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Current Faculties > Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences > Biological Sciences (pre 2018 reorg) > Environmental (pre 2018 reorg)
School of Biological Sciences > Biological Sciences (pre 2018 reorg) > Environmental (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 22.


The discovery, biodiversity and conservation of Mabu forest—the largest medium-altitude rainforest in southern Africa - Julian Bayliss, Jonathan Timberlake, William Branch, Carl Bruessow, Steve Collins, Colin Congdon, Michael Curran, Camila de Sousa, Robert Dowsett, Francoise Dowsett-Lemaire, Lincoln Fishpool, Timothy Harris, Eric Herrmann, Stephen Georgiadis, Mirjam Kopp, Bruce Liggitt, Ara Monadjem, Hassam Patel, Daniel Ribeiro, Claire Spottiswoode, Peter Taylor, Simon Willcock and Paul Smith
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

What benefits do community forests provide, and to whom? A rapid assessment of ecosystem services from a Himalayan forest, Nepal - Jennifer C. Birch, Ishana Thapa, Andrew Balmford, Richard B. Bradbury, Claire Brown, Stuart H.M. Butchart, Hum Gurung, Francine M.R. Hughes, Mark Mulligan, Bhopal Pandeya, Kelvin S.-H. Peh, Alison J. Stattersfield, Matt Walpole and David H.L. Thomas
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Allee effects and the spatial dynamics of a locally-endangered butterfly, the High Brown Fritillary (Argynnis adippe) - Michael Bonsall, Claire Dooley, Anna Kasparson, Tom Brereton, David Roy and Jeremy Thomas
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Species and environmental characteristics point to flow regulation and drought as drivers of riparian plant invasion - Jane Catford, William K. Morris, Peter A. Vesk, Christopher J. Gippel and Barbara J. Downes
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2014

Stand structure and species co-occurrence in mixed and monodominant Central African tropical forests - Marie Noel K. Djuikouo, Kelvin S.-H. Peh, Charlemagne K. Nguembou, Jean-Louis Doucet, Simon L. Lewis and Bonaventure Sonke
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

New pasture plants intensify invasive species risk - Don A. Driscoll, Jane Catford, Jacob N. Barney, Philip E. Hulme, Inderjit, Tara G. Martin, Aníbal Pauchard, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Sophie Riley and Vernon Visser
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2014

Ammonia oxidizers are pioneer microorganisms in the colonization of new acidic volcanic soils from South of Chile - Marcela Hernandez, Marc Dumont, Marcela Calabi, Daniel Basualto and Ralf Conrad
Type: Article | 2014 | Item availability restricted.

Second generation sequencing and morphological faecal analysis reveal unexpected foraging behaviour by Myotis nattereri (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in winter - Paul R. Hope, Kristine Bohmann, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Marie Zepeda-Mendoza, Orly Razgour and Gareth Jones
Type: Article | 2014

Type: Article | 2014

Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats - Orly Razgour, Hugo Rebelo, Sébastien J. Puechmaille, Javier Juste, Carlos Ibáñez, Andreas Kiefer, Terry Burke, Deborah A. Dawson and Gareth Jones
Type: Article | 2014 | Item availability restricted.

Systematic review of effects on biodiversity from oil palm production - Sini Savilaakso, Claude Garcia, John Garcia-Ulloa, Jaboury Ghazoul, Martha Groom, Manuel R. Guariguata, Yves Laumonier, Robert Nasi, Gillian Petrokofsky, Jake Snaddon and Michal Zrust
Type: Article | 2014

Preface to Special Issue on Plant Photobiology - Matthew Terry and Kerry Franklin
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Impacts of removing badgers on localised counts of hedgehogs - Iain D. Trewby, Richard Young, Robbie A. McDonald, Gavin J. Wilson, John Davison, Neil Walker, Andrew Robertson, C. Patrick Doncaster and Richard J. Delahay
Type: Article | 2014 | Item not available on this server.

Forests helping to reduce climate change - Simon Willcock, Neil Burgess, Simon Lewis, Andrew Marshall, Boniface Mbilinyi, Pantaleon Munishi, Oliver Phillips, Phillip Platts, Deo Shirima and Ruth Swetnam
Type: Article | 2014

Quantifying and understanding carbon storage and sequestration within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, a tropical biodiversity hotspot - Simon Willcock, Oliver L. Phillips, Philip J. Platts, Andrew Balmford, Neil D. Burgess, Jon C. Lovett, Antje Ahrends, Julian Bayliss, Nike Doggart, Kathryn Doody, Eibleis Fanning, Jonathan M.H. Green, Jaclyn Hall, Kim L. Howell, Rob Marchant, Andrew R. Marshall, Boniface Mbilinyi, Pantaleon K.T. Munishi, Nisha Owen, Ruth D. Swetnam, Elmer J. Topp-Jorgensen and Simon L. Lewis
Type: Article | 2014


Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA) Version 1.2 - Kelvin S.-H. Peh, Andrew Balmford, Richard B. Bradbury, Claire Brown, Stuart H.M. Butchart, Francine M.R. Hughes, Alison J. Stattersfield, David H.L. Thomas, Matt Walpole and Jenny C. Birch
Type: Book | 2014 | TESSA | Item not available on this server.


Type: Dataset | 2014 | DRYAD | Item not available on this server.

Type: Dataset | 2014 | DRYAD | Item not available on this server.

This list was generated on Tue Sep 17 01:54:16 2024 BST.
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