirsty
Alderton, Julie
Donaldson, Gina
Ineson, Gwen
Rowland, Tim
Voutsina, Chronoula
Wilson, Kirsty

Alderton, Julie, Donaldson, Gina, Ineson, Gwen, Rowland, Tim, Voutsina, Chronoula and Wilson, Kirsty (2018) Pre-service primary teachers’ approaches to mathematical generalisation. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 37 (3), 1-6.

Record type: Article


In our teaching with primary pre-service teachers (PSTs), each of us includes generalising tasks in the context of mathematical reasoning. We set out to explore the value of such activity from the perspective of PSTs and their approaches to generalisation. In this paper, we focus on one PST’s mathematical reasoning when working on the ‘flower beds’ problem. We analyse the ways in which this PST attends to: looking for a relationship; seeing structure within a single figure in a sequence; and seeing sameness and difference between figures in a sequence. We consider what motivates shifts in attention, we reflect on the significance of students’ prior experience, and of student collaboration in our teaching sessions.

Approaches to math generalisation-BSRLM 1117-pure - Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 15 January 2018
Published date: 2018
Keywords: generalisation, reasoning, primary teacher training


Local EPrints ID: 418809
ISSN: 1463-6840
PURE UUID: 17bfbd33-5ecd-4086-959f-b0c8e4ffdeb7
ORCID for Chronoula Voutsina: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 22 Mar 2018 17:30
Last modified: 16 Mar 2024 03:45

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Author: Julie Alderton
Author: Gina Donaldson
Author: Gwen Ineson
Author: Tim Rowland
Author: Kirsty Wilson

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