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School of Electronics and Computer Science > Electronics & Computer Science (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 1999

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Group by: No Grouping | Authors/Creators | Item Type
Number of items: 190.

Type: Patent | 1999 | World Intellectual Property Organization | Item not available on this server.

Making WWW applications weather proof: adaptive use of Internet bandwidth - M J Addis, P J Allen, Y Cheng, D DeRoure, M Hall and W Hall
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Spending less time in Internet traffic jams - M J Addis, P J Allen, Y Cheng, M Hall, M Stairmand, W Hall and D DeRoure
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

Porting Legacy Engineering Applications onto Distributed NT Systems - N K Allsopp, T P Cooper, P Ftakas and P C Macey
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Article | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Springer | Item availability restricted.

Reduced threshold in pierced semiconductor microdisk lasers - S. Backes, J.R.A. Cleaver, J.J. Baumberg and A.P. Heberle
Type: Article | 1999 | Item availability restricted.

Microcavity lasing of optically excited cadmium sulfide thin films at room temperature - D.M. Bagnall, B. Ullrich, X.G. Qui, Y. Segawa and H. Sakai
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 1999 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 1999

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Wavelet Packet Analysis in the Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery - K M Bossley, R J McKendrick, C J Harris and C Mercer
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Using Software Agents to Investigate Genomes - K. Bryson, M. Joy, M. Luck and D. Jones
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999

Type: Article | 1999

Type: Article | 1999

Stochastic Bit-stream Neural Networks - Peter S. Burge, Max R. Daalen, Barry J. P. Rising and John Shawe-Taylor
Type: Book Section | 1999 | MIT Press | Item not available on this server.

Computer lung modelling to predict inhaled particle deposition: a comparison of predicted and clinical data - Price A C, Rowland M, Aarons L, Bailey A G, Williams T J, Haussermann S and Falcoz C
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Tools for Development of Programs for a Cluster of Shared Memory Multiprocessors - B. Chapman, J. Merlin, D. Pritchard, T. Sorevic, F. Bodin, Y. Mevel and L. Hill
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

The role of oxidation in the formation of space charge in gamma-irradiated low-density polyethylene - G. Chen, A.E. Davies, H.M. Banford, N. Adachi, Y. Tanaka and T. Takada
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Space charge measurement in dispersive dielectrics - G. Chen, A.E. Davies and A. Vazquez
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Working Paper on: Secure Internet issues for the HE Community - Tim Chown, David De Roure, Julian Field and Mark Thompson
Type: Monograph | 1999 | JISC Technology Applications Programme

Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Polymeric resistive bridge gas sensor array driven by a standard CMOS current drive chip - M Cole, J W Gardner, A W Y Lim, P K Scivier and J E Brignell
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

HPF for Effective In-house Deployment in Industry - T P Cooper, M Delves and G Howard
Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | World Scientific | Item not available on this server.

Dynamically adapting kernels in support vector machines - Nello Cristianini, Colin Campbell and John Shawe-Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Multiplicative Updatings for Support Vector Learning - Nello Cristianini, Colin Campbell and John Shawe-Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | D-Facto Publications | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Calculation of charge density and electric stress in XLPE compounds - A.E. Davies, G. Chen, X. Wu, N. Hampton, Simon Sutton and S.G. Swingler
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Environmental quality predicts parental provisioning decisions - Jennifer N. Davis, Peter M. Todd and Seth Bullock
Type: Article | 1999

Conjunctive Partial Deduction: Foundations, Control, Algorithms, and Experiments - D. De Schreye, R. Glück, J. Jörgensen, M. Leuschel, B. Martens and M. H. S{\o}rensen
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

A Multiagent System for Content Based Navigation of Music - David DeRoure, Samhaa El-Beltagy, Steven Blackburn and Wendy Hall
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Continuing Research in Multi-Agent Systems - K. Decker, M. Fisher, M. Luck, M. Tennenholtz and UKMAS'98 Contributors
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

On the design of low-frequency filters using CMOS OTAs operating in the subthreshold - Gursel Duzenli, Yavuz Kilic, Hakan Kuntman and Atilla Ataman
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

A Multiagent system for Navigation Assistance and Information Finding - Samhaa El-Beltagy, David C. DeRoure and Wendy Hall
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | IEEE | Item not available on this server.

Declarative Solutions to Partitioned-grid Problems - S. Etalle, P. H. Hartel and W. G. Vree
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Predictive resource management for meta-applications - N Floros, A J G Hey, K E Meacham, J Papay and M Surridge
Type: Article | 1999

A complex valued radial basis function network for equalization of fast time varying channels - Q. Gan, P. Saratchandran, N. Sundararajan and K. R. Subramanian
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Demons versus heuristics in artificial intelligence, behavioral ecology, and economics - Adam S. Goodie, Andreas Ortmann, Jennifer Davis, Seth Bullock and Gregory M. Werner
Type: Book Section | 1999 | Oxford University Press | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item availability restricted.

Morphology and the electro-mechanical breakdown model in polyethylene - G. R. Greenway, A. S. Vaughan and S. M. Moody
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Cooperative Plan Selection Through Trust - N. Griffiths and M. Luck
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Algorithms for Solving Boolean Satisfiability in Combinational Circuits - Luis Guerra e Silva, Miguel Silveira and Joao Marques-Silva
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Covering Numbers for Support Vector Machines - Ying Guo, Peter L. Bartlett, John Shawe-Taylor and Robert C. Williamson
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Association for Computing Machinery

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999

Design of a High Temperature Superconducting Cable Termination - G.M. Hathaway, A.E. Davies and S.G. Swingler
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Dielectric Considerations for a Superconducting Cable Termination. - G.M. Hathaway, A.E. Davies and S.G. Swingler
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Influence of flow pattern on particle deposition in a nasal cast - S. Haussermann, A.G. Bailey, R.A. Guilmette, M.J. Youngman, M.R. Bailey and G. Etherington
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Novel Applications of Natural Charge Exchange Phenomena in Domestic Aerosols - J F Hughes, L F Whitmore, R T Fox and N Harrison
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Ion Wind Insect Trap. - J.F. Hughes and P.E. Howse
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Dust Control - J.F. Hughes, J Swingler, M. Mckecknie and P.T. Gaynor
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Method of Dispersing Volatile Compositions. - J.F. Hughes and L F Whitmore
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Enhanced Targeting of Flying Insects - J.F. Hughes, L. Whitmore, R.T. Fox and N Harrison
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Malodour Treatment - J.F. Hughes, L. Whitmore, R.T. Fox, N.M. Harrison and D. Harper
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Method of Precipitating Airborne Particles - J.F. Hughes, L.F. Whitmore, R.T. Fox and N.M. Harrison
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Managing Ontological Constraints - Yannis Kalfoglou and Dave Robertson
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Using Meta-Knowledge at the application level - Yannis Kalfoglou, Dave Robertson and Austin Tate
Type: Monograph | 1999 | University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Optimizing classifiers for imbalanced training sets - Grigoris Karakoulas and John Shawe-Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Defects in Sb2-xBixTe3 foils. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 287 pp.239-242 - Elena Koukharenko, GP Vassilev, P Docheva, N Nancheva, JC Tedenac, N Frety and VG Shepelevich
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

MokSAF: How should we support teamwork in human-agent teams? - Terri L. Lenox, Terry R. Payne, Susan Hahn, Michael Lewis and Katia Sycara
Type: Monograph | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 1999 | University of Southampton | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book | 1999 | Wiley | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | W.B. Saunders | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

GRASP-A Search Algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability - J. P. Marques-Silva and K. A. Sakallah
Type: Article | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Sonic Partial Deduction - J. Martin and M. Leuschel
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Applying measurement principles to improve hypermedia authoring - M.Emilia X. Mendes, Wendy Hall and Rachel Harrison
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Separation of Submicron Bioparticles by Dielectrophoresis - Hywel Morgan, Michael P Hughes and Nicolas G Green
Type: Article | 1999

On the Nonlinear Triggering of VLF Emissions by Power Line Harmonic Radiation - D Nunn, J Manninen, T Turunen, V Trakhtengerts and N Erokhin
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

On the nonlinear triggering of VLF emissions by power line harmonic radiation - D Nunn, J Manninen, T Turunen, VY Trakhtengerts and N Erokhin
Type: Article | 1999

Type: Article | 1999

On morphology of consolidated UHMWPE resin in hip cups - R.H. Olley, I.L. Hosier and D.C. Bassett
Type: Article | 1999 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 1999

Type: Monograph | 1999

DECT coverage of Indoor-Outdoor Environments - C Phongphanphanee, T Mitchell and R Steele
Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Computational modelling of high temperature superconductors - A.R. Price, H. Fangohr, S.J. Cox and P.A.J. de Groot
Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

AC Electric-Field-Induced Fluid Flow in Microelectrodes - Antonio Ramos, Hywel Morgan, Nicolas G Green and Antonio Castellanos
Type: Article | 1999

The role of electrohydrodynamic forces in the dielectrophoretic manipulation and separation of particles - Antonio Ramos, Hywel Morgan, Nicolas G Green and Antonio Castellanos
Type: Article | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Transduction with Confidence and Credibility - C. Saunders, A. Gammerman and V. Vovk
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

CRITIKAL Consolidated Management Report - C J Scott, A Al-Attar, W Schneider, D Nisbet, T Barth and H Schwarz
Type: Monograph | 1999 | IT Innovation

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Effect of Power Factor on Rotor Loss in High-Speed PM Alternators - Suleiman Abu Sharkh, Neamat Taghizadeh Irenji and Martyn Harris
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Margin Distribution Bounds on Generalization - J. Shawe-Taylor and N. Cristianini
Type: Book Section | 1999 | Springer | Item not available on this server.

Detection of fraud in mobile telecommunications - J. Shawe-Taylor, K. Howker and P. Burge
Type: Article | 1999

Type: Book Section | 1999 | Springer | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 1999 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 1999 | Elsevier Science | Item not available on this server.

Further Results on the Margin Distribution - John Shawe-Taylor and Nello Cristianini
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Association for Computing Machinery | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Subband Adaptive Equalization of Time-Varying Channels - R W Stewart, S Weiss, D Garcia-Alis and G C Freeland
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Parallel Computing on Windows NT Clusters - K Takeda, N K Allsopp, J C Hardwick, P C Macey, M J Caton, D A Nicole, S J Cox and D J Lancaster
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Acoustic emission detection of partial discharges in polymeric insulation - Y. Tian, P.L. Lewin, A.E. Davies and Z. Richardson
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Elsevier Science | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Machine-Learning Applications of Algorithmic Randomness - V. Vovk, A. Gammerman and C. Saunders
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Drop charging during liquid dispersion - Y. Wang and A.G. Bailey
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

The influence of flow regime on electrostatic destabilisation of water-in-oil emulsions. - N.J. Wayth, T.J. Williams, A.G. Bailey, M.T. Thew and O. Urdahl
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

A Subband Adaptive Equalization Structure - S Weiss, D Garcia-Alis and R W Stewart
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Multichannel Equalization in Subbands - S Weiss, G Rice and R W Stewart
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Polyphase Analysis of Subband Adaptive Filters - S Weiss, R W Stewart, M Harteneck and A Stenger
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

An Efficient Scheme for Broadband Adaptive Beamforming - S Weiss, R W Stewart, M Schabert, I K Proudler and M W Hoffman
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Large Margin Decision Trees for Induction and Transduction - Donghui Wu, Kristin P. Bennett, Nello Cristianini and John Shawe-Taylor
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Morgan Kaufmann | Item not available on this server.

Type: Other | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Agent Models and Plans - M. d'Inverno and M. Luck
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 1999 | gynergy books

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