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Current Faculties > Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Economic Social and Political Science > Social Sciences (pre 2011 reorg) > Social Statistics (pre 2011 reorg)
School of Economic Social and Political Science > Social Sciences (pre 2011 reorg) > Social Statistics (pre 2011 reorg)" and Year is 2001

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Group by: No Grouping | Authors/Creators | Item Type
Number of items: 51.

Type: Book | 2001 | Cambridge University Press | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Dunod | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Dunod | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2001 | Institute of Health Sector Development | Item not available on this server.

What future for the baby boomers in retirement? - M. Evandrou and J. Falkingham
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

SAGE: simulating social policy in an ageing society - Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham, Paul Johnson and Katherine Rake
Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

The dynamics of living arrangements in later life: preliminary findings - Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham, Katherine Rake and Anne Scott
Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | The Policy Press | Item not available on this server.

Poverty in Central Asia - J. Falkingham
Type: Book Section | 2001 | United Nations Development Programme Kazakhstan | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Open University | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2001 | Department for International Development | Item not available on this server.

Fertility transition in communist Albania 1950-1990 - Jane Falkingham and Arjan Gjonca
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

Review of recent periodical literature - Nigel Goose and Andrew Hinde
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Demand for family planning in urban pakistan - Monique Hennink, Rob Stephenson and Steve Clements
Type: Monograph | 2001 | University of Southampton | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2001 | University of Southampton

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Fitzroy Dearborn | Item not available on this server.

The effects of extended interviewer effort on non-response bias - Peter Lynn, Patrick Sturgis, Paul Clarke and Jean Martin
Type: Book Section | 2001 | Wiley-Blackwell | Item not available on this server.

Code of standards and ethics for reproductive health research - N. Madise, R.W. Stones and J. McEachran
Type: Book | 2001 | Opportunities and Choices Programme, Univeversity of Southampton | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Factors associated with unfavourable birth outcomes in Kenya - Monica Magadi, Nyovani Madise and Ian Diamond
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Antenatal care, care-seeking and morbidity in rural Karnataka India: Results of a prospective study - Zoe Matthews, Shanti Mahendra, Asha Kilaru and Saraswathy Ganapathy
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001

Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Child well-being in the EU - and enlargement to the east - John Micklewright and Kitty Stewart
Type: Book Section | 2001 | The Policy Press | Item not available on this server.

Poverty and social exclusion in Europe - John Micklewright and Kitty Stewart
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Elsevier | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Elsevier | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item availability restricted.

Flexibility in the marriage market - Máire Ní Bhrolcháin
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Wiley | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2001 | Item availability restricted.

Modeling interregional migration flows: continuity and change - Andrei Rogers, Frans Willekens and James Raymer
Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2001 | UNIPG | Item not available on this server.

Going Into residential care: evidence from the BHPS 1991-1998 - Anne Scott, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham and Katherine Rake
Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

Gender and risk of HIV in Ghana and Uganda - Zoe Sheppard, Nyovani Madise and Monique Hennink
Type: Monograph | 2001 | University of Southampton | Item not available on this server.

Comparative review and assessment of key health state measures of the general population - Patrick Sturgis, Roger Thomas, Susan Purdon, Anne Bridgwood and Tricia Dodd
Type: Monograph | 2001 | Department of Health

Type: Article | 2001 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book | 2001 | Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics | Item not available on this server.

National survey of child support agency clients research report - Nick Wikeley, Sarah Barnett, James Brown, Gwynn Davis, Ian Diamond, Teresa Draper and Patten Smith
Type: Monograph | 2001 | Department of Work and Pensions | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2001 | Royal College of General Practitioners | Item not available on this server.

Income mobility in later life - Asghar Zaidi, Katherine Rake and Jane Falkingham
Type: Monograph | 2001 | London School of Economics and Political Science | Item not available on this server.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 02:23:07 2025 GMT.
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