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Items where Division is "Faculties (pre 2018 reorg) > Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences (pre 2018 reorg) > National Oceanography Centre (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 42.

Impact of hull propeller rudder interaction on ship powering assessment - charles Badoe, Stephen Turnock and Alex Phillips
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2016

Zooplankton faecal pellet transfer through the meso- and bathypelagic layers in the Southern Ocean in spring - Anna, Christine Belcher, Clara Manno, Peter Ward, Stephanie Henson, Richard Sanders and Geraint Andrew Tarling
Type: Article | 2016 | Item not available on this server.

EUMETSAT Invitation To Tender 14/209556: JASON-CS SAR Mode Sea State Bias Study. Final report - Clare Bellingham, Meric Srokosz, Christine Gommenginger, Paolo Cipollini and Helen Snaith
Type: Monograph | 2016 | National Oceanography Centre

Type: Article | 2016

Impacts and effects of ocean warming on carbon management including methane hydrates. - P. Brown, R. Sanders, E. McDonagh, S. Henson, A.I. Best, A.J. Poulton and D.J. Mayor
Type: Book Section | 2016 | International Union for Conservation of Nature | Item not available on this server.

Turbidity current bedforms - Matthieu J.B. Cartigny and George Postma
Type: Book Section | 2016 | Springer Cham | Item not available on this server.

First spaceborne observation of sea surface height using GPS-reflectometry - Maria Paola Clarizia, Christopher Ruf, Paolo Cipollini and Cinzia Zuffada
Type: Article | 2016

Ecology and biogeography of megafauna and macrofauna at the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge - J.T. Copley, L. Marsh, A.G. Glover, V. Huhnerbach, V.E. Nye, W.D.K. Reid, C.J. Sweeting, B.D. Wigham and H. Wiklund
Type: Article | 2016

Synthesis: stratigraphy and age control for IODP Sites U1394, U1395, and U1396 offshore Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles - M.F. Coussens, D. Wall-Palmer, P.J. Talling, S.F.L Watt, S.J. Hatter, M. Cassidy, M. Clare, M. Jutzeler, R. Hatfield, M. McCanta, K.S. Kataoka, D. Endo, M.R. Palmer, A. Stinton, A. Fujinawa, G. Boudon, A. Le Friant, O. Ishizuka, T. Gernon, T. Adachi, M. Aljahdali, C. Breitkreuz, A.J. Frass, M.J. Hornbach, E. Lebas, S. Lafuerza, F. Maeno, M. Manga, M. Martinez-Colon, J. McManus, S. Morgan, T. Saito, A. Slagle, K.S.V. Subramanyam, Y. Tamura, J. Trofimovs, B. Villemant and F. Wang
Type: Article | 2016 | Item not available on this server.

Potential for seasonal prediction of the Atlantic sea surface temperatures using the RAPID array at 26°N - Aurélie Duchez, Peggy Courtois, Elizabeth Harris, Simon Josey, Torsten Kanzow, Robert Marsh, David Smeed and Joël Jean-Marie Hirschi
Type: Article | 2016

Carbon cycling in the deep eastern North Pacific benthic food web: Investigating the effect of organic carbon input - Katherine M. Dunlop, Dick van Oevelen, Henry A. Ruhl, Christine L. Huffard, Linda A. Kuhnz and Kenneth L. Smith
Type: Article | 2016

Report on the Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation (MIDAS) workshop on environmental management of deep-sea mining - Jennifer M. Durden, David S.M. Billett, Alastair Brown, Andrew C. Dale, Laura Goulding, Sabine Gollner, Kevin Murphy, Ellen Pape, Autun Purser, Jean-Francois Rolin, Austin J. Smith, Ian Stewart, Phillip J. Turner, Tom de Wachter, Philip P.E. Weaver, Cindy L. van Dover, Philomene Verlaan and Daniel O.B. Jones
Type: Article | 2016

Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives - André Düsterhus, Alessio Rovere, Anders E. Carlson, Benjamin P. Horton, Volker Klemann, Lev Tarasov, Natasha L.M. Barlow, Tom Bradwell, Jorie Clark, Andrea Dutton, W. Roland Gehrels, Fiona D. Hibbert, Marc P. Hijma, Nicole Khan, Robert E. Kopp, Dorit Sivan and Torbjörn E. Törnqvist
Type: Article | 2016

Type: Article | 2016 | Item not available on this server.

Intrareef variations in Li/Mg and Sr/Ca sea surface temperature proxies in the Caribbean reef-building coral Siderastrea siderea: Intrareef Variations in SST Proxies - Sara, Elisabeth Fowell, Kate Sandford, Joseph A. Stewart, Karl D. Castillo, Justin B. Ries and Gavin L. Foster
Type: Article | 2016 | Item not available on this server.

A revised Plio-Pleistocene age model and paleoceanography of the northeastern Caribbean Sea: IODP Site U1396 off Montserrat, Lesser Antilles - Andrew J. Fraass, Deborah Wall-Palmer, R. Mark Leckie, Robert G. Hatfield, Stephen J. Burns, Anne Le Friant, Osamu Ishizuka, Mohammed Aljahdali, Martin Jutzeler, Michael Martinez-Colon, Martin R. Palmer and Peter J. Talling
Type: Article | 2016

Compensation between meridional flow components of the Atlantic MOC at 26°N - E. Frajka-Williams, C.S. Meinen, W.E. Johns, D.A. Smeed, A. Duchez, A.J. Lawrence, D.A. Cuthbertson, G.D. Mccarthy, H.L. Bryden, M.O. Baringer, B.I. Moat and D. Rayner
Type: Article | 2016

Type: Article | 2016 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2016

Assessing recent air-sea freshwater flux changes using a surface temperature-salinity space framework - Jeremy P. Grist, Simon A. Josey, Jan D. Zika, Dafydd G. Evans and Nikolaos Skliris
Type: Article | 2016

Observing climate change trends in ocean biogeochemistry: when and where - Stephanie Henson, Claudie Beaulieu and Richard Lampitt
Type: Article | 2016

The impact of resolving the Rossby radius at mid-latitudes in the ocean: results from a high-resolution version of the Met Office GC2 coupled model - Helene T. Hewitt, Malcolm J. Roberts, Pat Hyder, Tim Graham, Jamie Rae, Stephen E. Belcher, Romain Bourdallé-badie, Dan Copsey, Andrew Coward, Catherine Guiavarch, Chris Harris, Richard Hill, Joël J.-m. Hirschi, Gurvan Madec, Matthew S. Mizielinski, Erica Neininger, Adrian L. New, Jean-christophe Rioual, Bablu Sinha, David Storkey, Ann Shelly, Livia Thorpe and Richard A. Wood
Type: Article | 2016

Type: Article | 2016

What causes the inverse relationship between primary production and export efficiency in the Southern Ocean? - Frederic Le Moigne, Stephanie A. Henson, Emma Cavan, Georges Clément, Katsiaryna Pabortsava, Eric P. Achterberg, Elena Ceballos-Romero, Mike Zubkov and Richard J. Sanders
Type: Article | 2016

Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide - M. Lebrato, A.J. Andersson, J.B. Ries, R.B. Aronson, L.B. Lamare, W. Koeve, A. Oschlies, M.D. Iglesias-Rodriguez, S. Thatje, M. Amsler, S.C. Vos, D.A.B. Jones, H.A. Ruhl, A.R. Gates and J.B. McClintock
Type: Article | 2016

Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean:: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models - Younjoo J. Lee, Patricia A. Matrai, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, Vincent S. Saba, Olivier Aumont, Marcel Babin, Erik T. Buitenhuis, Matthieu Chevallier, Lee De Mora, Morgane Dessert, John P. Dunne, Ingrid H. Ellingsen, Doron Feldman, Robert Frouin, Marion Gehlen, Thomas Gorgues, Tatiana Ilyina, Meibing Jin, Jasmin G. John, Jon Lawrence, Manfredi Manizza, Christophe E. Menkes, Coralie Perruche, Vincent Le Fouest, Ekaterina E. Popova, Anastasia Romanou, Annette Samuelsen, Jörg Schwinger, Roland Séférian, Charles A. Stock, Jerry Tjiputra, L. Bruno Tremblay, Kyozo Ueyoshi, Marcello Vichi, Andrew Yool and Jinlun Zhang
Type: Article | 2016

On the ability of statistical wind-wave models to capture the variability and long-term trends of the North Atlantic winter wave climate - Adrián Martínez-Asensio, Marta Marcos, Michael N. Tsimplis, Gabriel Jordà, Xiangbo Feng and Damià Gomis
Type: Article | 2016

Seafloor observatories - M. Matabos, M. Best, J. Blandin, M. Hoeberechts, S.K. Juniper, B. Pirenne, K. Robert, H. Ruhl, J. Sarrazin and M. Vardaro
Type: Book Section | 2016 | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | Item not available on this server.

Multiple processes generate productivity–diversity relationships in experimental wood-fall communities - Craig R. McClain, James P. Barry, Douglas Eernisse, Tammy Horton, Jenna Judge, Keiichi Kakui, Christopher L. Mah and Anders Warén
Type: Article | 2016

Major variations in subtropical North Atlantic heat transport at short (5 day) timescales and their causes - B.I. Moat, S.A. Josey, B. Sinha, A.T. Blaker, D.A. Smeed, G. Mccarthy, W.E Johns, J.-M. Hirschi, E. Frajka-Williams, D. Rayner, A. Duchez and A.C. Coward
Type: Article | 2016

Effects of temperature stress on ecological processes - Elizabeth Morgan, Alastair Brown, Benjamin Ciotti and Anouska Panton
Type: Book Section | 2016 | Oxford University Press | Item not available on this server.

Type: Dataset | 2016 | Zenodo | Item not available on this server.

Carbon exchange between a shelf sea and the ocean: The Hebrides Shelf, west of Scotland - Stuart Painter, S.E. Hartman, Caroline Kivimae, Lesley Salt, Nicola Clargo, Yann Bozec, Chris J. Daniels, Sam Jones, Victoria S. Hemsley, Lucie Munns and Stephanie R. Allen
Type: Article | 2016

Cross-calibrating ALES Envisat and CryoSat-2 Delay-Doppler: a coastal altimetry study in the Indonesian Seas - Marcello Passaro, Salvatore Dinardo, Graham D. Quartly, Helen M. Snaith, Jerome Benveniste, Paolo Cipollini and Bruno Lucas
Type: Article | 2016

Type: Article | 2016

Type: Article | 2016

Glider observations of enhanced deep water upwelling at a shelf break canyon: a mechanism for cross-slope carbon and nutrient exchange - M. Porter, M.E. Inall, J. Hopkins, M.R. Palmer, A.C. Dale, D. Aleynik, J.A. Barth, C. Mahaffey and D.A. Smeed
Type: Article | 2016

Terrain Aided Navigation for Long Range AUV operations at arctic latitudes - Georgios Salavasidis, Catherine A. Harris, Stephen McPhail, Alexander B. Phillips and Eric Rogers
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2016 | IEEE | Item availability restricted.

Relevance of dissolved organic nutrients for the Arctic Ocean nutrient budget - Sinhue Torres Valdes, Takamasa Tsubouchi, Emily Davey, Igor Yashayaev and Sheldon Bacon
Type: Article | 2016

Plankton patchiness investigated using simultaneous nitrate and chlorophyll observations - Simon Van Gennip, Adrian P. Martin, Meric A. Srokosz, John T. Allen, Rosalind Pidcock, Stuart C. Painter and Mark C. Stinchcombe
Type: Article | 2016

Deep structure of the Porcupine Basin from wide-angle seismic data - L. Watremez, M. Prada, T. Minshull, B. O'reilly, Chen Chen, T. Reston, P. Shannon, G. Wagner, V. Gaw, D. Klaeschen, R. Edwards and S. Lebedev
Type: Book Section | 2016 | The Geological Society of London

Comparison of two closed-path cavity-based spectrometers for measuring air–water CO2 and CH4 fluxes by eddy covariance - Mingxi Yang, John Prytherch, Elena Kozlova, Margaret J. Yelland, Deepulal Parenkat Mony and Thomas G. Bell
Type: Article | 2016

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