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School of Electronics and Computer Science > Electronics & Computer Science (pre 2018 reorg)" and Year is 2012

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Group by: No Grouping | Authors/Creators | Item Type
Number of items: 148.

Type: Patent | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Planning and managing the cost of compromise for AV retention and access - M.J. Addis, M. Jacyno, M. McArdle, M. Hall-May and S.C. Phillips
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Storage strategy tools - Matthew Addis, Mariusz Jacyno, Martin Hall-May and Richard Wright
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Towards a volunteer cloud architecture - Abdulelah Alwabel, Robert John Walters and Gary Wills
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Transformer Oil Passivation and Impact of Corrosive Sulphur - P S Amaro, J A Pilgrim, P L Lewin, R C D Brown, G Wilson and P N Jarman
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Silicon nanowires by self-organised reactive ion etching - Mehdi Banakar, Sara Aghdaei, S.A. Boden, Ibrahim Sari and D.M. Bagnall
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Simultaneous high speed optical and impedance analysis of single particles with a microfluidic cytometer - David Barat, Daniel Spencer, Giuseppe Benazzi, Matthew Charles Mowlem and Hywel Morgan
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Modelling electroluminescence in insulating polymers under ac stress: effect of voltage offset and pre-stressing - F. Baudoin, D.H. Mills, P.L. Lewin, S. Le Roy, G. Teyssedre, C. Laurent and S. Clain
Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Social media at the CAA2012: A reflective report - Nicole Beale and Jessica Ogden
Type: Article | 2012

Lab-on-Chip Measurement of Nitrate and Nitrite for In Situ Analysis of Natural Waters - Alexander D. Beaton, Christopher L. Cardwell, Rupert S. Thomas, Vincent J. Sieben, François-Eric Legiret, Edward M. Waugh, Peter J. Statham, Matthew C. Mowlem and Hywel Morgan
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Opening up the online notice infrastructure - Reuben Binns and Mark Lizar
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Multiplexed suspension array platform for high-throughput protein assays - S.W. Birtwell, G.R. Broder, P.L. Roach and H. Morgan
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Ionoluminescence in the helium ion microscope - Stuart A. Boden, Thomas Franklin, Larry Scipioni, Darren M. Bagnall and Harvey N. Rutt
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Processing with a million cores - Andrew D. Brown, Jeffrey Reeve, Stephen Furber and David Lester
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | IOS Press | Item availability restricted.

Technologies in upper limb rehabilitation post-stroke: the users' perspective - J.H. Burridge, C.S. Ellis-Hill, Anne-Marie Hughes, S. Demain, R Turk and I.D. Swain
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Event-B and Rodin - Michael Butler, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi and Renato Silva
Type: Book Section | 2012 | ISTE; Wiley

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Greenwich; University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Book Section | 2012 | IGI Global

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Context-bounded model checking with ESBMC 1.17 - Lucas Cordeiro, Jeremy Morse, Denis Nicole and Bernd Fischer
Type: Book Section | 2012 | Springer | Item availability restricted.

Virtualised e-Learning on the IRMOS real-time cloud - Tommaso Cucinotta, Fabio Checconi, George Kousiouris, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Spyridon Gogouvitis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Theodora Varvarigou, Alessandro Mazzetti, Zlatko Zlatev, Juri Papay, Mike Boniface, Soren Berger, Dominik Lamp, Thomas Voith and Manuel Stein
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Broad-band odd-number CMOS prescalers with quadrature/symmetrical outputs - P. Dekate, W. Redman-White, D.M.W. Leenaerts and J.R. Long
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Evolution and growth of molecular networks for disease classification - Alexandra Diem, Gerd Gruenert and Peter Dittrich
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Electro-deposited PdNi-Si Schottky barrier hydrogen sensors with improved time response - Longtao Dong, C.H. de Groot, A. Usgaocar and V. Chavagnac
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2012

Predicting application performance for multi-vendor clouds using dwarf benchmarks - Vegard Engen, Juri Papay, Stephen Phillips and Mike Boniface
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Springer Berlin, Heidelberg

A generic unifying ontology for civil unmanned aerial vehicle missions - Mario Ferraro, James Scanlan, Hans Fangohr and Benjamin Schumann
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Alternating current electrokinetic properties of gold-coated microspheres - Pablo García-Sánchez, Yukun Ren, Juan J. Arcenegui, Hywel Morgan and Antonio Ramos
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Programmable large area digital microfluidic array with integrated droplet sensing for bioassays - B. Hadwen, G. R. Broder, D. Morganti, A. Jacobs, C. Brown, J. R. Hector, Y. Kubota and H. Morgan
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Open data and charities - Wendy Hall, Nigel Shadbolt, Thanassis Tiropanis, Kieron O'Hara and Tim Davies
Type: Monograph | 2012 | Nominet

Type: Article | 2012

Condition assessment of the buried utility service infrastructure - T. Hao, C.D.F. Rogers, N. Metje, D.N. Chapman, J.M. Muggleton, K.Y. Foo, P. Wang, S.R. Pennock, P.R. Atkins, S.G. Swingler, J. Parker, S.B. Costello, M.P.N. Burrow, J.H. Anspach, R.J. Armitage, A.G. Cohn, K F Goddard, P L Lewin, G. Orlando, M.A. Redfern, A.C.D. Royal and A.J. Saul
Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Applications of Liquid Crystals in Intelligent Insulation - A F Holt, R C D Brown, P L Lewin, A S Vaughan and P Lang
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Arm rehabilitation using combined technologies: Experiences with stroke, potential for use with MS - Ann-Marie Hughes, Katie Meadmore, Christopher Freeman, Jane Burridge and Eric Rogers
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Functional Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning in stroke rehabilitation for the upper limb - Anne-Marie Hughes, Timothy Exell, Katie Meadmore, Anna Soska, Chris Freeman, Jane Burridge and Eric Rogers
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Combining link and content-based information in a Bayesian inference model for entity search - Christos Koumenides, Nigel Shadbolt, Manuel Salvadores and Temitope Omitola
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Polyethylene Nanocomposites - a Solution Blending Approach - K Y Lau, A S Vaughan, G Chen and I L Hosier
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Towards the development of next-generation remote healthcare system: some practical considerations - Koushik Maharatna, Evangelos Mazomenos, John M. Morgan and Silvio Bonfiglio
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Experimental Investigation on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil - S Mahmud, G Chen, I O Golosnoy, G Wilson and P Jarman
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Mathematical Modelling on Bridge Formation in Contaminated Transformer Oil - S Mahmud, I O Golosnoy, G Chen, G Wilson and P Jarman
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

A tracking system for wireless embedded nodes using time-of-flight ranging - Evangelos B. Mazomenos, Jeffrey S. Reeve, Neil M. White and Andrew D. Brown
Type: Article | 2012

Development of a web-supported programme of Constraint Induced Therapy following stroke (LifeCit) - Claire Meagher, A. Conlon, Anne-Marie Hughes, Sebastien Pollet, Lucy Yardley and Jane Burridge
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2012

Silicon waveguides and devices for the mid-infrared - Milan Milošević, Miloš Nedeljković, Taha M. Ben Masaud, Ehsan Jaberansary, Harold M.H. Chong, Neil G. Emerson, Graham T. Reed and Goran Z. Mashanovich
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Downscaled graphene nanodevices: fabrication and ab initio study - Hiroshi Mizuta, Zakaria Moktadiri, Stuart Boden, Nima Kalhori, Shuojin Hang, Marek Schmidt, Nguyen Tien Cuong, Dam Hieu Chi, Nobuo Otsuka, Muruagnathan Manoharan, Yoshishige Tsuchiya, Harold Chong, Harvey Rutt and Darren Bagnall
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Top-down fabricated ZnO nanowire transistors for applications in biosensors - Suhana Mohamed Sultan, Kai Sun, Maurits R.R. De Planque, Peter Ashburn and Harold Chong
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Fabrication and ab initio study of downscaled graphene nanoelectronic devices - Zakaria Moktadir, Hiroshi Mizuta, Stuart A. Boden, Nima Kalhor, Shuojin Hang, Marek E. Schmidt, Nguyen Tien Cuong, Dam Hieu Chi, Nobuo Otsuka, Manoharan Muruganathan, Yoshishige Tsuchiya, Harold Chong, Harvey N. Rutt and Darren M. Bagnall
Type: Book Section | 2012 | SPIE

Type: Thesis | 2012

Impact of consolidating Web based social networks on derived trust factors - Imran Muhammad, Millard David and Thanassis Tiropanis
Type: Article | 2012

Fault tolerant high performance Galios field arithmetic processor - V.K. Narayanan, R.A. Shafik, Jimson Mathew and D.K. Pradhan
Type: Book Section | 2012 | Springer | Item not available on this server.

Surfactant-mediated electrodeposition of bismuth telluride films and its effect on microstructural properties - Andrew J. Naylor, Elena Koukharenko, Iris S. Nandhakumar and Neil M. White
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Citizen science for cuneiform studies - Terhi Nurmikko, Jacob Dahl, Nicholas Gibbins and Graeme Earl
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Capturing interactive data transformation operations using provenance workflows - Tope Omitola, Andre Freitas, Curry Edward, Sean O’Riain, Nicholas Gibbins and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

3D analysis of surface Plasmon dispersion for SERS sensor based on inverted pyramid nanostructures - Swe Zin Oo, M.D.B. Charlton, M.E. Pollard, S. Pearce and R.Y. Chen
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Non-intrusive load monitoring using prior models of general appliance types - Oliver Parson, Siddhartha Ghosh, Mark Weal and Alex Rogers
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Discovering cross-language links in Wikipedia through semantic relatedness - Antonio Penta, Gianluca Quercini, Reynaud Chantal and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Frequency effect on electrical fatigue behaviour of lead zirconate titanate ceramics - Soodkhet Pojprapai, Zhenhua Luo and Rattikorn Yimnirun
Type: Article | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Polymer waveguide grating couplers for low cost nanoimprinted integrated optics - M. Pollard, S. Pearce, R. Chen, Swe Zin Oo and M.D.B Charlton
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Fabrication of photonic crystals in rare-earth doped chalcogenide glass films for enhanced upconversion - M.E. Pollard, K.J. Knight, G.J. Parker, D.W. Hewak and M.D.B. Charlton
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Interacting with the Web of Data through a Web of inter-connected lenses - Igor Popov, m.c. schraefel, Gianluca Correndo, Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

mashpoint: browsing the web along structured lines - Igor Popov, m.c. schraefel, Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Modelling the pacemaker in event-B: towards methodology for reuse - Michael Poppleton and Abdolbaghi Rezazadeh
Type: Monograph | 2012 | University of Southampton

Fabrication of nanoscale glass fibers by electrospinning - M. Praeger, E. Saleh, A. Vaughan, W.J. Stewart and W.H. Loh
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2012

A hybrid algorithm for coalition structure generation - Talal Rahwan, Tomasz Michalak and Nicholas R. Jennings
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Improving a tutor’s feedback assessment tool: transforming Open Mentor following two recent deployments - Alejandra Recio, Paul Gillary, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Stuart Watt, Denise Whitelock, Pei Zhang and Lester Gilbert
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

A Scalable Low-Cost Solution to Provide Personalized Home Heating Advice to Households - Alex Rogers, Reuben Wilcock, Siddhartha Ghosh and Nicholas R. Jennings
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Condition assessment of the surface and buried infrastructure – A proposal for integration - C.D.F. Rogers, T. Hao, S.B. Costello, M.P.N. Burrow, N. Metje, D.N. Chapman, J. Parker, R.J. Armitage, J.H. Anspach, J.M. Muggleton, K.Y. Foo, P. Wang, S.R. Pennock, P.R. Atkins, S.G. Swingler, A.G. Cohn, K. Goddard, P.L. Lewin, G. Orlando, M.A. Redfern, A.C.D. Royal and A.J. Saul
Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Automated critical device identification for configurable analogue transistors - Robert Rudolf, P. Taatizadeh, Peter R. Wilson and Reuben Wilcock
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Knowledge base and sensor bus messaging service architecture for critical tsunami warning and decision-support - Zoheir Sabeur, Stuart Middleton, Zlatko Zlatev, J. Wachter, R. Haner, M. Hammitzsch and P. Loewe
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

A systematic approach to atomicity decomposition in Event-B - Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, Michael Butler and Abdolbaghi Rezazadeh
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Other | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Observing deviancy online - Lisa Sugiura, Catherine Pope, Mark J. Weal and Craig Webber
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Buying unlicensed slimming drugs from the Web: a virtual ethnography - Lisa Sugiura, Catherine Pope and Craig Webber
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Comparison of Etches for Top-down Fabrication of Polycrystalline Silicon Nanowires - Kai Sun, MMA Hakim, Ioannis Zeimpekis, Robert Gunn and Peter Ashburn
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

SERSCIS: Semantic Modelling of Dynamic, Multi-Stakeholder Systems - Mike Surridge, Ajay Chakravarthy, Martin Hall-May, Xiaoyu Chen, Bassem Nasser and Roman Nossal
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Unsupervised clustering approach for network anomaly detection - Iwan Syarif, Adam Prugel-Bennett and Gary B. Wills
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Application of bagging, boosting and stacking to intrusion detection - Iwan Syarif, Ed Zaluska, Adam Prugel-Bennett and Gary Wills
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Access toolkit for education - Mike Wald, E.A. Draffan, Sebastian Skuse, Russell Newman and Chris Phethean
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Article | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Book Section | 2012 | Routledge | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Supporting tutors with their feedback using Open Mentor - Denise Whitelock, Lester Gilbert, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Stuart Watt, Pei Zhang, Paul Gillary and Alejandra Recio
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Towards a framework for games and simulations in STEM subject assessments - Gary Wills, Lester Gilbert and Alejandra Recio
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Extreme Environments in Transportation - Peter R. Wilson and H. Alan Mantooth
Type: Book Section | 2012 | CRC Press | Item availability restricted.

Achieving Invariability in Analog Circuits Operating in Extreme Environments - Peter R. Wilson, Robert Rudolf and Reuben Wilcock
Type: Book Section | 2012 | CRC Press | Item availability restricted.

Multi-objective routing optimization using evolutionary algorithms - Halil Yetgin, Kent Tsz Kan Cheung and Lajos Hanzo
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2012 | University of Southampton

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Thesis | 2012

Electrode Effect in New Mineral Oil studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy - Y Zhou, M Hao, G Chen, G Wilson and P Jarman
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

Highly selective chemical vapor deposition of tin diselenide thin films onto patterned substrates via single source diselenoether precursors - C.H. de Groot, Chitra Gurnani, Andrew L. Hector, Ruomeng Huang, Marek Jura, William Levason and Gillian Reid
Type: Article | 2012

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012

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