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Items where Division is "Current Faculties > Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences
School of Biological Sciences" and Year is 2023

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Number of items: 86.

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Neo-tropical felid activity patterns in relation to potential prey and intra-guild competitors in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico - Cristina Argudin Violante, Owen Middleton, Kathy Slater, Esteban Dominguez-Bonilla and C. Patrick Doncaster
Type: Article | 2023

Modified skulls but conservative brains?: the palaeoneurology and endocranial anatomy of baryonychine dinosaurs (Theropoda: Spinosauridae) - Christopher Tijani Barker, Darren W. Naish, Jacob Trend, Lysanne Veerle Michels, Lawrence Witmer, Ryan Ridgley, Katy Rankin, Claire Clarkin, Philipp Schneider and Neil J. Gostling
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Microglia colonize the developing brain by clonal expansion of highly proliferative progenitors, following allometric scaling - Liam Barry-Carroll, Philip Greulich, Abigail Rose Marshall, Kristoffer Riecken, Boris Fehse, Katharine Elizabeth Askew, Kaizhen Li, Olga Garaschuk, David Menassa and Diego Gomez-Nicola
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Genome-wide analysis of heavy metal ATPases (HMAs) in Poaceae species and their potential role against copper stress in Triticum aestivum - Tuba Sharf Batool, Roohi Aslam, Alvina Gul, Rehan Zafar Paracha, Mahnoor Ilyas, Kathryn De Abreu, Faiza Munir, Rabia Amir and Lorraine E. Williams
Type: Article | 2023

Serum immunoglobulin and the threshold of Fc receptor-mediated immune activation - Hannah Bauer-Smith, Abigail S.L. Sudol, Stephen A. Beers and Max Crispin
Type: Article | 2023

Enhancing climate change resilience in agricultural crops - Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, Beth K. Soanes, Sibongile Zimba, Besiana Sinanaj, Liam German, Vinay Sharma, Abhishek Bohra, Anastasia Kolesnikova, Jessica A. Dunn, Azahara C. Martin, Muhammad Khashi u Rahman, Zaki Saati-Santamaría, Paula Paula García-Fraile, Evander A. Ferreira, Leidivan A. Frazão, Wallace A. Cowling, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Manish K. Pandey, Muhammad Farooq, Rajeev K. Varshney, Mark A. Chapman, Christine Boesch, Agata Daszkowska-Golec and Christine H. Foyer
Type: Review | 2023

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2023

Type: Review | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

State of the climate in 2022: introduction - Tim Boyer, Ellen Bartow-Gillies, A. Abida, Melanie Ades, Robert Adler, Susheel Adusumilli, W. Agyakwah, Brandon Ahmasuk, Laura S. Aldeco, Mihai Alexe, Eric J. Alfaro, Richard P. Allan, Adam Allgood, Lincoln. M. Alves, Jorge A. Amador, John Anderson, B. Andrade, Orlane Anneville, Yasuyuki Aono, Anthony Arguez, Carlo Arosio, C. Atkinson, John A. Augustine, Grinia Avalos, Cesar Azorin-Molina, Stacia A. Backensto, Stephan Bader, Julian Baez, Rebecca Baiman, Thomas J. Ballinger, Alison F. Banwell, M. Yu Bardin, Jonathan Barichivich, John E. Barnes, Sandra Barreira, Rebecca L. Beadling, Hylke E. Beck, Emily J. Becker, E. Bekele, Guillem Martín Bellido, Nicolas Bellouin, Angela Benedetti, Rasmus Benestad, Christine Berne, Logan. T. Berner, Germar H. Bernhard, Uma S. Bhatt, A. E. Bhuiyan, Siiri Bigalke, Tiago Biló, Peter Bissolli, W. Bjerke Jarle, Kevin Blagrave, Eric S. Blake, Stephen Blenkinsop, Jessica Blunden, Oliver Bochníček, Olivier Bock, Xavier Bodin, Michael Bosilovich, Olivier Boucher, Deniz Bozkurt, Brian Brettschneider, Francis G. Bringas, Francis Bringas, Dennis Buechler, Stefan A. Buehler, Brandon Bukunt, Blanca Calderón, Suzana J. Camargo, Jayaka Campbell, Diego Campos, Laura Carrea, Brendan R. Carter, Ivona Cetinić, Don P. Chambers, Duo Chan, Elise Chandler, Kai-Lan Chang, Hua Chen, Lin Chen, Lijing Cheng, Vincent Y.S. Cheng, Leah Chomiak, Hanne H. Christiansen, John R. Christy, Eui-Seok Chung, Laura M. Ciasto, Leonardo Clarke, Kyle R. Clem, Scott Clingan, Caio A.S. Coelho, Judah L. Cohen, Melanie Coldewey-Egbers, Steve Colwell, Owen R. Cooper, Richard C. Cornes, Kris Correa, Felipe Costa, Curt Covey, Lawrence Coy, Jean-François Créatux, Lenka Crhova, Theresa Crimmins, Meghan F. Cronin, Thomas Cropper, Molly Crotwell, Joshua Culpepper, Ana P. Cunha, Diego Cusicanqui, Rajashree T. Datta, Sean M. Davis, Veerle De Bock, Richard A. M. de Jeu, Jos De Laat, Bertrand Decharme, Doug Degenstein, Reynald Delaloye, Mesut Demircan, Chris Derksen, Ricardo Deus, K.R. Dhurmea, Howard J. Diamond, S. Dirkse, Dmitry Divine, Martin T. Dokulil, Markus G. Donat, Shenfu Dong, Wouter A. Dorigo, Caroline Drost Jensen, Matthew L. Druckenmiller, Paula Drumond, Marcel du Plessis, Hilary A. Dugan, Dashkhuu Dulamsuren, Devon Dunmire, Robert J.H. Dunn, Imke Durre, Geoff Dutton, Gregory Duveiller, Mithat Ekici, Alesksandra Elias Chereque, M. ElKharrim, Howard E. Epstein, Jhan-Carlo Espinoza, Thomas W. Estilow, Nicole Estrella, Nicolas Fauchereau, Robert S. Fausto, Richard A. Feely, Chris Fenimore, David Fereday, Xavier Fettweis, vitali E. Fioletov, Johannes Flemming, Chris Fogarty, Ryan L. Fogt, Bruce C. Forbes, Michael J. Foster, Bryan A. Franz, Natalie M. Freeman, Helen A. Fricker, Stacey M. Frith, Lucien Froidevaux, Gerald V. Frost, Steven Fuhrman, Martin Füllekrug, Catherine Ganter, Meng Gao, Alex S. Gardner, Judith Garforth, Jay Garg, Sebastian Gerland, Badin Gibbes, Sarah T. Gille, John Gilson, Karin Gleason, Nadine Gobron, Scott J. Goetz, Stanley B. Goldenberg, Gustavo Goni, Steven Goodman, Atsushi Goto, Jens-Uwe Grooß, Alexander Gruber, Guojun Gu, Charles “Chip” P. Guard, S. Hagos, Sebastian Hahn, Leopold Haimberger, Bradley D. Hall, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Edward Hanna, Inger Hanssen-Bauer, Daniel S. Harnos, Ian Harris, Qiong He, Richard R. Heim, Sverker Hellström, Deborah L. Hemming, Stefan Hendricks, J. Hicks, Hugo G. Hidalgo, Martin Hirschi, Shu-peng (Ben) Ho, W. Hobbs, Robert M. Holmes, Robert Holzworth, Filip Hrbáček, Guojie Hu, Zeng-Zhen Hu, Boyin Huang, Hongjie Huang, Dale F. Hurst, Iolanda Ialongo, Antje Inness, Ketil Isaksen, Masayoshi Ishii, Gerardo Jadra, Svetlana Jevrejeva, Viju O. John, W. Johns, Bjørn Johnsen, Bryan Johnson, Gregory C. Johnson, Philip D. Jones, Timothy Jones, Simon A. Josey, G. Jumaux, Robert Junod, Andreas Kääb, K. Kabidi, Johannes W. Kaiser, Robb S.A. Kaler, Lars Kaleschke, Viktor Kaufmann, Amin Fazl Kazemi, Linda M. Keller, Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Mike Kendon, John Kennedy, Elizabeth C. Kent, Kenneth Kerr, Valentina Khan, Mai Van Khiem, Richard Kidd, Mi Ju Kim, Seong-Joong Kim, Zak Kipling, Philip J. Klotzbach, John A. Knaff, Akash Koppa, Natalia N. Korshunova, Benjamin M. Kraemer, Natalya A. Kramarova, A.C. Kruger, Andries Kruger, Arun Kumar, Michelle L’Heureux, Sofia La Fuente, Alo Laas, Zachary M. Labe, Rick Lader, Mónika Lakatos, Kaisa Lakkala, Hoang Phuc Lam, Xin Lan, Peter Landschützer, Chris W. Landsea, Timothy Lang, Matthias Lankhorst, Kathleen O. Lantz, Mark J. Lara, Waldo Lavado-Casimiro, David A. Lavers, Matthew A. Lazzara, Thierry Leblanc, Tsz-Cheung Lee, Eric M. Leibensperger, Chris Lennard, Eric Leuliette, Kinson H.Y. Leung, Jan L. Lieser, Tanja Likso, I-I. Lin, Jackie Lindsey, Yakun Liu, Ricardo Locarnini, Norman G. Loeb, Bryant D. Loomis, Andrew M. Lorrey, Diego Loyola, Rui Lu, Rick Lumpkin, Jing-Jia Luo, Kari Luojus, John M. Lyman, Stephen C. Maberly, Matthew J. Macander, Michael MacFerrin, Graeme A. MacGilchrist, Michelle L. MacLennan, Remi Madelon, Andrew D. Magee, Florence Magnin, Jostein Mamen, Ken D. Mankoff, Gloria L. Manney, Izolda Marcinonienė, Jose A. Marengo, Mohammadi Marjan, Ana E. Martínez, Robert A. Massom, Shin-Ichiro Matsuzaki, Linda May, Michael Mayer, Matthew R. Mazloff, Stephanie A. McAfee, C. McBride, Matthew F. McCabe, James W. McClelland, Michael J. McPhaden, Tim R. Mcvicar, Carl A. Mears, Walter N. Meier, A. Mekonnen, Annette Menzel, Christopher J. Merchant, Mark A. Merrifield, Michael F. Meyer, Tristan Meyers, David E. Mikolajczyk, John B. Miller, Diego G. Miralles, Noelia Misevicius, Alexey Mishonov, Gary T. Mitchum, Ben I. Moat, Leander Moesinger, Aurel Moise, Jorge Molina-Carpio, Ghislaine Monet, Stephan A. Montzka, Twila A. Moon, G.W.K. Moore, Natali Mora, Johnny Morán, Claire Morehen, Colin Morice, A.E. Mostafa, Thomas L. Mote, Ivan Mrekaj, Lawrence Mudryk, Jens Mühle, Rolf Müller, David Nance, Eric R. Nash, R. Steven Nerem, Paul A. Newman, Julien P. Nicolas, Juan J. Nieto, Jeannette Noetzli, Ben Noll, Taylor Norton, Kelsey E. Nyland, John O’Keefe, Naomi Ochwat, Yoshinori Oikawa, Yuka Okunaka, Timothy J. Osborn, James E. Overland, Taejin Park, Mark Parrington, Julia K. Parrish, Richard J. Pasch, Reynaldo Pascual Ramírez, Cécile Pellet, Mauri S. Pelto, Melita Perčec Tadić, Donald K. Perovich, Guðrún Nína Petersen, Kyle Petersen, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Alek Petty, Alexandre B. Pezza, Luciano P. Pezzi, Coda Phillips, Gareth K. Phoenix, Don Pierson, Izidine Pinto, Vanda Pires, Michael Pitts, Stephen Po-Chedley, Paolo Pogliotti, Kristin Poinar, Lorenzo Polvani, Wolfgang Preimesberger, Colin Price, Merja Pulkkanen, Sarah G. Purkey, Bo Qiu, Kenny Quisbert, Willy R. Quispe, M. Rajeevan, Andrea M. Ramos, William J. Randel, Mika Rantanen, Marilyn N. Raphael, James Reagan, Cristina Recalde, Phillip Reid, Samuel Rémy, Alejandra J. Reyes Kohler, Lucrezia Ricciardulli, Andrew D. Richardson, Robert Ricker, David A. Robinson, M. Robjhon, Willy Rocha, Matthew Rodell, Esteban Rodriguez Guisado, Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Josyane Ronchail, Matthew Rosencrans, Karen H. Rosenlof, Benjamin Rösner, Henrieke Rösner, Alexei Rozanov, Jozef Rozkošný, Frans Rubek, Olga O. Rusanovskaya, This Rutishauser, C.T. Sabeerali, Roberto Salinas, Ahira Sánchez-Lugo, Michelle L. Santee, Marcelo Santini, Katsunari Sato, Parnchai Sawaengphokhai, A. Sayouri, Theodore Scambos, Verena Schenzinger, Semjon Schimanke, Robert W. Schlegel, Claudia Schmid, Martin Schmid, Udo Schneider, Carl J. Schreck, Cristina Schultz, Ian Simpson, Z.T. Segele, Serhat Sensoy, Shawn P. Serbin, Mark C. Serreze, Amsari Mudzakir Setiawan, Fumi Sezaki, Sapna Sharma, Jonathan D. Sharp, Gay Sheffield, Jia-Rui Shi, Lei Shi, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Nikolay I. Shiklomanov, Svetlana V. Shimaraeva, R. Shukla, David A. Siegel, Eugene A. Silow, F. Sima, Adrian J. Simmons, David A. Smeed, Adam Smith, Sharon L. Smith, Brian J. Soden, Viktoria Sofieva, Everaldo Souza, Tim H. Sparks, Jacqueline Spence-Hemmings, Robert G.M. Spencer, Sandra Spillane, O. P. Sreejith, A.K. Srivastava, Paul W. Stackhouse, Sharon Stammerjohn, Ryan Stauffer, Wolfgang Steinbrecht, Andrea K. Steiner, Jose L. Stella, Tannecia S. Stephenson, Pietro Stradiotti, Susan E. Strahan, Dmitry A. Streletskiy, Divya E. Surendran, Anya Suslova, Tove Svendby, William Sweet, Kiyotoshi Takahashi, Kazuto Takemura, Suzanne E. Tank, Michael A. Taylor, Marco Tedesco, Stephen J. Thackeray, W.M. Thiaw, Emmanuel Thibert, Richard L. Thoman, Andrew F. Thompson, Philip R. Thompson, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Maxim A. Timofeyev, Skie Tobin, Hans Tømmervik, Kleareti Tourpali, Lidia Trescilo, Mikhail Tretiakov, Blair C. Trewin, Joaquin A. Triñanes, Adrian Trotman, Ryan E. Truchelut, Luke D. Trusel, Mari R. Tye, Ronald van der A, Robin van der Schalie, Gerard van der Schrier, Cedric J. Van Meerbeeck, Arnold J.H. van vliet, Ahad Vazife, Piet Verburg, Jean-Paul Vernier, Isaac J. Vimont, Katrina Virts, Sebastián Vivero, Denis L. Volkov, Holger Vömel, Russell S. Vose, Donald (Skip) A. Walker, John E. Walsh, Bin Wang, Hui Wang, Muyin Wang, Ray H.J. Wang, Xinyue Wang, Rik Wanninkhof, Taran Warnock, Mark Weber, Melinda Webster, Adrian Wehrlé, Caihong Wen, Toby K. Westberry, Matthew J. Widlansky, David N. Wiese, Jeannette D. Wild, Jonathan D. Wille, An Willems, Kate M. Willett, Earle Williams, J. Willis, Takmeng Wong, Kimberly M. Wood, Richard Iestyn Woolway, Ping-Ping Xie, Daqing Yang, Xungang Yin, Ziqi Yin, Zhenzhong Zeng, Huai-min Zhang, Li Zhang, Peiqun Zhang, Lin Zhao, Xinjia Zhou, Zhiwei Zhu, Jerry R. Ziemke, Markus Ziese, Scott Zolkos, Ruxandra M. Zotta, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Jessicca Allen, Amy V. Camper, Bridgette O. Haley, Gregory Hammer, S. Elizabeth Love-Brotak, Laura Ohlmann, Lukas Noguchi, Deborah B. Riddle and Sara W. Veasey
Type: Article | 2023

DNA methylation of insulin signaling pathways is associated with HOMA2-IR in primary myoblasts from older adults - Mark A. Burton, Emma S. Garratt, Matthew O. Hewitt, Hanan Y. Sharkh, Elie Antoun, Leo D. Westbury, Elaine M. Dennison, Nicholas C. Harvey, Cyrus Cooper, Julia L. MacIsaac, Michael S. Kobor, Harnish P Patel, Keith M. Godfrey and Karen A. Lillycrop
Type: Article | 2023

Germline-targeting HIV-1 Env vaccination induces VRC01-class antibodies with rare insertions - Tom G. Caniels, Max Medina-Ramírez, Jinsong Zhang, Anita Sarkar, Sonu Kumar, Alex LaBranche, Ronald Derking, Joel D. Allen, Jonne L. Snitselaar, Joan Capella-Pujol, Iván Del Moral Sánchez, Anila Yasmeen, Marilyn Diaz, Yoann Aldon, Tom P L. Bijl, Sravani Venkatayogi, Joshua S. Martin Beem, Amanda Newman, Chuancang Jiang, Wen-Hsin Lee, Maarten Pater, Judith A. Burger, Mariëlle J. van Breemen, Steven W. de Taeye, Kimmo Rantalainen, Celia LaBranche, Kevin O. Saunders, David Montefiori, Gabriel Ozorowski, Andrew B. Ward, Max Crispin, John P. Moore, Per Johan Klasse, Barton F. Haynes, Ian A. Wilson, Kevin Wiehe, Laurent Verkoczy and Rogier W. Sanders
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2023

Scientists with intersecting privilege must work towards institutional inclusion - Felicity M. Davis, Salah Elias and Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
Type: Article | 2023 | Item availability restricted.

Clutching at guidance cues: the integrin–FAK axis steers axon outgrowth - Mathew James Davis-Lunn, Benjamin T. Goult and Melissa Andrews
Type: Review | 2023

Function and phylogeny support the independent evolution of an ASIC-like Deg/ENaC channel in the Placozoa - Wassim Elkhatib, Luis A. Yanez-Guerra, Tatiana D. Mayorova, Mark A. Currie, Anhadvir Singh, Maria Perera, Julia Gauberg and Adriano Senatore
Type: Article | 2023

Annexin A1 is a polarity cue that directs mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian epithelial morphogenesis - Maria Fankhaenel, Farahnaz S Golestan Hashemi, Larissa Mourao, Emily Lucas, Manal M Hosawi, Paul Skipp, Xavier Morin, Colinda L G J Scheele and Salah Elias
Type: Article | 2023

Copper-transporting ATPases throughout the animal evolution - from clinics to basal neuron-less animals - István Fodor, Luis Alfonso Yañez-Guerra, Bence Kiss, Gergely Büki and Zsolt Pirger
Type: Review | 2023

Molecular evidence of anteroposterior patterning in adult echinoderms - L. Formery, P. Peluso, I. Kohnle, J. Malnick, J.R. Thompson, M. Pitel, K.R. Uhlinger, D.S. Rokhsar, D.R. Rank and C.J. Lowe
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

The accuracy and precision of small-sized modern wood samples analyzed at the Chronos 14Carbon-Cycle Facility - Heather A. Haines, William T. Hiscock, Jonathan G. Palmer, Chris S.M. Turney, Zoë A. Thomas, Haidee Cadd, Juee Vohra and Christopher E. Marjo
Type: Article | 2023 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2023

Evaluation of cold atmospheric plasma for the decontamination of flexible endoscopes - R.C. Hervé, M.G. Kong, S. Bhatt, H-L. Chen, E.E. Comoy, J-P. Deslys, T.J. Secker and C.W. Keevil
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Article | 2023

Nitric oxide feedback to ciliary photoreceptor cells gates a UV avoidance circuit - Kei Jokura, Nobuo Ueda, Martin Gühmann, Luis Alfonso Yañez-Guerra, Piotr Słowiński, Kyle C.A. Wedgwood and Gáspár Jékely
Type: Monograph | 2023 | eLife Sciences Publications

Hydrogenobinamide and nibinamide - metal-free ligand and Ni(II)-analogue of the vitamin B12 precursor cobinamide - Christoph Kieninger, Evelyne Deery, Andrew D. Lawrence, Martin J. Warren and Bernhard Kräutler
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Dataset | 2023 | Zenodo | Item not available on this server.

Correlative multiscale microCT-SBF-SEM imaging of resin-embedded tissue - Davis Laundon, Orestis L. Katsamenis, James Thompson, Patricia Goggin, David S. Chatelet, Pascale Chavatte-Palmer, Neil J. Gostling and Rohan M. Lewis
Type: Book Section | 2023 | Academic Press | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Editorial: alternative splicing in brain function - Kif Liakath-Ali and Matthias Soller
Type: Editorial | 2023

Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19 on future influenza trends in mainland China - Xiaofan Liu, Ying Peng, Zhe Chen, Fangfang Jiang, Fang Ni, Zhiyong Tang, Xun Yang, Cheng Song, Mingli Yuan, Zhaowu Tao, Junjie Xu, Ying Wang, Qiong Qian, Rob M. Ewing, Ping Yin, Yi Hu, Weihua Wang and Yihua Wang
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Review | 2023

A luminescence-based reporter to study tau secretion reveals overlapping mechanisms for the release of healthy and pathological tau - Dianne Lopez, Connor Maltby, Hannah Kate Warming, Nullin Divecha, Mariana Vargas-Caballero, Mark Coldwell and Katrin Deinhardt
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Impacts of anthropogenic climate change on tropical montane forests: an appraisal of the evidence - Erik Omar Mata Guel, Malcolm C.K. Soh, Connor Butler, Rebecca J Morris, Orly Razgour and Kelvin S.-H. Peh
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Variations within the glycan shield of SARS-CoV-2 impact viral spike dynamics - Maddy L. Newby, Carl A. Fogarty, Joel D. Allen, John Butler, Elisa Fadda and Max Crispin
Type: Article | 2023

Chromosome-level genome assembly and population genomic resource to accelerate orphan crop lablab breeding - Isaac Njaci, Bernice Waweru, Nadia Kamal, Meki Shehabu Muktar, David Fisher, Heidrun Gundlach, Collins Muli, Lucy Muthui, Mary Maranga, Davies Kiambi, Brigitte L. Maass, Peter M. F. Emmrich, Jean-baka Domelevo Entfellner, Manuel Spannagl, Mark A. Chapman, Oluwaseyi Shorinola and Chris S. Jones
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Preimplantation or gestation/lactation high-fat diet alters adult offspring metabolism and neurogenesis - Diego Armando Ojeda Pedraza, Oliver James Hutton, Robert Hopkins, Felino Cagampang, Neil Smyth, Thomas Fleming, Judith Eckert and Sandrine Willaime-Morawek
Type: Article | 2023

Differential toxicity in an alveolar epithelial cell line of fine particulate matter from brakewear, roadwear, and diesel exhaust - James Parkin, Lareb Dean, Joseph Bell, Siyuan Wang, Matthew Cooper, Natasha Hazel Celeste Easton, Robert Ridley, Franco Conforti, Helen Vethakan Raj, Julian Downward, Yihua Wang, Miriam E. Gerlofs-Nijland, Flemming R. Cassee, Richard Cook, Mark Jones, Donna Davies and Matthew Loxham
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2023 | Item not available on this server.

Structural conservation of Lassa virus glycoproteins and recognition by neutralizing antibodies - Hailee R. Perrett, Philip J.M. Brouwer, Jonathan Hurtado, Maddy L. Newby, Lin Liu, Helena Müller-Kräuter, Sarah Müller Aguirre, Judith A. Burger, Joey H. Bouhuijs, Grace Gibson, Terrence Messmer, John S Schieffelin, Aleksandar Antanasijevic, Geert-Jan Boons, Thomas Strecker, Max Crispin, Rogier W. Sanders, Bryan Briney and Andrew B. Ward
Type: Article | 2023

Single-cell atlases of two lophotrochozoan larvae highlight their complex evolutionary histories - Laura Piovani, Daniel J. Leite, Luis Alfonso Yañez Guerra, Fraser Simpson, Jacob M. Musser, Irepan Salvador-Martínez, Ferdinand Marlétaz, Gáspár Jékely and Maximilian J. Telford
Type: Article | 2023

How do neurons age? A focused review on the aging of the microtubular cytoskeleton - Bradley Richardson, Thomas Goedert, Shmma Quraishe, Katrin Deinhardt and Amritpal Mudher
Type: Review | 2023

Glycan heterogeneity as a cause of the persistent fraction in HIV-1 neutralization - Rajesh P. Ringe, Philippe Colin, Gabriel Ozorowski, Joel D. Allen, Anila Yasmeen, Gemma E. Seabright, Jeong Hyun Lee, Aleksandar Antanasijevic, Kimmo Rantalainen, Thomas Ketas, John P. Moore, Andrew B. Ward, Max Crispin and P.J. Klasse
Type: Article | 2023

Phage-encoded carbohydrate-interacting proteins in the human gut - Daniela Rothschild Rodriguez, Morgen Hedges, Merve Kaplan, Sercan Karav and Franklin L. Nobrega
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Article | 2023

A novel variant in GATM causes idiopathic renal Fanconi syndrome and predicts progression to end-stage kidney disease - Eleanor Seaby, Steven Turner, David J. Bunyan, Fariba Seyed-Rezai, Jonathan W. Essex, Rodney Gilbert and Sarah Ennis
Type: Article | 2023

Integrated re-analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic datasets reveals potential mechanisms for Zika viral-based oncolytic therapy in neuroblastoma - Matt Sherwood, Yilu Zhou, Yi Sui, Yihua Wang, Paul Skipp, Carolini Kaid, Juliet Gray, Keith Okamoto and Rob Ewing
Type: Article | 2023

Identifying the most important research, policy and practice questions for substance use, problematic alcohol use and behavioural addictions in autism (SABA-A): a priority setting partnership - Julia Sinclair, Betul Aslan, Roberta Agabio, Amith Anilkumar, Mark Brosnan, Ed Day, Nicki A Dowling, Chelsea Flood, Jon E. Grant, Robyn Halliday, Bjorn Hofvander, Leesa Howes, Rachel Moseley, Bronwyn Myers, Vincent O'connor, Gabriel Shaya, Shane A. Thomas, Janine Robinson and Samuel Chamberlain
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton | Item availability restricted.

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Tau-mediated axonal degeneration is prevented by activation of the WldS pathway - Katy Stubbs, Ben Batchelor, Lovesha Sivanantharajah, Megan Sealey, Miguel Ramirez-Moreno, Eva Ruiz, Brad Richardson, Victor H. Perry, Tracey A. Newman and Amritpal Mudher
Type: Article | 2023

A review and evaluation of homology hypotheses in echinoderm paleobiology - Colin D. Sumrall, Sarah L. Sheffield, Jennifer E. Bauer, Jeffrey R. Thompson and Johnny A. Waters
Type: Book | 2023 | Cambridge University Press

Type: Dataset | 2023 | DRYAD | Item not available on this server.

Large-scale deorphanization of Nematostella vectensis neuropeptide GPCRs supports the independent expansion of bilaterian and cnidarian peptidergic systems - Daniel Thiel, Luis Alfonso Yañez-Guerra, Amanda Kieswetter, Alison G. Cole, Liesbet Temmerman, Ulrich Technau and Gáspár Jékely
Type: UNSPECIFIED | 2023 | Item not available on this server.

Impact of stabilizing mutations on the antigenic profile and glycosylation of membrane-expressed HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein - Tommy Tong, Alessio D'Addabbo, Jiamin Xu, Himanshi Chawla, Albert Nguyen, Paola Ochoa, Max Crispin and James M Binley
Type: Article | 2023

Nuclear Phosphoinositides as Key Determinants of Nuclear Functions - Magdalena C. Vidalle, Bhav Sheth, Antonietta Fazio, Maria Vittoria Marvi, Stefano Leto, Foteini-Dionysia Koufi, Irene Neri, Irene Casalin, Giulia Ramazzotti, Matilde Y. Follo, Stefano Ratti, Lucia Manzoli, Sonakshi Gehlot, Nullin Divecha and Roberta Fiume
Type: Article | 2023 | Item not available on this server.

Lipophilicity modulations by fluorination correlate with membrane partitioning - Zhong Wang, Hannah Rebecca Felstead, Robert Ian Troup, Bruno Linclau and Philip Williamson
Type: Article | 2023

Functional effects of haemoglobin can be rescued by haptoglobin in an in vitro model of subarachnoid haemorrhage - Hannah Warming, Katrin Deinhardt, Patrick Garland, John More, Diederik Bulters, Ian Galea and Mariana Vargas-Caballero
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2023 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2023

The edible plant microbiome: evidence for the occurrence of fruit and vegetable bacteria in the human gut - Wisnu Adi Wicaksono, Tomislav Cernava, Birgit Wassermann, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Maria J Soto-Giron, Gerardo V Toledo, Suvi M Virtanen, Mikael Knip, Heikki Hyöty and Gabriele Berg
Type: Article | 2023

Circuits and antennas incorporating gallium-based liquid metal - Yi Wen Wu, Shaker Alkaraki, Shi Yang Tang, Yi Wang and James R. Kelly
Type: Article | 2023 | Item not available on this server.

LKB1 depletion-mediated epithelial–mesenchymal transition induces fibroblast activation in lung fibrosis - Zijian Xu, Elizabeth R. Davies, Liudi Yao, Yilu Zhou, Juanjuan Li, Aiman Alzetani, Ben G. Marshall, David Hancock, Tim Wallis, Julian Downward, Robert Ewing, Donna Davies, Mark Jones and Yihua Wang
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Article | 2023

Single-component multilayered self-assembling protein nanoparticles presenting glycan-trimmed uncleaved prefusion optimized envelope trimmers as HIV-1 vaccine candidates - Yi-Nan Zhang, Jennifer Paynter, Aleksandar Antanasijevic, Joel D. Allen, Mor Eldad, Yi-Zong Lee, Jeffrey Copps, Maddy L. Newby, Linling He, Deborah Chavez, Pat Frost, Anna Goodroe, John Dutton, Robert Lanford, Christopher Chen, Ian A. Wilson, Max Crispin, Andrew B. Ward and Jiang Zhu
Type: Article | 2023

Integrated network pharmacology and cellular assay reveal the biological mechanisms of Limonium sinense (Girard) Kuntze against breast cancer - Hualong Zhao, Siyuan Wang, Phillip T.F. Williamson, Rob M. Ewing, Xinhui Tang, Jialian Wang and Yihua Wang
Type: Article | 2023 | Item not available on this server.

Chinese herb Patrinia Herba (Bai Jiang Cao) for acute respiratory tract infections: a systematic review of clinical studies - R.-X. Zheng, Z.-Y. Yu, C. Shen, M. Willcox, J. Trill, M. Moore, X.-Y. Hu and J.-P. Liu
Type: Article | 2023

Type: Thesis | 2023 | University of Southampton

Type: Dataset | 2023 | University of Southampton

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