Number of items: 124.
Social, economic and cultural influences on adolescent nutrition and physical activity in Jimma, Ethiopia: perspectives from adolescents and their caregivers -
Mubarek Abera,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
Alemseged Abdissa,
Abdulhalik Workicho,
Rahma Ali,
Susan Weller,
Caroline Fall,
Sarah Kehoe,
Mary Barker and
Abraham Haileamlak
Type: Article
| 2020
Oral bisphosphonate use and all-cause mortality in patients with moderate-severe (grade 3B-5D) chronic kidney disease: a population-based cohort study -
Dunia Alarkawi,
M. Sanni Ali,
Dana Bliuc,
Natalia Pallares,
Cristian Tebé,
Leena Ellhussein,
Fergus J. Caskey,
Nigel K. Arden,
Yoav Ben-Shlomo,
Bo Abrahamsen,
A. Diez-Perez,
Julio Pascal,
Maria Jose Perez-Saez,
Jacqueline R. Center,
Andrew Judge,
Cyrus Cooper,
Muhammad K. Javaid and
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Type: Article
| 2020
Maternal dysglycaemia, changes in the infant's epigenome modified with a diet and physical activity intervention in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of a randomised control trial -
Elie Antoun,
Negusse T. Kitaba,
Philip Titcombe,
Kathryn V. Dalrymple,
Emma S. Garratt,
Sheila J. Barton,
Robert Murray,
Paul T. Seed,
Joanna D. Holbrook,
Michael S. Kobor,
David Ts Lin,
Julia L. Macisaac,
Graham C. Burdge,
Sara L. White,
Lucilla Poston,
Keith M. Godfrey and
Karen A. Lillycrop
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
How do we improve adolescent diet and physical activity in India and sub-Saharan Africa? Findings from the Transforming Adolescent Lives through Nutrition (TALENT) consortium -
M.E. Barker,
P. Hardy-Johnson,
S. Weller,
A. Haileamalak,
L. Jarju,
J. Jesson,
G. V. Krishnaveni,
K. Kumaran,
V. Leroy,
S.E. Moore,
S.A. Norris,
S. Patil,
S.A. Sahariah,
K. Ward,
C.S. Yajnik and
C.H.D Fall
Type: Article
| 2020
Fragility fractures in Europe: burden, management and opportunities -
F. Borgström,
L. Karlsson,
G. Orsater,
N. Norton,
Philippe Halbout,
Cyrus Cooper,
M. Lorentzon,
Eugene McCloskey,
Nicholas Harvey,
M. Kassim Javaid and
J A. Kanis
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Letter
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Maternal plasma metabolic markers of neonatal adiposity and associated maternal characteristics: the GUSTO study -
Ai-Ru Chia,
Jamie V de Seymour,
Gerard Wong,
Karolina Sulek,
Ting-Li Han,
Elizabeth J. McKenzie,
Izzuddin M. Aris,
Keith M. Godfrey,
Fabian Yap,
Kok Hian Tan,
Lynette Pei-Chi Shek,
Yung Seng Lee,
Michael S. Kramer,
Neerja Karnani,
Mary Foong-Fong Chong and
Philip N. Baker
Type: Article
| 2020
Screening for high hip fracture risk does not impact on falls risk: a post hoc analysis from the SCOOP study -
C. Condurache,
S. Chiu,
P. Chotiyamwong,
Helena Johansson,
L. Shepstone,
E. Lenaghan,
C. Cooper,
S. Clarke,
R.F.S. Khioe,
R. Fordham,
N. Gittoes,
I. Harvey,
N. Harvey,
A. Heawood,
R. Holland,
A. Howe,
J. A. Kanis,
T. Marshall,
T.W. O'Neill,
T.J. Peters,
N.M. Redmond,
D. Torgerson,
D. Turner and
E. V. McCloskey
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Supporting maternal and child nutrition: views from community members in rural Northern Ghana -
Cornelius Debpuur,
Engelbert A. Nonterah,
Samuel T. Chatio,
James K. Adoctor,
Edith Dambayi,
Paula Beeri,
Esmond W. Nonterah,
Doreen Ayi-Bisah,
Daniella Watson,
Sarah Kehoe,
Maxwell A. Dalaba,
Winfred Ofosu,
Raymond Aborigo,
Paul Welaga,
Abraham R. Oduro,
Marie-Louise Newell and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Anthropometric nutritional status, and social and dietary characteristics of African and Indian adolescents taking part in the TALENT (Transforming Adolescent Lives through Nutrition) qualitative study. -
Caroline Fall,
Mubarek Abera Mengistie,
Harsha Chopra,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
Ramatoulie E. Janha,
Julie Jesson,
Charudutta Joglekar,
Shama Joseph,
Sarah Kehoe,
Gudani Mukoma,
Kejal Joshi Reddy,
Kalyanaraman Kumaran and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
INTERGROWTH-21st Project international INTER-NDA standards for child development at 2 years of age: an international prospective population-based study -
Michelle Fernandes,
José Villar,
Alan Stein,
Eleonora Staines Urias,
Cutberto Garza,
Cesar G Victora,
Fernando C Barros,
Enrico Bertino,
Manorama Purwar,
Maria Carvalho,
Francesca Giuliani,
Katharina Wulff,
Amina A Abubakar,
Michael Kihara,
Leila Cheikh Ismail,
Luis Aranzeta,
Elaine Albernaz,
Naina Kunnawar,
Paola Di Nicola,
Roseline Ochieng,
Tamsin Sandells,
Sandy Savini,
Sophie Temple,
Elizabeth Murray,
Eric O Ohuma,
Michael G Gravett,
Ruyan Pang,
Yasmine A Jaffer,
Julia Alison Noble,
Adele Winsey,
Ann Lambert,
Aris T Papageorghiou,
Zulfiqar Bhutta and
Stephen Kennedy
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Development of a polygenic risk score to improve screening for fracture risk: A genetic risk prediction study -
Vincenzo Forgetta,
Julyan Keller-Baruch,
Marie Forest,
Audrey Durand,
Sahir Bhatnagar,
John P. Kemp,
Maria Nethander,
Daniel Evans,
John A. Morris,
Douglas P. Kiel,
Fernando Rivadeneira,
Helena Johansson,
Nicholas Harvey,
Dan Mellström,
Magnus Karlsson,
Cyrus Cooper,
David M. Evans,
Robert Clarke,
John A. Kanis,
Eric Orwoll,
Eugene McCloskey,
Claes Ohlsson,
Joelle Pineau,
William D. Leslie,
Celia M.T. Greenwood and
J. Brent Richards
Type: Article
| 2020
Assessment of cardiovascular safety of anti-osteoporosis drugs -
Nicholas Fuggle,
Cyrus Cooper,
Nicholas Harvey,
Nasser M. Al-Daghri,
Maria Luisa Brandi,
Olivier Bruyere,
Antonio Cano,
Elaine Dennison,
A. Diez-Pérez,
Jean-Marc Kaufman,
Santiago Palacios,
D Prieto-Alhambra,
S. Rozenberg,
T. Thomas,
Florence Trémollieres,
René Rizzoli,
J. A. Kanis and
Jean Yves Reginster
Type: Review
| 2020
Alternative and complementary therapies in osteoarthritis and cartilage repair -
Nicholas Fuggle,
Cyrus Cooper,
Richard Oreffo,
A.J. Price,
J.F. Kaux,
E. Maheu,
M. Cutolo,
G. Honvo,
P.G. Conaghan,
F. Berenbaum,
J. Branco,
M.L. Brandi,
B. Cortet,
N. Veronese,
A.A. Kurth,
R. Matijevic,
R. Roth,
J.P. Pelletier,
J. Martel-Pelletier,
M. Vlaskovska,
T. Thomas,
W.F. Lems,
N. Al-Daghri,
O. Bruyere,
R. Rizzoli,
J.A. Kanis and
J.Y. Reginster
Type: Review
| 2020
Type: Monograph
| 2020
| University of Southampton
Falls in older aged adults in 22 European countries: incidence, mortality and burden of disease from 1990 to 2017 -
Juanita A. Haagsma,
Branko F. Olij,
Marek Majdan,
Ed F. van Beeck,
Theo Vos,
Chris D. Castle,
Zachary V. Dingels,
Jack T. Fox,
Erin B. Hamilton,
Zichen Liu,
Nicholas L.S. Roberts,
Dillon O. Sylte,
Olatunde Aremu,
Till Winfried Bärnighausen,
Antonio M. Borzì,
Andrew M. Briggs,
Juan J. Carrero,
Cyrus Cooper,
Ziad El-Khatib,
Christian Lycke Ellingsen,
Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad,
Irina Filip,
Florian Fischer,
Josep Maria Haro,
Jost B. Jonas,
Aliasghar A Kiadaliri,
Ai Koyanagi,
Raimundas Lunevicius,
Tuomo J Meretoja,
Shafiu Mohammed,
Ashish Pathak,
Amir Radfar,
Salman Rawaf,
David Laith Rawaf,
Lidia Sanchez Riera,
Ivy Shiue,
Tommi Juhani Vasankari,
Spencer L. James and
Suzanne Polinder
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
The effect on work presenteeism of job retention vocational rehabilitation compared to a written self-help work advice pack for employed people with inflammatory arthritis: protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (the WORKWELL trial) -
Alison Hammond,
Chris Sutton,
Sarah Cotterill,
Sarah Woodbridge,
Rachel O’Brien,
Kate Radford,
Denise Forshaw,
Suzanne M.M. Verstappen,
Cheryl Jones,
Antonia Marsden,
Martin Eden,
Yeliz Prior,
June Culley,
Paula Holland and
Karen Walker-Bone
Type: Article
| 2020
Association between depressive symptoms and incident cardiovascular diseases -
Eric L. Harshfield,
Lisa Pennells,
Joseph E. Schwartz,
Peter Willeit,
Stephen K. Kaptoge,
Steven Bell,
Jonathan A Shaffer,
Thomas Bolton,
Sarah Spackman,
Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller,
Frank Kee,
Philippe Amouyel,
Steven J Shea,
Lewis H. Kuller,
Jussi Kauhanen,
E M E M van Zutphen,
Dan G. Blazer,
Harlan Krumholz,
Paul J Nietert,
Daan Kromhout,
Gail Laughlin,
Lisa Berkman,
Robert B Wallace,
Leon A Simons,
Elaine Dennison,
Elizabeth L M Barr,
Haakon E Meyer,
Angela M. Wood,
John Danesh,
Emanuele Di Angelantonio and
Karina W Davidson
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
A discrete-choice experiment to assess patients’ preferences for osteoarthritis treatment: an ESCEO working group -
Mickaël Hiligsmann,
Elaine Dennison,
Charlotte Beaudart,
Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont,
Jaime Branco,
Olivier Bruyère,
P. G. Conaghan,
Cyrus Cooper,
Nasser M. Al-Daghri,
Famida Jiwa,
Willem Lems,
Daniel Pinto,
Rene Rizzoli,
Thierry Thomas,
Daniel Uebelhart,
Nicola Veronese and
Jean-Yves Reginster
Type: Article
| 2020
The LifeCycle Project‑EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents -
Vincent W V Jaddoe,
Janine F. Felix,
Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen,
Marie Aline Charles,
Leda Chatzi,
Eva Corpeleijn,
Nina Donner,
Ahmed Elhakeem,
Johan Eriksson,
Rachel Foong,
Veit Grote,
Sido Haakma,
Mark Hanson,
Jennifer R. Harris,
Barbara Heude,
Rai-Che Huang,
Hazel Inskip,
Marjo-Ritta Jarvelin,
Berthold Koletzko,
Debbie A. Lawlor,
Maarten Lindeboom,
Rosemary McEachan,
Tuija M. Mikkola,
Johanna Nader,
Angela Pinot de Moira,
Costanza Pizzi,
Lorenzo Richiardi,
Sylvain Sebert,
Amelie Schwalber,
Jordi Sunyer,
Morris A. Swertz,
Marina Vafeiadi,
Martine Vrijheid,
John Wright and
Liesbeth Duijts
Type: Article
| 2020
Exploring influences on adolescent diet and physical activity in rural Gambia, West Africa; food insecurity, culture and the natural environment -
Ramatoulie E. Janha,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
Sarah Kehoe,
Michael B. Mendy,
Isatou Camara,
Landing M. Jarjou,
Kathryn Ward,
Sophie E. Moore,
Caroline Fall,
Mary Barker and
Susan Weller
Type: Article
| 2020
Focal epilepsy features in a child with Congenital Zika Syndrome -
Piumi Jayatilake,
Vivian Oyegunle,
Randall Waechter,
Barbara Landon,
Michelle Fernandes,
Nikita Cudjoe,
Roberta Evans,
Trevor Noël,
Calum Macpherson,
Tyhiesia Donald,
Samah G. Abdelbaki,
Kesava Mandalaneni,
Dennis Dlugos,
Geetha Chari,
Archana A. Patel,
Elysse N. Grossi-Soyster,
A. Desiree LaBeaud and
Karen Blackmon
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Adolescent nutrition and physical activity in low-income suburbs of Abidjan, Côte d’lvoire: the gap between knowledge, aspirations and possibilities -
Julie Jesson,
Egnon K.V. Kouakou,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
Patricia Ngoran-Theckly,
Sarah Kehoe,
Laurence Adonis,
Caroline Fall,
Valeriane Leroy,
Mary Barker and
Susan Weller
Type: Article
| 2020
FRAX and ethnicity -
John A. Kanis,
Cyrus Cooper,
Bess Dawson-Hughes,
Nicholas Harvey,
Helena Johansson,
Mattias Lorentzon,
Eugene V. McCloskey,
Jean Yves Reginster and
Rene Rizzoli
Type: Article
| 2020
A patient-level key performance indicator set to measure the effectiveness of fracture liaison services and guide quality improvement: A position paper of the IOF Capture the Fracture Working Group, National Osteoporosis Society and Fragility Fracture Network -
M. Kassim Javaid,
A Sami,
W.F. Lems,
P. Mitchell,
T. Thomas,
A. Singer,
R. Speerin,
M. Fujita,
D.D. Pierroz,
K. Akesson,
P. Halbout,
S. Ferrari and
C. Cooper
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Do components of adult height predict body composition and cardiometabolic risk in a young adult South Asian Indian population? Findings from a hospital-based cohort study in Pune, India: The PUNE Children's Study -
Kalyanaraman Kumaran,
S.M. Joshi,
Chiara Di Gravio,
Himangi Lubree,
Charudutta Joglekar,
D.S. Bhat,
Arun S. Kinare,
Ashish Bavdekar,
Sheila A. Bhave,
A.N. Pandit,
Clive Osmond,
Chittaranjan S. Yajnik and
Caroline Fall
Type: Article
| 2020
Pre-school obesity is associated with an increased risk of childhood fracture: A longitudinal cohort study of 466,997 children and up to 11 years of follow-up in Catalonia, Spain -
Jennifer Lane,
Katherine L. Butler,
Jose Luis Poveda-Marina,
Daniel Martínez-Laguna,
Carlen Reyes,
Jeroen de Bont,
M Kassim Javaid,
Jennifer Logue,
Juliet Compston,
Cyrus Cooper,
Talita Duarte-Salles,
Dominic Furniss and
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Type: Article
| 2020
The Timed Up and Go test predicts fracture risk in older women independently of clinical risk factors and bone mineral density -
Berit A.M. Larsson,
Lisa Johansson,
Helena Johansson,
Kristian F. Axelsson,
Nicholas Harvey,
Liesbeth Vandenput,
Per Magnusson,
Eugene McCloskey,
Enwu Liu,
John A. Kanis,
Daniel Sundh and
Mattias Lorentzon
Type: Article
| 2020
How can we best use opportunities provided by routine maternity care to engage women in improving their diets and health? -
Wendy Lawrence,
Christina Vogel,
Sofia Strommer,
Taylor Morris,
Bethan, Mair Treadgold,
Daniella Watson,
Kate Hart,
Karen I Mcgill,
Julia Hammond,
Nicholas Harvey,
Cyrus Cooper,
Hazel Inskip,
Janis Baird and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Phenotype of genetically confirmed Silver-Russell syndrome beyond childhood -
Oluwakemi Lokulo-Sodipe,
Lisa Ballard,
Jenny Child,
Hazel Inskip,
Christopher Byrne,
Gudrun E. Moore,
Miho Ishida,
Emma L. Wakeling,
Angela Fenwick,
Deborah Mackay,
Justin Davies and
I. Karen Temple
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Letter
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Type: Dataset
| 2020
| University of Southampton
Nutrients or nursing? Understanding how breast milk feeding affects child cognition -
Wei Wei Pang,
Pei Ting Tan,
Shirong Cai,
Doris Fok,
Mei Chien Chua,
Sock Bee Lim,
Lynette P. Shek,
Shiao-Yng Chan,
Kok Hian Tan,
Fabian Yap,
Peter D. Gluckman,
Keith Godfrey,
Michael J. Meaney,
Birit Broekman,
Michael S. Kramer,
Yap-Seng Chong and
Anne Rifkin-Graboi
Type: Article
| 2020
Predominant lifetime occupation and associations with painful and structural knee osteoarthritis: an international participant-level cohort collaboration -
Camille M Parsons,
Lucy Gates,
Thomas Perry,
Michael Nevitt,
David Felson,
Maria T. Sanchez-Santos,
Graeme Jones,
Yvonne M. Golightly,
Kelli D. Allen,
Leigh F. Callahan,
Daniel K. White,
Karen Walker-Bone,
Cyrus Cooper and
Nigel Arden
Type: Article
| 2020
Repeatability of cardiac magnetic resonance radiomics: a multi-centre multi-vendor test-retest study -
Zahra Raisi-Estabragh,
Polyxeni Gkontra,
Akshay Jaggi,
Jackie Cooper,
João Augusto,
Anish N. Bhuva,
Rhodri H. Davies,
Charlotte H. Manisty,
James C. Moon,
Patricia B. Munroe,
Nicholas C. Harvey,
Karim Lekadir and
Steffen E. Petersen
Type: Article
| 2020
Greater risk of severe COVID-19 in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations is not explained by cardiometabolic, socioeconomic or behavioural factors, or by 25(OH)-vitamin D status: study of 1326 cases from the UK Biobank -
Zahra Raisi-Estabragh,
Celeste McCracken,
Mae S. Bethell,
Jackie Cooper,
Cyrus Cooper,
Mark J. Caulfield,
Patricia B. Munroe,
Nicholas Harvey and
Steffen E. Petersen
Type: Article
| 2020
Update on the ESCEO recommendation for the conduct of clinical trials for drugs aiming at the treatment of sarcopenia in older adults -
Jean Yves Reginster,
Charlotte Beaudart,
Nasser M. Al-Daghri,
Bernard Avouac,
Jurgen Bauer,
Nathalie Bere,
Olivier Bruyère,
Francesca Cerreta,
Matteo Cesari,
Mario Miguel Rosa,
Cyrus Cooper,
Alfonso Jose Cruz-Jentoft,
Elaine Dennison,
Anton Geerinck,
Evelien Gielen,
Francesco Landi,
Andrea Laslop,
Stefania Maggi,
María Concepción Prieto Yerro,
Rene Rizzoli,
Hildrun Sundseth,
Cornel Sieber,
Andrea Trombetti,
Bruno Vellas,
Nicola Veronese,
Marjolein Visser,
Mila Vlaskovska and
Roger A. Fielding
Type: Review
| 2020
Is there a role for menopausal hormone therapy in the management of post-menopausal osteoporosis? -
Serge Rozenberg,
Nasser M. Al-Daghri,
Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre,
Maria Luisa Brandi,
Antonio Cano,
Peter Collins,
Cyrus Cooper,
Andrea Genazzani,
Timothy C. Hillard,
John A. Kanis,
Jean-Marc Kaufman,
Irene Lambrinoudaki,
Andrea Laslop,
Eugene McCloskey,
Santiago Palacios,
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra,
Jean-Yves Reginster,
Rene Rizzoli,
Giuseppe Rosano,
Florence Trémollieres and
Nicholas Harvey
Type: Article
| 2020
Factors associated with functional decline in hand and hip/knee osteoarthritis after a year’s time: data from the eposa study -
Paolo Siviero,
Federica Limongi,
Antonella Gesmundo,
Sabina Zambon,
Cyrus Cooper,
Elaine Dennison,
Mark Edwards,
Suzan van der Pas,
Erik J. Timmermans,
Natasja M. van Schoor,
Laura A. Schaap,
Dhayana Dallmeier,
Michael D. Denkinger,
Richard Peter,
Maria Victoria Castell,
Ángel Otero,
Nancy L. Pedersen,
Dorly JH Deeg and
Stefania Maggi
Type: Article
| 2020
Secular trends in the initiation of therapy in secondary fracture prevention in Europe: a multi-national cohort study including data from Denmark, Catalonia and the United Kingdom -
M K Skjodt,
S. Khalid,
M. Ernst,
K.H. Rubin,
Daniel Martínez-Laguna,
A. Delmestri,
M. Kassim Javaid,
Cyrus Cooper,
Cesar Libanati,
Emese Toth,
B. Abrahamsen and
D Prieto-Alhambra
Type: Article
| 2020
Long-term cost-effectiveness of screening for fracture risk in a UK primary care setting: the SCOOP study -
E. Soreskog,
F. Borgström,
Lee Shepstone,
S. Clarke,
Cyrus Cooper,
I. Harvey,
Nicholas Harvey,
A. Howe,
H. Johansson,
Tarnya Marshall,
T.W. O'Neill,
Tim J. Peters,
niamh maria redmond,
D. Turner,
R Holland,
Eugene McCloskey and
J.A, Kanis
Type: Article
| 2020
Engaging adolescents in changing behaviour (EACH-B): a study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial to improve dietary quality and physical activity. -
Sofia Strommer,
Camilla Barrett,
Kathryn Woods-Townsend,
Janis Baird,
David Farrell,
Joanne Lord,
Leanne Morrison,
Sarah Shaw,
Christina Vogel,
Wendy Lawrence,
Donna Lovelock,
Lisa Bagust,
Judit Varkonyi-Sepp,
Patsy J. Coakley,
Lyall Campbell,
Ross Anderson,
Mary Horsfall,
Neelam Kalita,
Oluchukwu Onyimadu,
John Clarke,
Cyrus Cooper,
Debbie Chase,
Danielle Lambrick,
Paul Little,
Mark Hanson,
Keith Godfrey,
Hazel Inskip and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Behaviour change interventions: getting in touch with individual differences, values and emotions -
Sofia Strommer,
Wendy Lawrence,
Sarah Shaw,
Sara Correia Simao,
Sarah Jenner,
Millie Barrett,
Christina Vogel,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
David Farrell,
Kathryn Woods-Townsend,
Janis Baird,
Leanne Morrison,
Deborah M. Sloboda,
Hazel Inskip and
Mary Barker
Type: Review
| 2020
Prevalence, incidence and predictors of cardiovascular risk factors – longitudinal data from rural and urban South India and comparison with global data -
Senthil K. Vasan,
Belavendra Antonisamy,
Mahasampath S. Gowri,
Hepsy Y. Selliah,
Finney S. Geethanjali,
Felix S. Jebasingh,
Thomas V. Paul,
Thomas Nihal,
Fredrik Karpe,
Matthew James Johnson,
Clive Osmond and
Caroline Fall
Type: Article
| 2020
Late weaning and maternal closeness, associated with advanced motor and visual maturation, reinforce autonomy in healthy, 2-year-old children -
Jose Villar,
Roseline Ochieng,
Eleonora Staines Urias,
Michelle Fernandes,
Marc Ratcliff,
Manorama Purwar,
Fernando C. Barros,
Bernardo L. Horta,
Leila Cheikh Ismail,
Elaine Albernaz,
Naina Kunnawar,
Sophie Temple,
Francesca Giuliani,
Tamsin Sandells,
Maria Carvalho,
Eric O. Ohuma,
Yasmine A. Jaffer,
Julia Alison Noble,
Michael G. Gravett,
Ruyan Pang,
Ann Lambert,
Enrico Bertino,
Paola Di Nicola,
Aris T. Papageorghiou,
Alan Stein,
Zulfiqar A. Bhutta and
Stephen Kennedy
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Pre and postnatal exposure to Chikungunya virus does not affect child neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years of age -
Randall Waechter,
Erinique Ingraham,
Roberta Evans,
Nikita Cudjoe,
Amy Krystosik,
Rashida Isaac,
Ashlee Watts,
Trevor Noël,
Barbara Landon,
Michelle Fernandes,
Veronica Mapp-Alexander,
Priyanka Suresh,
George Mitchell,
Calum Macpherson,
Patrick Gérardin and
A. Desiree LaBeaud
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Editorial
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
Community perspectives on maternal and child health during nutrition and economic transition in sub-Saharan Africa -
Daniella Watson,
Sarah Kehoe,
Agnes Erzse,
Adelaide Compaore,
Cornelius Debpuur,
Engelbert A. Nonterah,
Hermann Sorgho,
Shane Norris,
Karen J. Hofman,
Wendy Lawrence,
Marie-Louise Newell,
Keith Godfrey,
Kathryn Ward and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Dataset
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
‘I should be disease free, healthy and be happy in whatever I do’: a cross-country analysis of drivers of adolescent diet and physical activity in different low- and middle-income contexts -
Susie Weller,
Polly Hardy-Johnson,
Sofia Strommer,
Caroline Fall,
Ulka Banavali,
Harsha Chopra,
Ramatoulie E. Janha,
Shama Joseph,
Kejal Joshi Reddy,
Mubarek Abera Mengistie,
Stephanie V. Wrottesley,
Egnon Kouakou and
Mary Barker
Type: Article
| 2020
Relationships between level and change in sarcopenia and ther body composition components and adverse health outcomes: findings from the health, aging, and body composition study -
Leo Westbury,
Holly Emma Syddall,
Nicholas Fuggle,
Elaine Dennison,
Nicholas Harvey,
Jane A. Cauley,
Eric J. Shiroma,
Roger A. Fielding,
Anne B. Newman and
Cyrus Cooper
Type: Article
| 2020
Prevention and management of osteoporotic fractures by non-physician health professionals: A systematic literature review to inform EULAR points to consider -
N. Wilson,
E.J. Hurkmans,
J. Adams,
M. Bakkers,
P. Balážová,
M. Baxter,
A. Blavnsfeldt,
K. Briot,
C. Chiari,
C. Cooper,
R.G. Dragoi,
G. Gäbler,
W.F. Lems,
E. Mosor,
S. Pais,
C. Simon,
P. Studenic,
S. Tilley,
J. de la Torre and
T. Stamm
Type: Article
| 2020
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item availability restricted.
Pharmacologic intervention for prevention of fractures in osteopenic and osteoporotic postmenopausal women: Systemic review and meta-analysis -
Chih-Hsing Wu,
Wei-Chieh Hung,
Ing-Lin Chang,
Tsung-Ting Tsai,
Yin-Fan Chang,
Eugene V. Mccloskey,
Nelson B. Watts,
Michael R. Mcclung,
Chun-Feng Huang,
Chung-Hwan Chen,
Kun-Ling Wu,
Keh-Sung Tsai,
Ding-Cheng Chan,
Jung-Fu Chen,
Shih-Te Tu,
Jawl-Shan Hwang,
Weibo Xia,
Toshio Matsumoto,
Yoon-Sok Chung,
Cyrus Cooper,
John A. Kanis,
Rong-Sen Yang and
Wing P. Chan
Type: Article
| 2020
| Item not available on this server.
The consortium on vulnerability to externalizing disorders and addictions (c-VEDA): an accelerated longitudinal cohort of children and adolescents in India -
Yuning Zhang,
Nilakshi Vaidya,
Udita Iyengar,
Eesha Sharma,
Bharath Holla,
Chirag K. Ahuja,
Gareth J. Barker,
Debasish Basu,
Rose Dawn Bharath,
Amit Chakrabarti,
Sylvane Desrivieres,
Paul Elliott,
Gwen Sascha Fernandes,
Amritha Gourisankar,
Jon Heron,
Matthew Hickman,
Preeti Jacob,
Sanjeev Jain,
Deepak Jayarajan,
Kartik Kalyanram,
Kamakshi Kartik,
Murali Krishna,
Ghattu V. Krishnaveni,
Keshav Kumar,
Kalyanaraman Kumaran,
Rebecca Kuriyan,
Pratima Murthy,
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos,
Meera Purushottam,
Madhavi Rangaswamy,
Sunita Simon Kupard,
Lenin Singh,
Roshan Singh,
B. N. Subodh,
Kandavel Thennarasu,
Mireille B. Toledano,
Mathew Varghese,
Vivek Benegal and
Gunter Schumann
Type: Article
| 2020
This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 01:44:08 2025 GMT.