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Mechanical Engineering > Mechanical Engineering (pre 2018 reorg) > Engineering Mats & Surface Engineerg Gp (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 93.


Type: Thesis | 2010

The evolution of homogeneity during processing aluminium alloys by HPT - Saleh N. Alhajeri, Megumi Kawasaki, Nong Gao and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Evolution of microstructural homogeneity in copper processed by high-pressure torsion - X.H. An, S.D. Wu, Z..F. Zhang, R.B. Figueiredo, N Gao and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Preparation and characterization of bioceramics produced from calcium phosphate cements - O. Andriotis, O. L. Katsamenis, D. E. Mouzakis and N. Bouropoulos
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Modelling biomimetic moth-eye structures for antireflection surfaces - Asa Asadollahbaik, Stuart Boden, Marc Molinari, Simon Cox and Darren Bagnall
Type: Article | 2010


Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Application of magic-angle spinning NMR to examine the nature of protons in titanate nanotubes - Dmitry V. Bavykin, Marina Carravetta, Alexander N. Kulak and Frank C. Walsh
Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Metastable nature of titanate nanotubes in an alkaline environment - Dmitry V. Bavykin, Alexander N. Kulak and Frank C. Walsh
Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Book | 2010 | Royal Society of Chemistry | Item not available on this server.


Unusual macroscopic shearing patterns observed in metals processed by high-pressure torsion - Y. Cao, M. Kawasaki, Y.B. Wang, S.N. Alhajeri, X.Z. Liao, W.L. Zheng, S.P. Ringer, Y.T. Zhu and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

A visualization of shear strain in processing by high-pressure torsion - Y. Cao, Y.B. Wang, S.N. Alhajeri, X.Z. Liao, W.L. Zheng, S.P. Ringer, T.G. Langdon and Y.T. Zhu
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Avoiding cracks and inhomogeneities in billets processed by ECAP - Paulo R. Cetlin, Maria Teresa P. Aguilar, Roberto B. Figueiredo and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Anomaly detection of the tapered roller bearings with statistical data-driven approaches - S.L. Chen, L. Wang, R.J.K. Wood, R. Callan and H.E.G. Powrie
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | IEEE Computer Society

Plastic behavior of face-centered-cubic metals over a wide range of strain - Nguyen Q. Chinh, Tamás Csanádi, Jenő Gubicza and Terence G. Langdon,
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Processing age-hardenable alloys by equal-channel angular pressing at room temperature: strategies and advantages - Nguyen Q. Chinh, Jeno Gubicza, Tomasz Czeppe, Janos Lendvai and Terence G Langdon
Type: Book Section | 2010 | Trans Tech Publications | Item not available on this server.

A novel flow battery: a lead acid battery based on an electrolyte with soluble lead(II) Part VIII. The cycling of a 10 cm × 10 cm flow cell - John Collins, Gareth Kear, Xiaohong Li, C.T. John Low, Derek Pletcher, Ravichandra Tangirala, Duncan Stratton-Campbell, Frank C Walsh and Caiping Zhang
Type: Article | 2010

Type: Thesis | 2010


Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Influence of high-pressure torsion on microstructural evolution in an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy - Zhi C. Duan, Xiao Z. Liao, Megumi Kawasaki,, Roberto B. Figueiredo and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


The effect of cyclic bending on the mechanical properties and dislocation structures of drawn steel bars - R.B. Figueiredo, E.C.S. Correa, W.A. Monteiro, M.T.P. Aguilar and P.R. Cetlin
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2010 | Trans Tech Publications | Item not available on this server.


Suspension stability and fractal patterns: A comparison using hydroxyapatite - Feng Gao, Shoufeng Yang, Pengwei Hao and Julian R.G. Evans
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Monitoring of self-annealing in ultrafine-grained silver using nanoindentation - Jenö Gubicza, Nguyen Q. Chinh and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Self-healing of internal damage in synthetic vascular materials - Andrew R. Hamilton, Nancy R. Sottos and Scott R. White
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Development of a low temperature amorphous Si/Ti for integrated MEMS/NEMS - Liudi Jiang, G. Lewis, S. M. Spearing, N. M. Jennett and M. Monclus
Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Microstructural evolution in a two-phase alloy processed by high-pressure torsion - Megumi Kawasaki, Byungmin Ahn and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Book Section | 2010 | Trans Tech Publications | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

An evaluation of creep behaviour in ultrafine-grained aluminium alloys processed by ECAP - Megumi Kawasaki, Vaclav Sklenicka and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Efficient light trapping in a fluorescence solar collector by 3D photonic crystal - Sebastian Knabe, Nazila Soleimani, Tomas Markvart and Gottfried Heinrich Bauer
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Influence of grain size on the density of deformation twins in Cu–30%Zn alloy - Y. Li, Y.H. Zhao, W. Liu, C. Xu, Z. Horita, X.Z. Liao, Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon and E.J. Lavernia
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Micro- and nanomechanical analysis of articular cartilage by indentation-type atomic force microscopy: validation with a gel-microfiber composite microscopy - Marko Loparic, Dieter Wirz, A.U. Daniels, Roberto Raiteri, Mark R. VanLandingham, Geraldine Guex, Ivan Martin, Ueli Aebi and Martin Stolz
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Solvent-based paste extrusion solid freeforming - Xuesong Lu, Yoonjae Lee, Shoufeng Yang, Yang Hao, Julian R. G. Evans and Clive G. Parini
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2010

Assessment of laminate damage micromechanisms using high resolution synchrotron radiation computed tomography & laminography - Mark N. Mavrogordato, Peter Wright, Lukas Helfen, I. Sinclair and Simon Mark Spearing
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010

Type: Thesis | 2010

In situ synchrotron computed laminography of damage in carbon fibre-epoxy [90/0](s) laminates - Andrew J. Moffat, Peter Wright, Lukas Helfen, T. Baumbach, Gregory Johnson, Simon M. Spearing and Ian Sinclair
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Polymer microvascular network composites - S.C. Olugebefola, A.M. Aragón, C.J. Hansen, A.R. Hamilton, B.D. Kozola, W. Wu, P.H. Geubelle, J.A. Lewis, N.R. Sottos and S.R. White
Type: Review | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Thesis | 2010

Microembossing of ultrafine grained Al: microstructural analysis and finite element modelling - Xiao Guang Qiao, Mamadou T. Bah, Jiuwen Zhang, Nong Gao, Zakaria Moktadir, Michael Kraft and Marco J. Starink
Type: Article | 2010

The influence of indenter tip rounding on the indentation size effect - Xiaoguang Qiao, Marco J. Starink and Nong Gao
Type: Article | 2010


Denitrification in human dental plaque - F. Schreiber, P. Stief, A. Gieseke, I. Heisterkampa, W. Verstraete, D. DeBeer and P. Stoodley
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Microstructural evolution of Fe-rich particles in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy during equal-channel angular pressing - G. Sha, Y.B. Wang, X.Z. Liao, Z.C. Duan, S.P. Ringer and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2010

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Direct demonstration of a Staphylococcus biofilm in an external ventricular drain in a patient with a history of recurrent ventriculoperitoneal shunt failure - P. Stoodley, Jr. E.E. Braxton, L. Nistico, L. Hall-Stoodley, S. Johnson, M. Quigley, J.C. Post, G.D. Ehrlich and S. Kathju
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Direct observations of microstructural evolution in a two-phase Cu–Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion - Y.Z Tian, X.H An, S.D Wu, Z.F Zhang, Roberto B. Figueiredo, N. Gao and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Unusual super-ductility at room temperature in an ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy - R.Z. Valiev, M.Yu Murashkin, A. Kilmametov, B. Straumal,, N.Q. Chinh and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

The characteristics of aluminum–scandium alloys processed by ECAP - K. Venkateswarlu, V. Rajinikanth, Ajoy Kumar Ray, Cheng Xu and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Effect of a Scandium addition on an Al-2% Si alloy processed by ECAP - K. Venkateswarlu, V. Rajinikanth,, A.K. Ray, C. Xu and T.G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Real time microsensor measurement of local metabolic activities in ex vivo dental biofilms treated with chlorhexidine - C. Von Ohle, A. Gieseke, L. Nistico, E.M. Decker, D. DeBeer and P. Stoodley
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Wear behaviour of Al-1050 alloy processed by severe plastic deformation - Chuan Ting Wang, Nong Gao, Robert J.K. Wood and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Book Section | 2010 | Trans Tech Publications | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

The role of stacking faults and twin boundaries in grain refinement of a Cu–Zn alloy processed by high-pressure torsion - Y.B. Wang, X.Z.. Liao, Y.H. Zhao, E.J. Lavernia, S.P. Ringer, Z. Horita, T.G. Langdon and Y.T. Zhu,
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Nanocomposite microstructure and environment self-adapted tribological properties of highly hard graphite-like films - Yongxin Wang, Liping Wang, S. Wang, Guangan Zhang, Robert Wood and Qunji Xue
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Interpretation of electrochemical measurements made during micro-scale abrasion-corrosion - R.J.K. Wood, D. Sun, M.R. Thakare, A. de Frutos Rozas and J.A. Wharton
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Synchrotron radiation computed laminography for polymer composite failure studies - Feng Xu, Lukas Helfen, Andrew J. Moffat, Gregory Johnson, Ian Sinclair and Tilo Baumbach
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Mechanical strength of extrusion freeformed calcium phosphate filaments - H. Y. Yang, X. P. Chi, S. Yang and J. R. G. Evans
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.


Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2010

Type: Article | 2010 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2010

The processing of pure titanium through multiple passes of ECAP at room temperature - Xicheng Zhao, Xirong Yang, Xiiaoyan Liu, Xingyun Wang and Terence G. Langdon
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

Processing of nanostructured metals and alloys via plastic deformation - Yuntian T. Zhu, Ruslan Z. Valiev, Terence G. Langdon, Nobuhiro Tsuji and Ke Lu
Type: Article | 2010 | Item not available on this server.

This list was generated on Tue Sep 17 01:50:09 2024 BST.
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