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Items where Division is "Faculties (pre 2018 reorg) > Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences (pre 2018 reorg) > National Oceanography Centre (pre 2018 reorg) > Marine Geoscience (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2013

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Number of items: 66.


Geochemical and Visual Indicators of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow through a Sediment-Hosted Volcanic Ridge in the Central Bransfield Basin (Antarctica) - Alfred Aquilina, Douglas P. Connelly, Jon T. Copley, Darryl R.H. Green, Jeffrey A. Hawkes, Laura E. Hepburn, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Leigh Marsh, Rachel A. Mills and Paul A. Tyler
Type: Article | 2013


Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Silicic Magmas in the Intra-Oceanic Kermadec Arc - S.J. Barker, C.J.N. Wilson, J.A. Baker, M-A. Millet, M.D. Rotella, I.C. Wright and R.J. Wysoczanski
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Monograph | 2013 | National Oceanography Centre | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013

The chromium isotopic composition of seawater and marine carbonates - P. Bonnand, R.H. James, I.J. Parkinson, D.P. Connelly and I.J. Fairchild
Type: Article | 2013

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle survey design for monitoring carbon capture and storages sites - Jonathan M. Bull, Melis Cevatoglu, Doug Connelly, Ian C. Wright, Steve McPhail and Kiminori Shitashima
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Monograph | 2013 | National Oceanography Centre

Insights into the emplacement dynamics of volcanic landslides from high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles - G.J. Crutchley, J. Karstens, C. Berndt, P.J. Talling, S.F.L. Watt, M.E. Vardy, V. Huhnerbach, M. Urlaub, S. Sarkar, D, Klaeschen, M. Paulatto, A. Le Friant, E. Lebas and F. Maeno
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Four years of continuous monitoring of the Meirama end-pit lake and its impact in the definition of future uses - J. Delgado-Martin, R. Juncosa-Rivera, I. Falcón-Suárez and J. Canal-Vila
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Superelevation and overspill control secondary flow dynamics in submarine channels - R.D. Dorrell, S.E. Darby, J. Peakall, E.J. Sumner, D.R. Parsons and R.B. Wynn
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Tidal downwelling and implications for the carbon biogeochemistry of cold-water corals in relation to future ocean acidification and warming - Helen S. Findlay, Yuri Artioli, Juan Moreno Navas, Sebastian J. Hennige, Laura C. Wicks, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, E. Malcolm S. Woodward and J. Murray Roberts
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Negative Priming Effect on Organic Matter Mineralisation in NE Atlantic Slope Sediments - Evangelia Gontikaki, Barry Thornton, Veerle A.I. Huvenne and Ursula Witte
Type: Article | 2013

Bathymetrical distribution and size structure of cold-water coral populations in the Cap de Creus and Lacaze-Duthiers canyons (northwestern Mediterranean) - A. Gori, C. Orejas, T. Madurell, L. Bramanti, M. Martins, E. Quintanilla, P. Marti-Puig, C. Lo Iacono, P. Puig, S. Requena, M. Greenacre and J.M. Gili
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Characterisation of iron binding ligands in seawater by reverse titration - Jeffrey A. Hawkes, Martha Gledhill, Douglas P. Connelly and Eric P. Achterberg
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

The stabilisation and transportation of dissolved iron from high temperature hydrothermal vent systems - Jeffrey A. Hawkes, Martha Gledhill, Douglas P. Connelly and Eric P. Achterberg
Type: Article | 2013

Response of Iberian Margin sediments to orbital and suborbital forcing over the past 420 ka - David Hodell, Simon Crowhurst, Luke Skinner, Polychronis C. Tzedakis, Vasiliki Margari, James E.T. Channell, George Kamenov, Suzanne MacLachlan and Guy Rothwell
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Emplacement of pyroclastic deposits offshore Montserrat from 3D seismic data - Jens Karstens, Gareth Crutchley, Christian Berndt, P.J. Talling, Sebastian F.L. Watt, Veit Huhnerbach, Anne Le Friant, Elodie Lebas and Jessica Trofimovs
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


A high performance microfluidic analyser for phosphate measurements in marine waters using the vanadomolybdate method - François-Eric Legiret, Vincent J. Sieben, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, Samer K. Abi Kaed Bey, Matthew C. Mowlem, Douglas P. Connelly and Eric P. Achterberg
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

The response of methane hydrate beneath the seabed offshore Svalbard to ocean warming during the next three centuries - Héctor Marin-Moreno, Timothy A. Minshull, Graham K. Westbrook, Bablu Sinha and Sudipta Sarkar
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013 | Item availability restricted.

Active deformation in old oceanic lithosphere and significance for earthquake hazard: Seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge area and neighboring abyssal plains (SW Iberian Margin) - Sara Martínez-Loriente, Eulàlia Gràcia, Rafael Bartolome, Valentí Sallarès, Christopher Connors, Hector Perea, Claudio Lo Iacono, Dirk Klaeschen, Pedro Terrinha, Juan José Dañobeitia and Nevio Zitellini
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Hyperbaric biofilms on engineering surfaces formed in the deep sea - Alexandra Meier, Nefeli-Maria Tsaloglou, Matthew C. Mowlem, C. William Keevil and Douglas P. Connelly
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

The submerged paleolandscape of the Maltese Islands: Morphology, evolution and relation to Quaternary environmental change - Aaron Micallef, Federica Foglini, Timothy Le Bas, Lorenzo Angeletti, Vittorio Maselli, Alessandro Pasuto and Marco Taviani
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Establishing repeatable study plots on Sa Dragonera, Mallorca to assess population trends of the local breeding Balearic Shearwaters Puffinus mauretanicus - Greg Morgan, Miguel McMinn, Russell Wynn, Rhiannon Meier, Lou Maurice, Biel Sevilla, Ana Rodriguez and Tim Guilford
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Distribution of cold-water corals in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic Ocean - Kirsty J. Morris, Paul A. Tyler, Doug G. Masson, Veerle A.I. Huvenne and Alex D. Rogers
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


First observations of megafaunal communities inhabiting George Bligh Bank, Northeast Atlantic - Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, David J. Hughes, Kerry L. Howell, Jaime Davies and Colin Jacobs
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Crustal manifestations of a hot transient pulse at 60°N beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - R.E. Parnell-Turner, N.J. White, J. Maclennan, T.J. Henstock, B.J. Murton and S.M. Jones
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Global (latitudinal) variation in submarine channel sinuosity: REPLY - J. Peakall, M.G. Wells, R. Cossu, I.A. Kane, D.G. Masson, G.M. Keevil, W. McCaffrey and R. Corney
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Deglacial history of glacial lake Windermere, UK; implications for the central British and Irish Ice Sheet - Luke J.W. Pinson, Mark E. Vardy, Justin K. Dix, Timothy J. Henstock, Jonathan M. Bull and Suzanne E. MacLachlan
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom - Siân Rees, Stephen Fletcher, Gillian Glegg, Charlotte Marshall, Lynda Rodwell, Rebecca Jefferson, Maria Campbell, Olivia Langmead, Matthew Ashley, Helen Bloomfield, Daniel Brutto, Andrew Colenutt, Alessandra Conversi, Bob Earll, Caroline Hattam, Simon Ingram, Emma McKinley, Laurence Mee, Jenny Oates, Francis Peckett, Jim Portus, Martin Reed, Stuart Rogers, Justine Saunders, Kylie Scales and Russell Wynn
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Highly vesicular pumice generated by buoyant detachment of magma in subaqueous volcanism - Melissa D. Rotella, Colin J.N. Wilson, Simon J. Barker and Ian C. Wright
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Reply to 'Magma balloons or bombs?' (Shea et al, Ibid, 6, 802–803, 2013) - Melissa D. Rotella, Colin J.N. Wilson, Simon J. Barker and Ian C. Wright
Type: Article | 2013


Corrigendum to "Switching of a paleo-ice stream in northwest Svalbard" [Quat. Sci. Rev. 30 (2011), 1710-1725] - Sudipta Sarkar, Christian Berndt, Anne Chabert, Douglas G. Masson, Timothy A. Minshull and Graham K. Westbrook
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Hypoxic meiobenthic communities of the Istanbul Strait’s (Bosporus) outlet area of the Black Sea - N.G. Sergeeva, S.A. Mazlumyan, M.N. Çağatay and A. Lichtschlag
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

The flows that left no trace: Very large-volume turbidity currents that bypassed sediment through submarine channels without eroding the sea floor - Christopher J. Stevenson, Peter J. Talling, Russell B. Wynn, Douglas G. Masson, James E. Hunt, Michael Frenz, Andrey Akhmetzhanhov and Bryan T. Cronin
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

First direct measurements of hydraulic jumps in an active submarine density current - E.J. Sumner, J. Peakall, D.R. Parsons, R.B. Wynn, S.E. Darby, R.M. Dorrell, S.D. McPhail, J. Perrett, Andy Webb and D. White
Type: Article | 2013

Can turbidites be used to reconstruct a paleoearthquake record for the central Sumatran margin? - Esther J. Sumner, Marina I. Siti, Lisa C. McNeill, Peter J. Talling, Timothy J. Henstock, Russell B. Wynn, Yusuf S. Djajadihardja and Haryadi Permana
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Cold-water coral carbonate mounds as unique palaeo-archives: the Plio-Pleistocene Challenger Mound record (NE Atlantic) - M. Thierens, E. Browning, H. Pirlet, M.-F. Loutre, B. Dorschel, V.A.I. Huvenne, J. Titschack, C. Colin, A. Foubert and A.J. Wheeler
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.

Timing, origin and emplacement dynamics of mass flows offshore of SE Montserrat in the last 110 ka: implications for landslide and tsunami hazards, eruption history, and volcanic island evolution - J. Trofimovs, P.J. Talling, J.K. Fisher, R.S.J. Sparks, S.F.L. Watt, M.B. Hart, C. Smart, A. Le Friant, M. Cassidy, S.G. Moreton and M.J. Leng
Type: Article | 2013


Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Authigenic barite records of methane seepage at the Carlos Ribeiro mud volcano (Gulf of Cadiz) - Heleen Vanneste, Rachael H. James, Boris A. Kelly-Gerreyn and Rachel A. Mills
Type: Article | 2013 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2013 | BfN Scripten | Item not available on this server.

Moytirra: discovery of the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vent field on the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores - A.J. Wheeler, B.J. Murton, J. Copley, A. Lim, J. Carlsson, P. Collins, B. Dorschel, D. Green, M. Judge, V. Nye, J. Benzie, A. Antoniacomi, M. Coughlan and K. Morris
Type: Article | 2013

Type: Article | 2013

Investigating the feasibility of utilizing AUV and Glider technology for mapping and monitoring of the UK MPA network. Final report for Defra project MB0118 - R.B. Wynn, B.J. Bett, A.J. Evans, G. Griffiths, V.A.I. Huvenne, A.R. Jones, M.R. Palmer, D. Dove, J.A. Howe, T.J. Boyd and MAREMAP Partners
Type: Monograph | 2013 | National Oceanography Centre

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