Number of items: 61.
Association of physical activity and sedentary behaviour during pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus among Asian women in Singapore -
Padmapriya Natarajan,
Jonathan Y. Bernard,
Shen Liang,
See Ling Loy,
Shirong Cai,
Iris Shen Zhe,
Kenneth Kwek,
Keith Godfrey,
Peter D. Gluckman,
Seang-Mei Saw,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Jerry Kok Yen Chan and
Falk Müller-Riemenschneider
Type: Article
| 2017
A systematic review of maternal smoking during pregnancy and fetal measurements with meta-analysis -
M. Abraham,
S. Alramdhan,
C. Iniguez,
L. Duijts,
V.W.V. Jaddoe,
H.T. Den Dekker,
S. Crozier,
K.M. Godfrey,
P. Hindmarsh,
T. Vik,
G.W. Jacobsen,
W. Hanke,
W. Sobala,
G. Devereux and
S. Turner
Type: Article
| 2017
Degenerative inter-vertebral disc disease (Osteochondrosis Intervertebralis) in Europe: prevalence, geographic variation, and radiological correlates in men and women aged 50 and over -
G. Ambrecht,
D. Felsenberg,
M. Ganswindt,
M. Lunt,
S.K. Kaptoge,
K. Abendroth,
A.A. Dias,
A.K. Bhalla,
J.C. Andia,
J. Dequeker,
R. Eastell,
K. Hoszowski,
G. Lyritis,
P. Masaryk,
J. van Meurs,
T. Miazgowski,
R. Nuti,
G. Poor,
I. Redlund-Johnell,
D.M. Reid,
H. Schatz,
C.J. Todd,
A.D. Woolf,
F. Rivadeneira,
Muhammad Javaid,
Cyrus Cooper,
A.J. Silman,
T. O'Neill and
J. Reeve
Type: Article
| 2017
Postnatal height and adiposity gain, childhood blood pressure and prehypertension risk in an Asian birth cohort -
I.M. Aris,
J.Y. Bernard,
L.W. Chen,
M.T. Tint,
W.Y. Lim,
S.E. Soh,
S.M. Saw,
L.P.C. Shek,
K.M. Godfrey,
P.D. Gluckman,
Y.S. Chong,
F. Yap,
M.S. Kramer and
Y.S. Lee
Type: Article
| 2017
Modifiable risk factors in the first 1000 days for subsequent risk of childhood overweight in an Asian cohort: significant of parental overweight status -
Izzuddin M. Aris,
Jonathan Y. Bernard,
Ling-Wei Chen,
Tint Mya,
Wei Wei Pang,
Shu-E Soh,
Seang-Mei Saw,
Lynette Shek,
Keith Godfrey,
Peter Gluckman,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Fabian Yap,
Michael S. Kramer and
Yung Seng Lee
Type: Article
| 2017
Nutrition and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia: systematic review -
C. Beaudart,
A. Dawson,
S.C. Shaw,
N.C. Harvey,
J.A. Kanis,
N. Binkley,
J.Y. Reginster,
R. Chapulat,
D.C. Chan,
O. Bruyere,
R. Rizzoli,
C. Cooper and
E.M. Dennison
Type: Article
| 2017
Associations of maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy with offspring adiposity from birth until 54 months of age -
L.-W. Chen,
I.M. Aris,
J.Y. Bernard,
M.T. Tint,
A. Chia,
M. Colega,
P.D. Gluckman,
L.P.C. Shek,
S.M. Saw,
Y.P. Chong,
F. Yap,
K.M. Godfrey,
R.M. van Dam,
M.F.F. Chong and
Y.S. Lee
Type: Article
| 2017
Which anthropometric measures best reflect neonatal adiposity? -
Ling-Wei Chen,
Tint Mya,
Marielle Fortier,
Izzuddin M. Aris,
Lynette Pei-Chi Shek,
Kok Hian Tan,
Shiao-Yng Chan,
Peter D. Gluckman,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Keith Godfrey,
Victor Samuel Rajadurai,
Fabian Yap,
Michael S. Kramer and
Yung Seng Lee
Type: Article
| 2017
miR-424-5p reduces ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis in muscle wasting -
M. Connelly,
R. Paul,
G. Farre-Garros,
S.A. Natanek,
S. Bloch,
J. Lee,
J.P. Lorenzo,
Harnish Patel,
Cyrus Cooper,
Avan Aihie Sayer,
S.J. Wort,
M. Griffiths,
M. Polkey and
P.R. Kemp
Type: Article
| 2017
Use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid in management of knee osteoarthritis in clinical practice -
C. Cooper,
F. Rannou,
P. Richette,
O. Bruyere,
N. Al-Daghri,
R.D. Altman,
M. Luisa-Brandi,
S. Collaud Basset,
G. Herrero-Beaumont,
A. Migliore,
K. Pavelka,
D. Uebelhart and
J.Y. Reginster
Type: Article
| 2017
International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Calcified Tissue Society Working Group. Recommendations for the screening of adherence to oral bisphosphonates -
A. Diez-Perez,
K. Naylor,
B. Abrahamsen,
D. Agnusdei,
M.L. Brandi,
C. Cooper,
E. Dennison,
E.F. Eriksen,
D.T. Gold,
N. Guanabens,
P. Hadji,
M. Hiligsmann,
R. Horne,
J.A. Kanis,
B. Obermayer-Pietsch,
R. Josse,
D. Prieto-Alhambra,
J.Y. Reginster,
R. Rizzoli,
S. Silverman,
M. Carola Zillikens and
R. Eastell
Type: Article
| 2017
Physical activity producing low, but not medium or higher, vertical impacts is inversely related to BMI in older adults: findings from a multi cohort study -
Ahmed Elhakeem,
Kimberly Hannam,
Kevin C Deere,
April Hartley,
Emma M Clark,
Charlotte Moss,
Mark Edwards,
Elaine Dennison,
Tim Gaysin,
Diana Kuh,
Andrew Wong,
Cyrus Cooper,
Rachel Cooper and
Jon H. Tobias
Type: Article
| 2017
Associations of lifetime walking and weight bearing exercise with accelerometer-measured high impact physical activity in later life -
Ahmed Elhakeem,
Kimberly Hannam,
Kevin C. Deere,
April Hartley,
Emma M. Clark,
Charlotte L. Moss,
M.H. Edwards,
Elaine Dennison,
Tim Gaysin,
D. Kuh,
A. Wong,
K.R. Fox,
Cyrus Cooper,
R. Cooper and
J.H. Tobias
Type: Article
| 2017
Sarcopenia -
N. Fuggle,
Sarah Shaw,
Elaine Dennison and
Cyrus Cooper
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Letter
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Letter
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
A novel accelerometer-based method to describe day-to-day exposure to potentially osteogenic vertical impacts in older adults: findings from a multi-cohort study -
K. Hannam,
K.C. Deere,
A. Hartley,
E.M. Clarke,
J. Coulson,
A. Ireland,
C. Moss,
M. Edwards,
E. Dennison,
T. Gaysin,
R. Cooper,
A. Wong,
J.S. McPhee,
C. Cooper,
D. Kuh and
J.H. Tobias
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Monograph
| 2017
| World Health Organization
| Item not available on this server.
Objectively measured physical activity and physical performance in old age -
Hanna Jantunen,
Niko Wasenius,
Minna K. Salonen,
Mia-Maria Perälä,
Clive Osmond,
Hannu Kautianen,
Mia Simonen,
Pertti Pohjolainen,
Eero Kajantie,
Taina Rantanen,
Mikaela B. von Bonsdorff and
Johan G. Eriksson
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Book Section
| 2017
| The World Bank
| Item availability restricted.
Ratio of Klebsiella/Biffidobacterium in early life correlates with later development of paediatric allergy -
J.S.Y. Low,
S.E. Soh,
Y.K. Lee,
K.Y.C. Kwek,
J.D. Holbrook,
E. van der Beek,
L.P. Shek,
A.E.N. Goh,
O.H. Teoh,
K.M. Godfrey,
Y.S. Chong,
J. Knol and
C. Lay
Type: Article
| 2017
Risk of venous thromboembolism among different anti-osteoporosis drugs: a population-based cohort analysis including over 200,000 participants from Spain and the UK -
E. Martin-Merino,
I. Petersen,
S. Hawley,
A. Alverez-Gutierrez,
S. Khalid,
A. Llorente-Garcia,
A. Delmestri,
M. K. Javaid,
T. P. Van Staa,
A. Judge,
C. Cooper and
D. Prieto-Alhambra
Type: Article
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Response to antenatal Cholecalciferol supplementation is associated with common vitamin D–Related Genetic Variants -
Rebecca J. Moon,
Nicholas C. Harvey,
Cyrus Cooper,
Stefania D'angelo,
Elizabeth M. Curtis,
Sarah R. Crozier,
Sheila J. Barton,
Sian M. Robinson,
Keith M. Godfrey,
Nikki J. Graham,
John W. Holloway,
Nicholas J. Bishop,
Stephen Kennedy,
Aris T. Papageorghiou,
Inez Schoenmakers,
Robert Fraser,
Saurabh V. Gandhi,
Ann Prentice,
Hazel M. Inskip and
M. Kassim Javaid
Type: Article
| 2017
Frailty, prefrailty and employment outcomes in Health and Employment After Fifty (HEAF) Study -
Keith Palmer,
Stefania D'angelo,
E. Clare Harris,
Catherine Linaker,
Catharine Gale,
Maria Evandrou,
Holly Syddall,
Tjeerd van Staa,
Cyrus Cooper,
Avan Aihie Sayer,
David Coggon and
Karen Walker-Bone
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Book Section
| 2017
Infant adiposity following a randomised controlled trial of a behavioural intervention in obese pregnancy. -
N. Patel,
K.M. Godfrey,
D. Pasupathy,
J. Levin,
A.C. Flynn,
L. Hayes,
A.L. Briley,
R. Bell,
D.A. Lawlor,
E. Oteng-Ntim,
S.M. Nelson,
S.C. Robson,
N. Sattar,
C. Singh,
J. Wardle,
S. White,
P.T. Seed and
L. Poston
Type: Article
| 2017
Guidelines for the conduct of pharmacological clinical trials in hand osteoarthritis: Consensus of a Working Group of the European Society on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) -
Jean-Yves Reginster,
Nigel K. Arden,
Ida K. Haugen,
Francois Rannou,
Etienne Cavalier,
Olivier Bruyere,
Jaime Branco,
Roland Chapurlat,
Sabine Collaud Basset,
Nasser M. Al-Daghri,
Elaine M. Dennison,
Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont,
Andrea Laslop,
Burkhard F. Leeb,
Stefania Maggi,
Ouafa Mkinsi,
Anton S. Povzun,
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra,
Thierry Thomas,
Daniel Uebelhart,
Nicola Veronese and
Cyrus Cooper
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Letter
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Does the maternal vaginal microbiota play a role in seeding the microbiota of neonatal gut and nose? -
O. Sakwinska,
F. Foata,
B. Berger,
H. Brussow,
S. Combremont,
A. Mercenier,
S. Dogra,
S.E. Soh,
J.C.K. Yen,
George Seow Heong Yeo,
Yung Seng Lee,
Fabian Yap,
M.J. Meaney,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Keith Godfrey and
Joanna D Holbrook
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Article
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Relationship between low bone mineral density and fractures with incident cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis -
N. Veronese,
B. Stubbs,
G. Crepaldi,
M. Solmi,
C. Cooper,
N.C.W. Harvey,
J.Y. Reginster,
R. Rizzoli,
R. Civitelli,
P. Schofield,
S. Maggi and
S.E. Lamb
Type: Article
| 2017
Type: Article
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
Pain in knee osteoarthritis is associated with variation in the neurokinin 1/substance P receptor (TACR1) gene -
S.C. Warner,
D.A. Walsh,
L.L. Laslett,
R.A. Maciewicz,
A. Soni,
D.J. Hart,
W. Zhang,
K.R. Muir,
E.M. Dennison,
P. Leaverton,
E. Rampersaud,
C. Cooper,
T.D Spector,
F.M. Cicuttini,
N.K. Arden,
G. Jones,
M. Doherty and
A. Valdes
Type: Article
| 2017
Sleep and dietary patterns in pregnancy: findings from the GUSTO cohort -
Linda van Lee,
Airu Chia,
See Ling Loy,
Marjorelee T. Colega,
Elaine K.H. Tham,
Shirong Cai,
Fabian Yap,
Keith Godfrey,
Oon Hoe Teoh,
Daniel Y.T. Goh,
Kok Hian Tan,
Yap-Seng Chong,
Birit Broekman and
Mary F.F. Chong
Type: Article
| 2017
Early-life respiratory tract infections and the risk of lower lung function and asthma: a meta-analysis of 154,492 children -
Evelien R. van Meel,
Herman Den Dekker,
Tarunveer Singh Ahluwalia,
Isabella Annesi-Maesano,
Syed Hasan Arshad,
Nour Baiz,
Henrique Barros,
Andrea Von Berg,
Philippa Bird,
Klaus Bonnelykke,
Maribel Casas,
Leda Chatzi,
Sylvaine Cordier,
Gerdien Dalmeijer,
Carol Dezateux,
Karel Duchen,
Merete Eggesbo,
Kors Van Den Ent,
Maria Pia Fantini,
Claudia Flexeder,
Urs Frey,
Francesco Forastiere,
Ulrike Gehring,
Davide Gori,
Raquel Granell,
Lucy Griffiths,
Wojciech Hanke,
A. John Henderson,
Hazel Inskip,
Anne M. Karvonen,
Thomas Keil,
Cecily Kelleher,
Manolis Kogevinas,
Gudrun Koppen,
Claudia Kuehni,
Nathalie Lambrechts,
Susanne Lau,
Irina Lehmann,
Johnny Ludvigsson,
Maria Christine Magnus,
Erik Melen,
John Mehegan,
Monique Mommers,
Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen,
Wenche Nystad,
Juha Pekkanen,
Fabienne Pele,
Ville Peltola,
Katy Pike,
Costanza Pizzi,
Kinga Polanska,
Maja Popovic,
Daniela Porta,
Alban Ramette,
Graham Roberts,
Ana Cristina Santos,
Erica Schultz,
Jet Smit,
Marie Standl,
Jordi Sunyer,
Carel Thijs,
Laura Toivonen,
Eleonora P. Uphoff,
Jakob Usemann,
Johan de Jongste,
Vincent Jaddoe,
Liesbeth Duijts and
Hans Bisgaard
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2017
| Item not available on this server.
This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 01:44:18 2025 GMT.