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Goal motives, goal-regulatory processes, psychological needs, and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Goal motives, goal-regulatory processes, psychological needs, and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Goal motives, goal-regulatory processes, psychological needs, and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The self-concordance model (SCM) examines the entire sequence from goal inception to attainment and presents a framework for how outcomes vary based on the quality of motivation for goal striving. The first aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to synthesize a rich literature on the topic spanning over 25 years and to present a cohesive picture of the associations among the SCM constructs (Model 1). The second goal was to test an alternative formulation of the model in which we (a) decomposed the self-concordance index into autonomous and controlled goal motives, and (b) included antecedents, avoidance appraisals, psychological need frustration, and ill-being (Model 2). Guided by the PRISMA criteria, we searched six electronic databases and employed multilevel meta-analytic structural equation modeling to analyze data from 77 studies, yielding 978 effect sizes (N = 10,289 for Model 1; N = 39,470 for Model 2). For Model 1, we obtained very large associations (rs > .40) among the model constructs. In Model 2, we found theoretically expected relations of at least medium effect size among all model constructs. The core assertion of the SCM, that pursuing self-concordant goals is associated with increased goal effort and attainment, psychological need satisfaction, and well-being, was supported. Furthermore, the alternative model added value by showing that the original SCM model can be broadened to integrate additional factors.
goal motives, self-concordance model, goal attainment, psychological need satisfaction, well-being
Sezer, Berke
Riddell, Hugh
Gucciardi, Daniel F.
Sheldon, Kennon M.
Sedikides, Constantine
Vasconcellos, Diego
Jackson, Ben
Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie
Ntoumanis, Nikos
Sezer, Berke
Riddell, Hugh
Gucciardi, Daniel F.
Sheldon, Kennon M.
Sedikides, Constantine
Vasconcellos, Diego
Jackson, Ben
Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie
Ntoumanis, Nikos

Sezer, Berke, Riddell, Hugh, Gucciardi, Daniel F., Sheldon, Kennon M., Sedikides, Constantine, Vasconcellos, Diego, Jackson, Ben, Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie and Ntoumanis, Nikos (2024) Goal motives, goal-regulatory processes, psychological needs, and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Motivation Science. (doi:10.1037/mot0000366). (In Press)

Record type: Article


The self-concordance model (SCM) examines the entire sequence from goal inception to attainment and presents a framework for how outcomes vary based on the quality of motivation for goal striving. The first aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to synthesize a rich literature on the topic spanning over 25 years and to present a cohesive picture of the associations among the SCM constructs (Model 1). The second goal was to test an alternative formulation of the model in which we (a) decomposed the self-concordance index into autonomous and controlled goal motives, and (b) included antecedents, avoidance appraisals, psychological need frustration, and ill-being (Model 2). Guided by the PRISMA criteria, we searched six electronic databases and employed multilevel meta-analytic structural equation modeling to analyze data from 77 studies, yielding 978 effect sizes (N = 10,289 for Model 1; N = 39,470 for Model 2). For Model 1, we obtained very large associations (rs > .40) among the model constructs. In Model 2, we found theoretically expected relations of at least medium effect size among all model constructs. The core assertion of the SCM, that pursuing self-concordant goals is associated with increased goal effort and attainment, psychological need satisfaction, and well-being, was supported. Furthermore, the alternative model added value by showing that the original SCM model can be broadened to integrate additional factors.

Sezer et al., 2024, Motivation Science - Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 21 August 2024
Keywords: goal motives, self-concordance model, goal attainment, psychological need satisfaction, well-being


Local EPrints ID: 493985
ISSN: 2333-8113
PURE UUID: 8a6cd40d-7d43-4992-939f-11bb38c59e12
ORCID for Constantine Sedikides: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 18 Sep 2024 16:40
Last modified: 19 Sep 2024 01:36

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Author: Berke Sezer
Author: Hugh Riddell
Author: Daniel F. Gucciardi
Author: Kennon M. Sheldon
Author: Diego Vasconcellos
Author: Ben Jackson
Author: Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani
Author: Nikos Ntoumanis

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