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Dataset for: Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?

Dataset for: Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?
Dataset for: Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?
This is the dataset for the journal paper: Kanza, S, Willoughby, C, Gibbins, N, Whitby, RJ, Frey, J, Erjavec, J, Zupančič, K, Hren, M & Kovač, K 2017, 'Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?' Journal of Cheminformatics. The files in this dataset broken down by study are: Studies A/B - BioSistemika's ELN Webinar Survey & ELN Survey Data - description: Survey of current ELN Usage, and Survey of ELN features, costs and barriers. - file: DatasetAB-BioSistemikaELNStudies.xlsx Study C - University of Southampton ELN Market Survey - description: Study of the current ELN Market: Active/Inactive ELNs, ELN Licensing and Platforms. - file: Dataset C - ELN Market Data.xlsx Study D - University of Southampton Lab Practice Study Data - description: Focus groups with physicists, chemists and biologists. Lab observations of 4 different chemistry labs at the University to better understand current Lab Practice. - file: Dataset D - Focus Group Questions.PDF - file: Dataset D - Anonymised Focus Group Transcripts.txt Study E - University of Southampton's Dial-a-Molecule (DaM) Survey and iLabber Pilot Project - description: Surveys to gain knowledge and understand attitudes towards using ELNs and issues identified with using the trialled ELN. - file: DatasetE_Survey 1.xls - file: DatasetE_Survey 2 pre iLabber.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3-Part.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3a3bPostiLabber
University of Southampton
Kanza, Samantha
Willoughby, Cerys
Whitby, Richard J.
Erjavec, Jana
Zupančič, Klemen
Hren, Matjaž
Kovač, Katarina
Kanza, Samantha
Willoughby, Cerys
Whitby, Richard J.
Erjavec, Jana
Zupančič, Klemen
Hren, Matjaž
Kovač, Katarina

Kanza, Samantha, Willoughby, Cerys, Whitby, Richard J., Erjavec, Jana, Zupančič, Klemen, Hren, Matjaž and Kovač, Katarina (2017) Dataset for: Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper? University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/405190 [Dataset]

Record type: Dataset


This is the dataset for the journal paper: Kanza, S, Willoughby, C, Gibbins, N, Whitby, RJ, Frey, J, Erjavec, J, Zupančič, K, Hren, M & Kovač, K 2017, 'Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?' Journal of Cheminformatics. The files in this dataset broken down by study are: Studies A/B - BioSistemika's ELN Webinar Survey & ELN Survey Data - description: Survey of current ELN Usage, and Survey of ELN features, costs and barriers. - file: DatasetAB-BioSistemikaELNStudies.xlsx Study C - University of Southampton ELN Market Survey - description: Study of the current ELN Market: Active/Inactive ELNs, ELN Licensing and Platforms. - file: Dataset C - ELN Market Data.xlsx Study D - University of Southampton Lab Practice Study Data - description: Focus groups with physicists, chemists and biologists. Lab observations of 4 different chemistry labs at the University to better understand current Lab Practice. - file: Dataset D - Focus Group Questions.PDF - file: Dataset D - Anonymised Focus Group Transcripts.txt Study E - University of Southampton's Dial-a-Molecule (DaM) Survey and iLabber Pilot Project - description: Surveys to gain knowledge and understand attitudes towards using ELNs and issues identified with using the trialled ELN. - file: DatasetE_Survey 1.xls - file: DatasetE_Survey 2 pre iLabber.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3-Part.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3a3bPostiLabber

DatasetAB_BioSistemikaELNStudies.xlsx - Dataset
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.
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Dataset_C_ELN_Market_Data.xlsx - Dataset
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.
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DatasetD_FocusGroupQuestions.pdf - Dataset
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Dataset_D_Anonymised_Focus_Group_Transcripts.txt - Dataset
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More information

Published date: 2017
Organisations: Electronics & Computer Science, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry: SCF


Local EPrints ID: 412672
PURE UUID: 8ac4fc87-0cbd-4c4a-b8a2-115728351b62
ORCID for Samantha Kanza: ORCID iD
ORCID for Richard J. Whitby: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 24 Jul 2017 16:46
Last modified: 06 Jun 2024 02:03

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Creator: Samantha Kanza ORCID iD
Creator: Cerys Willoughby
Creator: Jana Erjavec
Creator: Klemen Zupančič
Creator: Matjaž Hren
Creator: Katarina Kovač

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