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Items where Division is "Faculties (pre 2018 reorg) > Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering (pre 2018 reorg) > Electronics & Computer Science (pre 2018 reorg) > IT Innovation (pre 2018 reorg)
Current Faculties > Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences > School of Electronics and Computer Science > Electronics & Computer Science (pre 2018 reorg) > IT Innovation (pre 2018 reorg)
School of Electronics and Computer Science > Electronics & Computer Science (pre 2018 reorg) > IT Innovation (pre 2018 reorg)
Current Faculties > Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences > School of Electronics and Computer Science > IT Innovation > IT Innovation (pre 2018 reorg)
School of Electronics and Computer Science > IT Innovation > IT Innovation (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2012

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Group by: No Grouping | Authors/Creators | Item Type
Number of items: 32.

Planning and managing the cost of compromise for AV retention and access - M.J. Addis, M. Jacyno, M. McArdle, M. Hall-May and S.C. Phillips
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Tools for quantitative comparison of preservation strategies - Matthew Addis, Mariusz Jacyno, Martin Hall-May and Stephen Phillips
Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Storage strategy tools - Matthew Addis, Mariusz Jacyno, Martin Hall-May and Richard Wright
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Ranibizumab versus bevacizumab to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration: one-year findings from the IVAN randomized trial - Usha Chakravarthy, Simon P. Harding, Chris A. Rogers, Susan M. Downes, Andrew J. Lotery, Sarah Wordsworth and Barnaby C. Reeves
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Statistical analysis of the owl:sameAs network for aligning concepts in the linking open data cloud - Gianluca Correndo, Antonio Penta, Nicholas Gibbins and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Virtualised e-Learning on the IRMOS real-time cloud - Tommaso Cucinotta, Fabio Checconi, George Kousiouris, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Spyridon Gogouvitis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Theodora Varvarigou, Alessandro Mazzetti, Zlatko Zlatev, Juri Papay, Mike Boniface, Soren Berger, Dominik Lamp, Thomas Voith and Manuel Stein
Type: Article | 2012

Predicting application performance for multi-vendor clouds using dwarf benchmarks - Vegard Engen, Juri Papay, Stephen Phillips and Mike Boniface
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Springer Berlin, Heidelberg

Bringing citizens’ opinions to members of Parliament: the newspaper story - Ruxandra Geana, Steve Taylor and Timo Wandhofer
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation - Alistair C. Hume, Yahya Al-Hazmi, Belter Bartoez, Konrad Campowsky, Luis M. Carril, Gino Carrozzo, Vegard Engen, David Garcia-Perez, Jordi Jofre Ponsati, Roland Kubert, Yongzheng Liang, Cyril Rohr and Gregory Seghbroeck
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Paradox of proximity – trust and provenance within the context of social networks and policy - Somya Joshi, Timo Wandhofer, Vasilis Koulolias, Catherine van Eeckhaute, Beccy Allen and Steve Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Springer | Item availability restricted.

Adaptive future Internet applications: opportunities and challenges for adaptive web services technology - Clarissa Cassales Marquezan, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl, Vegard Engen, Mike Boniface, Stephen Phillips and Zlatko Zlatev
Type: Book Section | 2012 | IGI Global | Item availability restricted.

Cross-disciplinary lessons for the future internet - Anne-Marie Oostveen, Isis Hjorth, Brian Pickering, Mike Boniface, Eric Meyer, Cristobal Cobo and Ralph Schroeder
Type: Article | 2012

Interacting with the Web of Data through a Web of inter-connected lenses - Igor Popov, m.c. schraefel, Gianluca Correndo, Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Knowledge base and sensor bus messaging service architecture for critical tsunami warning and decision-support - Zoheir Sabeur, Stuart Middleton, Zlatko Zlatev, J. Wachter, R. Haner, M. Hammitzsch and P. Loewe
Type: Article | 2012

EXPERIMEDIA: D2.1.3: First blueprint architecture for social and networked media testbeds - David Salama, Elena Ostermann, Peter Ljungstrand, Selver Softic, Stefan Prettenhofer, Michael Boniface, Simon Crowle, Stephen Phillips, Wolfgang Halb and Kleopatra Konstanteli
Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Trade-offs and responsibilities in phases 2 and 3 of the FI-PPP Program - M. Surridge, F. Alvarez, M. Carrillo, E. Salvadori, J. Hierro and T. Bohnert
Type: Monograph | 2012 | European Commission

SERSCIS: Semantic Modelling of Dynamic, Multi-Stakeholder Systems - Mike Surridge, Ajay Chakravarthy, Martin Hall-May, Xiaoyu Chen, Bassem Nasser and Roman Nossal
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

A Roadmap for Interdisciplinary Research on the Internet of Things - R. Tafazolli, C. Upstill, H. Aghvarni, R. Cooper and W. Dutton
Type: Monograph | 2012 | Technology Strategy Board

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2012 | Technology Strategy Board

Engaging politicians with citizens on social networking sites: the WeGov Toolbox - Timo Wandhofer, Steve Taylor, Harith Alani, Somya Joshi, Sergej Sizov, Paul Walland, M. Thamm, A. Bleier and P. Mutschke
Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Determining citizens’ opinions about stories in the news media - Timo Wandhofer, Steve Taylor, Paul Walland, Ruxandra Geana, Robert Weichselbaum, Miriam Fernandex and Sergej Sizov
Type: Article | 2012

WeGov analysis tools to connect policy makers with citizens online - Timo Wandhofer, Catherine van Eeckhaute, Stephen Taylor and Miriam Fernandez
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

WeGov toolbox - politicians engage with citizens - Timo Wandhofer, Catherine van Eeckhaute and Steve Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Springer

A business-oriented Cloud federation model for real-time applications - Xiaoyu Yang, Bassem Nasser, Mike Surridge and Stuart Middleton
Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

EXPERIMEDIA: D2.1.2: First scenarios and requirements - Angelos Yannopoulos, Stephen Phillips, Simon Crowle, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Dimitri Nicolopoulos, Konstantinos Psychas, David Salama, Josep Escoda, Georgios Giannoulis, Manolis Wallace, Marie-Helene Gabriel, Martin Hoellinger, Stefan Prettenhofer, Peter Ljungstrand, Wolfgang Halb and Peter Hoflehner
Type: Monograph | 2012 | Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens

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