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Number of items: 71.


Observations of fauna attending wood and bone deployments from two seamounts on the Southwest Indian Ridge - Diva J. Amon, Jonathan T. Copley, Thomas G. Dahlgren, Tammy Horton, Kirsty M. Kemp, Alex D. Rogers and Adrian G. Glover
Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Controls on dissolved and particulate iron distributions in surface waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula shelf - Amber L. Annett, Jessica N. Fitzsimmons, Marie J.M. Séguret, Maria Lagerström, Michael P. Meredith, Oscar Schofield and Robert M. Sherrell
Type: Article | 2017 | Item availability restricted.

Silica cycling and isotopic composition in northern Marguerite Bay on the rapidly-warming western Antarctic Peninsula - Amber L. Annett, Sian F. Henley, Hugh J. Venables, Michael P. Meredith, Andrew Clarke and Raja S. Ganeshram
Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Slow Sinking Particulate Organic Carbon in the Atlantic Ocean: magnitude, flux and potential controls - Chelsey A. Baker, Stephanie A. Henson, Emma L. Cavan, Sarah L.C. Giering, Andrew Yool, Marion Gehlen, Anna Belcher, Jennifer S. Riley, Helen E. K. Smith and Richard Sanders
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

The potential role of Antarctic krill faecal pellets in efficient carbon export at the marginal ice zone of the South Orkney Islands in spring - A. Belcher, G.A. Tarling, C. Manno, A. Atkinson, P. Ward, G. Skaret, S. Fielding, S.A. Henson and R. Sanders
Type: Article | 2017

Copepod faecal pellet transfer through the meso- and bathypelagic layers in the Southern Ocean in spring - Anna, Christine Belcher, Clara Manno, Peter Ward, Stephanie Henson, Richard Sanders and Geraint Andrew Tarling
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Seasonal iron depletion in temperate shelf seas - Antony J. Birchill, Angela Milne, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, Carolyn Harris, Amber Annett, Dagmara Rusiecka, Eric P. Achterberg, Martha Gledhill, Simon J. Ussher, Paul J. Worsfold, Walter Geibert and Maeve C. Lohan
Type: Article | 2017

The molecular basis of phosphite and hypophosphite recognition by ABC-transporters - Claudine Bisson, Nathan B. P. Adams, Ben Stevenson, Amanda A. Brindley, Despo Polyviou, Thomas S. Bibby, Patrick J. Baker, C. Neil Hunter and Andrew Hitchcock
Type: Article | 2017

Obtaining phytoplankton diversity from ocean color: a scientific roadmap for future development - Astrid Bracher, Heather A. Bouman, Robert J.W. Brewin, Annick Bricaud, Vanda Brotas, Aurea M. Ciotti, Lesley Clementson, Emmanuel Devred, Annalisa Di Cicco, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Nick J. Harman-Mountford, Anna E. Hickman, Martin Heironymi, Takafumi Hirata, Svetlana N. Losa, Colleen B Mouw, Emanuele Organelli, Dionysos E. Riatsos, Julia Uitz, Meike Vogt and Aleksanra Wolanin
Type: Article | 2017

Seasonality of bivalve larvae in a high Arctic fjord - Melissa Brandner, Eike Stuebner, Adam Reed, Tove Gabrielsen and Sven Thatje
Type: Article | 2017

Nutrient co-limitation at the boundary of an oceanic gyre - Thomas Browning, Eric Achterberg, Insa Rapp, Anja Engel, Erin M. Bertrand, Alessandro Tagliabue and C. Mark Moore
Type: Article | 2017

Iron limitation of microbial phosphorus acquisition in the tropical North Atlantic - Thomas Browning, Eric Achterberg, Jaw Yong, Insa Rapp, Caroline Utermann, Anja Engel and Christopher Moore
Type: Article | 2017

Editorial: Organic ligands - a key control on trace metal biogeochemistry in the ocean - Kristen N. Buck, Maeve C. Lohan, Sylvia G. Sander, Christel Hassler and Ivanka Pižeta
Type: Article | 2017

Role of zooplankton in determining the efficiency of the biological carbon pump - Emma L. Cavan, Stephanie A. Henson, Anna Belcher and Richard Sanders
Type: Article | 2017

Developments in marine pCO2 measurement technology: towards sustained in situ observations - Jennifer S. Clarke, Eric P. Achterberg, Douglas P. Connelly, Ute Schuster and Matthew Mowlem
Type: Article | 2017

Characterization of a time-domain dual lifetime referencing pCO2 optode and deployment as a high-resolution underway sensor across the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean - Jennifer S. Clarke, Matthew P. Humphreys, Eithne Tynan, Vassilis Kitidis, Ian Brown, Matthew Mowlem and Eric P. Achterberg
Type: Article | 2017

A Lab-on-Chip Analyzer for in situ Measurement of Soluble Reactive Phosphate: Improved phosphate blue assay and application to fluvial monitoring - Geraldine S. Clinton-Bailey, Maxime Grand, Alexander D. Beaton, Adrian Nightingale, David Owsianka, Gregory J. Slavik, Douglas Connelly, Christopher L. Cardwell and Matthew Mowlem
Type: Article | 2017

Environmental controls on modern scleractinian coral and reef-scale calcification - Travis A. Courtney, Mario Lebrato, Nicholas R. Bates, Andrew Collins, Samantha J. De Putron, Rebecca Garley, Rod Johnson, Juan-carlos Molinero, Timothy J. Noyes, Christopher L. Sabine and Andreas J. Andersson
Type: Article | 2017

An ecosystem-based deep-ocean strategy - R. Danovaro, J. Aguzzi, E. Fanelli, D. Billett, K. Gjerde, A. Jamieson, E. Ramirez-Llodra, R. Smith, P.V.R. Snelgrove, L. Thomsen and C.L. Van Dover
Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Differences in the carbon flows in the benthic food webs of abyssal hill and plain habitats - J.M. Durden, H.A. Ruhl, C. Pebody, S.J. Blackbird and D. van Oevelen
Type: Article | 2017

Abundance and morphology of Paleodictyon nodosum, observed at the Clarion-Clipperton Zone - Jennifer M. Durden, Erik Simon-Lledo, Andrew J. Gooday and Daniel O.B. Jones
Type: Article | 2017

Ocean acidification impacts spine integrity but not regenerative capacity of spines and tube feet in adult sea urchins - Chloe E. Emerson, Helena C. Reinardy, Nicholas R. Bates and Andrea G. Bodnar
Type: Article | 2017

Validation and intercomparison of ocean colour algorithms for estimating particulate organic carbon in the oceans - Hayley L. Evers-King, Victor Martinez-Vicente, Robert J. Brewin, Georgio Dall'Olmo, Anna Hickman, Thomas Jackson, Tihomir Kostadinov, Hajo Krasemann, Hubert Loisel, Rüdiger Rottgers, Shovonlal Roy, Dariusz Stramski, Sandy Thomalla, Trevor Platt and Shubha Sathyendranath
Type: Article | 2017

Spring phytoplankton communities of the Labrador Sea (2005–2014): pigment signatures, photophysiology and elemental ratios - Glaucia M. Fragoso, Alex J. Poulton, Igor M. Yashayaev, Erica J.H. Head and Duncan A. Purdie
Type: Article | 2017

Adaptability as the key to success for the ubiquitous marine nitrite oxidizer Nitrococcus - Jessika Füssel, Sebastian Lücker, Pelin Yilmaz, Boris Nowka, Maartje A.H.J. van Kessel, Patric Bourceau, Philipp F. Hach, Sten Littmann, Jasmine Berg, Eva Spieck, Holger Daims, Marcel M.M. Kuypers and Phyllis Lam
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Evaluation of a ferrozine based autonomous in situ lab-on-chip analyzer for dissolved iron species in coastal waters - Felix Geißler, Eric P. Achterberg, Alexander D. Beaton, Mark J. Hopwood, Jennifer S. Clarke, André Mutzberg, Matt C. Mowlem and Douglas P. Connelly
Type: Article | 2017

Particle flux in the oceans: Challenging the steady state assumption - Sarah L.C. Giering, Richard Sanders, Adrian P. Martin, Stephanie A. Henson, Jennifer Riley, Chris M. Marsay and David Johns
Type: Article | 2017

Macrofaunal nematodes of the deep Whittard Canyon (NE Atlantic): assemblage characteristics and comparison with polychaetes - Laetitia M. Gunton, Brian J. Bett, Andrew J. Gooday, Adrian G. Glover and Ann Vanreusel
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Cobalt scavenging in the mesopelagic ocean and its influence on global mass balance: Synthesizing water column and sedimentary fluxes - Nicholas J. Hawco, Phoebe J. Lam, Jong-Mi Lee, Daniel C. Ohnemus, Abigail E. Noble, Neil J. Wyatt, Maeve C. Lohan and Mak A. Saito
Type: Article | 2017

Macronutrient supply, uptake and recycling in the coastal ocean of the west Antarctic Peninsula - Sian F. Henley, Robyn E. Tuerena, Amber L. Annett, Anthony E. Fallick, Michael P. Meredith, Hugh J. Venables, Andrew Clarke and Raja S. Ganeshram
Type: Article | 2017

Ocean acidification impacts bacteria–phytoplankton coupling at low-nutrient conditions - Thomas Hornick, Lennart T. Bach, Katharine J. Crawfurd, Kristian Spilling, Eric P. Achterberg, Jason N. Woodhouse, Kai G. Schulz, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Ulf Riebesell and Hans-Peter Grossart
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Physiological responses of coccolithophores to abrupt exposure of naturally low pH deep seawater - Maria Debora Iglesias-rodriguez, Bethan, M. Jones, Sonia Blanco-ameijeiras, Mervyn Greaves, Maria Huete-ortega and Mario Lebrato
Type: Article | 2017

Biological responses to disturbance from simulated deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining - Daniel O.B. Jones, Stefanie Kaiser, Andrew K. Sweetman, Craig R. Smith, Lenaick Menot, Annemiek Vink, Dwight Trueblood, Jens Greinert, David S.M. Billett, Pedro Martinez Arbizu, Teresa Radziejewska, Ravail Singh, Baban Ingole, Tanja Stratmann, Erik Simon-Lledó, Jennifer M. Durden and Malcolm R. Clark
Type: Article | 2017

Stability of dissolved and soluble Fe(II) in shelf sediment pore waters and release to an oxic water column - J.K. Klar, W.B. Homoky, P.J. Statham, A.J. Birchill, E.L. Harris, E.M.S Woodward, B. Silburn, M.J. Cooper, R.H. James, D.P. Connelly, F. Chever, A. Lichtschlag and C. Graves
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Community barcoding reveals little effect of ocean acidification on the composition of coastal plankton communities: Evidence from a long-term mesocosm study in the Gullmar Fjord, Skagerrak - Julia A. F. Langer, Rahul Sharma, Susanne I. Schmidt, Sebastian Bahrdt, Henriette G. Horn, María Algueró-muñiz, Bora Nam, Eric P. Achterberg, Ulf Riebesell, Maarten Boersma, Marco Thines and Klaus Schwenk
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017 | Item availability restricted.

Mechanisms of silver nanoparticle toxicity to the coastal marine diatom Chaetoceros curvisetus - Pablo Lodeiro, Thomas J. Browning, Eric P. Achterberg, Aurélie Guillou and Mohammad S. El-shahawi
Type: Article | 2017

Characterization of meta-Cresol Purple for spectrophotometric pH measurements in saline and hypersaline media at sub-zero temperatures - Socratis Loucaides, Victoire M.C. Rerolle, Stathys Papadimitriou, Hilary Kennedy, Matthew C. Mowlem, Andrew G. Dickson, Martha Gledhill and Eric P. Achterberg
Type: Article | 2017

Simulating pathways of subsurface oil in the Faroe–Shetland Channel using an ocean general circulation model - C.E. Main, A. Yool, N.P. Holliday, E.E. Popova, D.O.B. Jones and H.A. Ruhl
Type: Article | 2017

Intercomparison of ocean color algorithms for picophytoplankton carbon in the ocean - Victor Martinez-Vicente, Hayley L. Evers-King, Shovonlal Roy, Tihomir S. Kostadinov, Glen A. Tarran, Jason R. Graff, Robert J.W. Brewin, Georgio Dall'Olmo, Tom Jackson, Anna E. Hickman, Rudiger Rottgers, Hajo Krasemann, Emilio Marañón, Trevor Platt and Shubba Sathyendranath
Type: Article | 2017

No detectable effect of ocean acidification on plankton metabolism in the NW oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: Results from two mesocosm studies - L. Maugendre, J.-P. Gattuso, A.J. Poulton, W. Dellisanti, M. Gaubert, C. Guieu and F. Gazeau
Type: Article | 2017

Particulate phases are key in controlling dissolved iron concentrations in the (sub)tropical North Atlantic - Angela Milne, Christian Schlosser, Bronwyn D. Wake, Eric P. Achterberg, Rosie Chance, Alex R. Baker, Alex Forryan and Maeve C. Lohan
Type: Article | 2017

A winter dinoflagellate bloom drives high rates of primary production in a Patagonian fjord ecosystem - P. Montero, I. Pérez-Santos, G. Daneri, M.H. Gutierrez, G. Igor, R. Seguel, D. Purdie and D.W. Crawford
Type: Article | 2017

Carbon sequestration in the deep Atlantic enhanced by Saharan dust - Katsiaryna Pabortsava, Richard S. Lampitt, Jeff Benson, Christian Crowe, Robert McLachlan, Frederick A.C. Le Moigne, C. Mark Moore, Corinne Pebody, Paul Provost, Andrew Rees, Gavin Tilstone and E. Malcolm S. Woodward
Type: Article | 2017

The elemental stoichiometry (C, Si, N, P) of the Hebrides Shelf and its role in carbon export - Stuart C. Painter, Susan E. Hartman, Caroline Kivimäe, Lesley A. Salt, Nicola M. Clargo, Chris J. Daniels, Yann Bozec, Lucie Munns, Stephanie Allen, Victoria S. Hemsley, Grigorios Moschonas and Keith Davidson
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Infestation of shore crab gills by a free-living mussel species - Rowan Poulter, P. Graham Oliver, Chris Hauton, Benjamin J. Ciotti and Trystan Sanders
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

The implications of eco-evolutionary processes for the emergence of marine plankton community biogeography - Boris Sauterey, Ben Ward, Jonathan Rault, Chris Bowler and David Claessen
Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

Reviews and syntheses: parameter identification in marine planktonic ecosystem modelling - Markus Schartau, Philip Wallhead, John Hemmings, Ulrike Löptien, Iris Kriest, Shubham Krishna, Ben A. Ward, Thomas Slawig and Andreas Oschlies
Type: Article | 2017

A tale of two gyres: contrasting distributions of dissolved cobalt and iron in the Atlantic Ocean during an Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT-19) - Rachel U. Shelley, Neil J. Wyatt, Glenn A. Tarran, Andrew P. Rees, Paul J. Worsfold and Maeve C. Lohan
Type: Article | 2017

Differential effects of nitrate, ammonium, and urea as N sources for microbial communities in the North Pacific Ocean: N effects on microbial communities - I. N. Shilova, M.M. Mills, J. C. Robidart, K. A. Turk-kubo, K. M. Björkman, Z. Kolber, I. Rapp, G. L. Van Dijken, M. J. Church, K. R. Arrigo, E. P. Achterberg and J. P. Zehr
Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

The influence of environmental variability on the biogeography of coccolithophores and diatoms in the Great Calcite Belt - Helen E. K. Smith, Alex J. Poulton, Rebecca Garley, Jason Hopkins, Laura C. Lubelczyk, Dave T. Drapeau, Sara Rauschenberg, Ben S. Twining, Nicholas R. Bates and William M. Balch
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017

Benthic controls of resuspension in UK shelf seas: implications for resuspension frequency - C.E.L. Thompson, M.E. Williams, L. Amoudry, T. Hull, S. Reynolds, A. Panton and G.R. Fones
Type: Article | 2017

Silicon and zinc biogeochemical cycles coupled through the Southern Ocean - Derek Vance, Susan h. Little, Gregory f. De Souza, Samar Khatiwala, Maeve C. Lohan and Rob Middag
Type: Article | 2017

Type: Article | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

The size dependence of phytoplankton growth rates: a trade-off between nutrient uptake and metabolism - Ben A. Ward, Emilio Marañón, Boris Sauterey, Jonathan Rault and David Claessen
Type: Article | 2017

Book Section

Carbon export efficiency and phytoplankton community composition in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean - Frederic A.C. Le Moigne, Alex J. Poulton, Stephanie A. Henson, Chris J. Daniels, Glaucia M. Fragoso, Elaine Mitchell, Sophie Richier, Benjamin C. Russell, Helen E.K. Smith, Geraint A. Tarling, Jeremy R. Young and Mike Zubkov
Type: Book Section | 2017 | Apple Academic Press Inc | Item not available on this server.

Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change - Sarah A. O’Dea, Samantha J. Gibbs, Paul R. Bown, Jeremy R. Young, Alex J. Poulton, Cherry Newsam and Paul A. Wilson
Type: Book Section | 2017 | Apple Academic Press | Item not available on this server.


Condition-based maintenance of naval propulsion systems with supervised data analysis - Francesca Cipollini, Luca Oneto, Andrea Coraddu, Alan John Murphy and Davide Anguita
Type: Review | 2017 | Item not available on this server.

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