Number of items: 118.
O03 The OA thumb therapy trial: a three arm multi-centre randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and efficacy of splints for symptomatic thumb base OA -
Jo Adams,
Paula Barratt,
Nigel K Arden,
Sofia Barbosa Bouças,
Sarah Bradley,
Michael Doherty,
Susan Dutton,
Krysia Dziedzic,
Rachael Gooberman-Hill,
Kelly Hislop,
Corinne Hutt-greenyer,
Victoria Jansen,
Ramon Lunego,
Ines Rombach and
Mark Wiliams
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
The clinical and cost effectiveness of splints for thumb base osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled clinical trial -
Jo Adams,
Paula Barratt,
Ines Rombach,
Nigel Arden,
Sofia Barbosa Bouças,
Sarah Bradley,
Michael Doherty,
Susan J. Dutton,
Rachael Gooberman-Hill,
Kelly Hislop-Lennie,
Corinne Hutt-Greenyer,
Victoria Jansen,
Ramon Luengo-Fernadez,
Mark Williams and
Krysia Dziedzic
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Healthcare Workers Bioresource: Study outline and baseline characteristics of a prospective healthcare worker cohort to study immune protection and pathogenesis in COVID-19 -
João B. Augusto,
Katia Menacho,
Mervyn Andiapen,
Ruth Bowles,
Maudrian Burton,
Sophie Welch,
Anish N. Bhuva,
Andreas Seraphim,
Corinna Pade,
George Joy,
Melanie Jensen,
Rhodri H. Davies,
Gabriella Captur,
Marianna Fontana,
Hugh Montgomery,
Ben O’Brien,
Aroon D. Hingorani,
Teresa Cutino-Moguel,
Áine Mcknight,
Hakam Abbass,
Mashael Alfarih,
Zoe Alldis,
Georgina L. Baca,
Alex Boulter,
Olivia V. Bracken,
Natalie Bullock,
Nicola Champion,
Carmen Chan,
Xose Couto-Parada,
Keenan Dieobi-Anene,
Karen Feehan,
Gemma Figtree,
Melanie C. Figtree,
Malcolm Finlay,
Nasim Forooghi,
Joseph M. Gibbons,
Peter Griffiths,
Matt Hamblin,
Lee Howes,
Ivie Itua,
Meleri Jones,
Victor Jardim,
Vikas Kapil,
Wing-Yiu Jason Lee,
Vineela Mandadapu,
Celina Mfuko,
Oliver Mitchelmore,
Susana Palma,
Kush Patel,
Steffen E. Petersen,
Brian Piniera,
Rosalind Raine,
Alicja Rapala,
Amy Richards,
Genine Sambile,
Jorge Couto De Sousa,
Michelle Sugimoto,
George D. Thornton,
Jessica Artico,
Dan Zahedi,
Ruth Parker,
Mathew Robathan,
Lauren M. Hickling,
Ntobeko Ntusi,
Amanda Semper,
Tim Brooks,
Jessica Jones,
Art Tucker,
Jessry Veerapen,
Mohit Vijayakumar,
Theresa Wodehouse,
Lucinda Wynne,
Thomas A. Treibel,
Mahdad Noursadeghi,
Charlotte Manisty and
James C. Moon
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Editorial
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Book Section
| 2020
| Oxford University Press
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Planning and optimising CHAT&PLAN:: a conversation-based intervention to promote person-centred care for older people living with multimorbidity -
Teresa Corbett,
Amanda Cummings,
Kellyn Lee,
Lynn Calman,
Vicky Fenerty,
Naomi Farrington,
Lucy Lewis,
Alexandra Young,
Hilary Boddington,
Theresa Wiseman,
Alison Richardson,
Claire Foster and
Jackie Bridges
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
A National Covid-19 Resilience Programme: Improving the health and wellbeing of older people during the pandemic -
Paul Greenhaff,
Alison Giles,
Charlotte Bolton,
James Faulkner,
Carolyn Greig,
Stephen D. R. Harridge,
Danielle Lambrick,
Susan Lanham-New,
Daniel Martin,
Hugh Montgomery,
Zoe Saynor,
Dawn Skelton,
Sally Singh,
Richard Siow,
Claire Steves,
Claire Stewart,
Mike Tipton and
Julie Whitney
Type: Book
| 2020
| The Physiological Society
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Dataset
| 2020
| University of Southampton
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
End-of-life care in intellectual disability: a retrospective cross-sectional study -
K. Hunt,
J. Bernal,
R. Worth,
J. Shearn,
P. Jarvis,
E. Jones,
K. Lowe,
P. Madden,
O. Barr,
R. Forrester-Jones,
T. Kroll,
M.O. McCarron,
S. Read and
S. Todd
Type: Article
| 2020
A feasibility trial of Acetic acid-targeted Biopsies versus nontargeted quadrantic biopsies during BArrett’s surveillance: the ABBA trial -
Gaius Longcroft-Wheaton,
Carole Fogg,
Fergus Chedgy,
Kesavan Kandiah,
Lisa Murray,
Ann Dewey,
Hugh Barr,
Bernie Higgins,
David Poller,
Janusz Jankowski,
John DeCaestecker and
Pradeep Bhandari
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Editorial
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Book Section
| 2020
| Springer
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Review
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Advanced symptom management system for patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (ASyMSmeso): mixed methods study -
Roma Maguire,
John Connaghan,
Anne Arber,
Naomi Klepacz,
Kevin G Blyth,
John McPhelim,
Paul Murray,
Hitasha Rupani,
Anoop Chauhan,
Peter Williams,
Laura McNaughton,
Kirstie Woods and
Anne Moylan
Type: Article
| 2020
Strategies for living well with hormone-responsive advanced prostate cancer—a qualitative exploration -
Lauren Matheson,
Jo Nayoan,
Carol Rivas,
Jo Brett,
Penny Wright,
Hugh Butcher,
Paul Jordan,
Anna Gavin,
Adam Glaser,
Malcolm Mason,
Richard Wagland and
Eila Watson
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
A qualitative exploration of prostate cancer survivors experiencing psychological distress: loss of self, function, connection, and control -
Lauren Matheson,
Johana Nayoan,
Carol Rivas,
Jo Brett,
Penny Wright,
Hugh Butcher,
Anna Gavin,
Adam Glaser,
Eila Watson and
Richard Wagland
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Meeting abstract
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Influence of deprivation and rurality on patient-reported outcomes of men living with and beyond prostate cancer diagnosis in the UK: A population-based study -
Lesley Smith,
Amy Downing,
Paul Norman,
Penny Wright,
Luke Hounsome,
Eila Watson,
Richard Wagland,
Peter Selby,
Paul Kind,
David W. Donnelly,
Hugh Butcher,
Dyfed Huws,
Emma Mcnair,
Anna Gavin and
Adam W. Glaser
Type: Article
| 2020
Engaging adolescents in changing behaviour (EACH-B): a study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial to improve dietary quality and physical activity. -
Sofia Strommer,
Camilla Barrett,
Kathryn Woods-Townsend,
Janis Baird,
David Farrell,
Joanne Lord,
Leanne Morrison,
Sarah Shaw,
Christina Vogel,
Wendy Lawrence,
Donna Lovelock,
Lisa Bagust,
Judit Varkonyi-Sepp,
Patsy J. Coakley,
Lyall Campbell,
Ross Anderson,
Mary Horsfall,
Neelam Kalita,
Oluchukwu Onyimadu,
John Clarke,
Cyrus Cooper,
Debbie Chase,
Danielle Lambrick,
Paul Little,
Mark Hanson,
Keith Godfrey,
Hazel Inskip and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
The TinMan study: feasibility trial of a psychologically informed, audiologist-delivered, manualised intervention for tinnitus -
John A. Taylor,
Dean M. Thompson,
Deborah A. Hall,
Dawn-Marie Walker,
Mary Mcmurran,
Amanda Casey,
Debbie Featherstone,
Carol Macdonald,
David Stockdale and
Derek J. Hoare
Type: Article
| 2020
Last months of life of people with intellectual disabilities: a UK population‐based study of death and dying in intellectual disability community services -
Stuart Todd,
Jane Bernal,
Julia Shearn,
Rhian Worth,
Edwin Jones,
Kathy Lowe,
Phil Madden,
Owen Barr,
Rachel Forrester Jones,
Paul Jarvis,
Thilo Kroll,
Mary Mccarron,
Sue Read and
Katherine Hunt
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Decision regret in men living with and beyond non-metastatic prostate cancer in the UK: a population-based patient-reported outcome study -
Sarah Wilding,
Amy Downing,
Peter Selby,
William Cross,
Penny Wright,
Eila K. Watson,
Richard Wagland,
Paul Kind,
David W. Donnelly,
Luke Hounsome,
Rebecca Mottram,
Majorie Allen,
Therese Kearney,
Hugh Butcher,
Anna Gavin and
Adam Glaser
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 02:07:03 2025 GMT.