Number of items: 68.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
| 2021
| medRxiv
Adrenal lymphoma 'the great imitator' -
Nwe Ni Aung,
Win Htun Oo,
Tristan Richardson,
Jana Bujanova,
Nick Evans,
Michelle Dharmasiri,
Katharine Fairburn,
Richard Marigold,
Becky Jupp and
James Marigold
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly -
Jean Bousquet,
Ioana Agache,
Hubert Blain,
Marek Jutel,
Maria Teresa Ventura,
Margitta Worm,
Stefano Del Giacco,
Athanasios Benetos,
Beatrice Maria Bilo,
Wienczyslawa Czarlewski,
Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff,
Mona Al-Ahmad,
Elizabeth Angier,
Isabella Annesi-Maesano,
Marina Atanaskovic-Markovic,
Claus Bachert,
Annick Barbaud,
Anna Bedbrook,
Kazi S Bennoor,
Elena Camelia Berghea,
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen,
Sergio Bonini,
Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich,
Knut Brockow,
Luisa Brussino,
Paulo Camargos,
G Walter Canonica,
Victoria Cardona,
Pedro Carreiro-Martins,
Ana Carriazo,
Thomas Casale,
Jean-Christoph Caubet,
Lorenzo Cecchi,
Antonio Cherubini,
George Christoff,
Derek K Chu,
Alvaro A Cruz,
Dejan Dokic,
Yehia El-Gamal,
Motohiro Ebisawa,
Bernadette Eberlein,
John Farrell,
Montserrat Fernandez-Rivas,
Wytske J Fokkens,
Joao A Fonseca,
Yadong Gao,
Gaëtan Gavazzi,
Radoslaw Gawlik,
Asli Gelincik and
Bilun Gemicioğlu
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
A digital intervention for primary care practitioners to support antidepressant discontinuation (advisor for health professionals): Development Study -
Hannah Bowers,
Tony Kendrick,
Nadja van Ginneken,
Marta Glowacka,
Samantha Williams,
Geraldine M Leydon,
Carl May,
Christopher Dowrick,
Joanna Moncrieff,
Chris F Johnson,
Michael Moore,
Rebecca Laine and
Adam W A Geraghty
Type: Article
| 2021
Life events and treatment prognosis for depression: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis -
Joshua E J Buckman,
Rob Saunders,
Laura-Louise Arundell,
Iyinoluwa D Oshinowo,
Zachary D Cohen,
Ciaran O'Driscoll,
Phoebe Barnett,
Joshua Stott,
Gareth Ambler,
Simon Gilbody,
Steven D Hollon,
Tony Kendrick,
Edward Watkins,
Thalia C Eley,
Megan Skelton,
Nicola Wiles,
David Kessler,
Robert J DeRubeis,
Glyn Lewis and
Stephen Pilling
Type: Review
| 2021
The contribution of depressive 'disorder characteristics' to determinations of prognosis for adults with depression: an individual patient data meta-analysis -
Joshua E J Buckman,
Rob Saunders,
Zachary D Cohen,
Phoebe Barnett,
Katherine Clarke,
Gareth Ambler,
Robert J DeRubeis,
Simon Gilbody,
Steven D Hollon,
Tony Kendrick,
Edward Watkins,
Nicola Wiles,
David Kessler,
David Richards,
Deborah Sharp,
Sally Brabyn,
Elizabeth Littlewood,
Chris Salisbury,
Ian R White,
Glyn Lewis and
Stephen Pilling
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Cost-Utility Analysis of Discontinuing Antidepressants in England Primary Care Patients Compared with Long-Term Maintenance: The ANTLER Study -
Caroline S Clarke,
Larisa Duffy,
Glyn Lewis,
Nick Freemantle,
Simon Gilbody,
Tony Kendrick,
David Kessler,
Michael King,
Paul Lanham,
Derelie Mangin,
Michael Moore,
Irwin Nazareth,
Nicola Wiles,
Louise Marston and
Rachael Maree Hunter
Type: Article
| 2021
Examining the effectiveness of Gateway – an out-of-court community-based intervention to reduce recidivism and improve the health and well-being of young adults committing low-level offences: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. -
A Cochrane,
A Booth,
Inna, Valerie Walker,
Sara Morgan,
A. Mitchell,
Megan Barlow-Pay,
C. Hewitt,
B. Taylor,
C. Chapman,
James Raftery,
Jenny Fleming,
David Torgerson and
Julie Parkes
Type: Article
| 2021
The use of primary care big data in understanding the pharmacoepidemiology of COVID-19: A consensus statement from the COVID-19 primary care database consortium -
Hajira Dambha-Miller,
Simon J. Griffin,
Duncan Young,
Peter Watkinson,
Pui San Tan,
Ashley K. Clift,
Rupert A. Payne,
Carol Coupland,
Jemma C. Hopewell,
Jonathan Mant,
Richard M. Martin and
Julia Hippisley-Cox
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Antidepressant medication to prevent depression relapse in primary care: the ANTLER RCT -
Larisa Duffy,
Caroline S. Clarke,
Gemma Lewis,
Louise Marston,
Nick Freemantle,
Simon Gilbody,
Rachael Hunter,
Tony Kendrick,
David Kessler,
Michael King,
Paul Lanham,
Dee Mangin,
Michael Moore,
Irwin Nazareth,
Nicola Wiles,
Faye Bacon,
Molly Bird,
Sally Brabyn,
Alison Burns,
Yvonne Donkor,
Anna Hunt,
Jodi Pervin and
Glyn Lewis
Type: Article
| 2021
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item availability restricted.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Immediate oral versus immediate topical versus delayed oral antibiotics for children with acute otitis media with discharge: the REST three-arm non-inferiority electronic platform-supported RCT -
Alastair D Hay,
Michael V Moore,
Jodi Taylor,
Nicholas Turner,
Sian Noble,
Christie Cabral,
Jeremy Horwood,
Vibhore Prasad,
Kathryn Curtis,
Brendan Delaney,
Roger Damoiseaux,
Jesús Domínguez,
Archana Tapuria,
Sue Harris,
Paul Little,
Andrew Lovering,
Richard Morris,
Kate Rowley,
Annie Sadoo,
Anne Schilder,
Roderick Venekamp,
Scott Wilkes and
Vasa Curcin
Type: Article
| 2021
Perceptions of adolescents and young adults with allergy and/or asthma and their parents on EAACI guideline recommendations about transitional care: A European survey -
Ekaterina Khaleva,
Rebecca Knibb,
Audrey DunnGalvin,
Marta Vazquez-Ortiz,
Pasquale Comberiati,
Cherry Alviani,
Teresa Garriga-Baraut,
Mary Hazel Gowland,
Claudia Gore,
Elizabeth Angier,
Katharina Blumchen,
Bettina Duca,
Valérie Hox,
Britt Jensen,
Charlotte G Mortz,
Helena Pite,
Oliver Pfaar,
Alexandra F Santos,
Silvia Sanchez-Garcia,
Frans Timmermans and
Graham Roberts
Type: Article
| 2021
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item availability restricted.
Maintenance or Discontinuation of Antidepressants in Primary Care -
Gemma Lewis,
Louise Marston,
Larisa Duffy,
Nick Freemantle,
Simon Gilbody,
Rachael Hunter,
Tony Kendrick,
David Kessler,
Dee Mangin,
Michael King,
Paul Lanham,
Michael Moore,
Irwin Nazareth,
Nicola Wiles,
Faye Bacon,
Molly Bird,
Sally Brabyn,
Alison Burns,
Caroline S Clarke,
Anna Hunt,
Jodi Pervin and
Glyn Lewis
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infection in children presenting in primary care in England (ARTIC PC): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial -
Paul Little,
Nick A Francis,
Beth Stuart,
Gilly O'Reilly,
Natalie Thompson,
Taeko Becque,
Alastair D Hay,
Kay Wang,
Michael Sharland,
Anthony Harnden,
Guiqing Yao,
James Raftery,
Shihua Zhu,
Joseph Little,
Charlotte Hookham,
Kate Rowley,
Joanne Euden,
Kim Harman,
Samuel Coenen,
Robert C Read,
Catherine Woods,
Christopher C Butler,
Saul N Faust,
Geraldine Leydon,
Mandy Wan,
Kerenza Hood,
Jane Whitehurst,
Samantha Richards-Hall,
Peter Smith,
Michael Thomas,
Michael Moore and
Theo Verheij
Type: Article
| 2021
Traditional Chinese medicine for COVID-19 pandemic and emerging challenges: An online cross-sectional survey in China -
Chun-Li Lu,
Ruo-Xiang Zheng,
Xue Xue,
Xiao-Wen Zhang,
Xue-Han Liu,
Xin-Yan Jin,
Feng-Lan Pu,
Hui-Di Lan,
Min Fang,
Ling-Yao Kong,
Merlin Willcox,
Bertrand Graz,
Joelle Houriet,
Xiao-Yang Hu and
Jian-Ping Liu
Type: Article
| 2021
Exploring patient views of empathic optimistic communication for osteoarthritis in primary care: a qualitative interview study using vignettes -
Emily Lyness,
Jane Louise Vennik,
Felicity Bishop,
Pranati Misurya,
Jeremy Howick,
Kirsten A Smith,
Mohana Ratnapalan,
Stephanie Hughes,
Hajira Dambha-Miller,
Jennifer Bostock,
Leanne Morrison,
Christian Mallen,
Lucy Yardley,
Geraldine Leydon,
Paul Little and
Hazel Everitt
Type: Article
| 2021
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Cost effectiveness of therapist delivered cognitive behavioural therapy and web-based self-management in irritable bowel syndrome: the ACTIB randomised trial -
Paul McCrone,
Hazel Everitt,
Sabine Landau,
Paul Little,
Felicity L. Bishop,
Gillian O'Reilly,
Alice Sibelli,
Rachel Holland,
Stephanie Hughes,
Sula Windgassen,
Kim Goldsmith,
Nicholas Coleman,
Robert Logan,
Trudie Chalder and
Rona Moss-Morris
Type: Article
| 2021
The importance of transdiagnostic symptom level assessment to understanding prognosis for depressed adults: analysis of data from six randomised control trials -
C O'Driscoll,
J E J Buckman,
E I Fried,
R Saunders,
Z D Cohen,
G Ambler,
R J DeRubeis,
S Gilbody,
S D Hollon,
T Kendrick,
D Kessler,
G Lewis,
E Watkins,
N Wiles and
S Pilling
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 associated stroke: a UK multicentre case-control study -
Richard J. Perry,
Craig J Smith,
Christine Roffe,
Robert Simister,
Saravanan Narayanamoorthi,
Richard Marigold,
Mark Willmot,
Anand Dixit,
Ahamad Hassan,
Terence J. Quinn,
Sandeep Ankolekar,
Liqun Zhang,
Soma Banerjee,
Urwah Ahmed,
Nishita Padmanabhan,
Phillip Ferdinand,
Frances McGrane,
Azra Banaras,
Isobel H. Marks and
David J. Werring
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Spironolactone for adult female acne (SAFA): protocol for a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III randomised study of spironolactone as systemic therapy for acne in adult women -
Susanne Renz,
Fay Chinnery,
Beth Stuart,
Laura Day,
Ingrid Muller,
Irene Soulsby,
Jacqui Nuttall,
Karen Thomas,
Kim Suzanne Thomas,
Tracey Sach,
Louise Stanton,
Matthew J Ridd,
Nick Francis,
Paul Little,
Zina Eminton,
Gareth Griffiths,
Alison M Layton and
Miriam Santer
Type: Article
| 2021
An economic evaluation of the randomized controlled trial of topical corticosteroid and home-based narrowband ultraviolet B for active and limited vitiligo (the HI-Light Vitiligo Trial) -
T H Sach,
K S Thomas,
J M Batchelor,
A Perways,
A Rogers,
M Santer,
W Tan,
M E Whitton,
H C Williams,
A Wright,
J R Ingram and
A Ferguson
Type: Article
| 2021
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke caused by intracerebral hemorrhage: extended follow-up of the RESTART randomized clinical trial -
Rustam Al-Shahi Salman,
Martin S. Dennis,
Peter A.G. Sandercock,
Cathie L.M. Sudlow,
Joanna M. Wardlaw,
William N. Whiteley,
Gordon D. Murray,
Jacqueline Stephen,
Aryelly Rodriguez,
Steff Lewis,
David J. Werring and
Phil M. White
Type: Article
| 2021
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
The burden of progressive fibrotic interstitial lung disease across the UK -
Thomas Simpson,
Shaney L. Barratt,
Paul Beirne,
Nazia Chaudhuri,
Anjali Crawshaw,
Louise E. Crowley,
Sophie Fletcher,
Michael A. Gibbons,
Philippa Hallchurch,
Laura Horgan,
Ieva Jakaityte,
Thomas Lewis,
Tom McLellan,
Katherine J. Myall,
Ryan Miller,
David J. F. Smith,
Stefan Stanel,
Muhunthan Thillai,
Fiona Thompson,
Timothy Wallis,
Zhe Wu,
Philip L. Molyneaux and
Alex G. West
Type: Letter
| 2021
Type: Review
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Review
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Delayed antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections: Individual patient data meta-analysis -
Beth Stuart,
Hilda Hounkpatin,
Taeko Becque,
Guiqing Yao,
Shihua Zhu,
Pablo Alonso-Coello,
Attila Altiner,
Bruce Arroll,
Dankmar Böhning,
Jennifer Bostock,
Heiner C. Bucher,
Jennifer Chao,
Mariam De La Poza,
Nick Francis,
David Gillespie,
Alastair D. Hay,
Timothy Kenealy,
Christin Löffler,
David P. McCormick,
Gemma Mas-Dalmau,
Laura Muñoz,
Kirsty Samuel,
Michael Moore and
Paul Little
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Conference or Workshop Item
| 2021
| Item availability restricted.
Type: Article
| 2021
| Item not available on this server.
How best do we engage the general population in testing for COVID-19? -
Daniella Watson,
Natalia Laverty Baralle,
Jawahr Alagil,
Krithika Anil,
Sandy Ciccognani,
Rachel Dewar-Haggart,
Sarah Fearn,
Julia Groot,
Kathryn Knowles,
Claire Meagher,
Carmel McGrath,
Sarah Muir,
Jo Musgrove,
Kate Glyn-Owen,
Kath Woods-Townsend,
Andrew Mortimore,
Paul Roderick,
Janis Baird,
Hazel Inskip,
Keith Godfrey and
Mary Barker
| 2021
| medRxiv
Applicability of the GAIA Maternal and Neonatal Outcome Case Definitions for the Evaluation of Adverse Events Following Vaccination in Pregnancy in High-income Countries -
Gabriella Watson,
Caitlin Dodd,
Flor M Munoz,
Linda O Eckert,
Christine E Jones,
Jim P Buttery,
Inci B Yildirim,
Alisa Kachikis,
Paul T Heath,
Elizabeth P Schlaudecker,
Nanette H Bond,
Patricia L Santarcangelo,
Christopher R Wilcox,
Karen Bellamy,
Mohnd Elmontser,
Laura Sienas,
Rebecca Simon,
Asma Khalil,
Rosemary Townsend,
Miriam Sturkenboom and
Steve Black
Type: Article
| 2021
Altered network stability in progressive supranuclear palsy -
David J. Whiteside,
P. Simon Jones,
Boyd C.P. Ghosh,
Ian Coyle-Gilchrist,
Alexander Gerhard,
Michele T. Hu,
Johannes C. Klein,
P. Nigel Leigh,
Alistair Church,
David J. Burn,
Huw R. Morris,
James B. Rowe and
Timothy Rittman
Type: Article
| 2021
Pelargonium sidoides root extract for the treatment of acute cough due to lower respiratory tract infection in adults: a feasibility double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial -
Merlin Willcox,
Catherine Simpson,
Sam Wilding,
Beth Stuart,
Dia Soilemezi,
Amy Whitehead,
Alannah Morgan,
Emma Wrixon,
Shihua Zhu,
Guiqing Yao,
Fran Webley,
Ruiyang Yan,
Jennifer Bostock,
Margaret Bell,
Gareth Griffiths,
Geraldine Leydon,
Paul Little,
Christopher Butler,
Alastair D Hay and
Michael Moore
Type: Article
| 2021
Bidirectional epithelial-mesenchymal crosstalk provides self-sustaining profibrotic signals in pulmonary fibrosis -
Liudi Yao,
Yilu Zhou,
Juanjuan Li,
Leanne Wickens,
Franco Conforti,
Anna Simron Rattu,
Fathima M Ibrahim,
Aiman Alzetani,
Benjamin Marshall,
Sophie Fletcher,
David Hancock,
Timothy Wallis,
Julian Downward,
Robert Ewing,
Luca Richeldi,
Paul Skipp,
Donna Davies,
Mark Glynne Jones and
Yihua Wang
Type: Article
| 2021
Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food: A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions, A GA²LEN position paper -
Torsten Zuberbier,
Tamara Dörr,
Werner Aberer,
Montserrat Alvaro,
Elizabeth Angier,
Stefania Arasi,
Hasan Arshad,
Barbara Ballmer-Weber,
Joan Bartra,
Lisa Beck,
Philippe Bégin,
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen,
Jovanka Bislimovska,
Jean Bousquet,
Knut Brockow,
Andrew Bush,
Antonella Cianferoni,
Michael J Cork,
Adnan Custovic,
Ulf Darsow,
Nicolette de Jong,
Diana Deleanu,
Stefano Del Giacco,
Antoine Deschildre,
Audrey Dunn Galvin,
Motohiro Ebisawa,
Montserrat Fernández-Rivas,
Marta Ferrer,
Alessandro Fiocchi,
Roy Gerth van Wijk,
Maia Gotua,
Kate Grimshaw,
Josefine Grünhagen,
Enrico Heffler,
Michihiro Hide,
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber,
Cristoforo Incorvaia,
Christer Janson,
Swen Malte John,
Carla Jones,
Marek Jutel,
Norito Katoh,
Benjamin Kendziora,
Tamar Kinaciyan,
Edward Knol,
Oksana Kurbacheva,
Susanne Lau,
Richard Loh,
Carlo Lombardi,
Mika Mäkelä,
Mary Jane Marchisotto,
Michael Makris,
Marcus Maurer,
Rosan Meyer,
Dragan Mijakoski,
Jordan Minov,
Joaquim Mullol,
Caroline Nilsson,
Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn,
Bright I Nwaru,
Mikela Odemyr,
Giovanni Battista Pajno,
Sushil Paudel,
Nikolaos G Papadopoulos,
Harald Renz,
Giampaolo Ricci,
Johannes Ring,
Barbara Rogala,
Hugh Sampson,
Gianenrico Senna,
Brigita Sitkauskiene,
Peter Kenneth Smith,
Katarina Stevanovic,
Sasho Stoleski,
Hania Szajewska,
Akio Tanaka,
Ana Todo-Bom,
Fatih Alexander Topal,
Erkka Valovirta,
Ronald Van Ree,
Carina Venter,
Stefan Wöhrl,
Gary W K Wong,
Zuotao Zhao and
Margitta Worm
Type: Article
| 2021
This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 02:40:00 2025 GMT.