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Number of items: 222.

Microwave-assisted synthesis and antimicrobial activities of flavonoid derivatives - Sherif B. Abdel Ghani, Louise Weaver, Zidan H. Zidan, Hussein M. Ali, C. William Keevil and Richard C.D. Brown
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Quantitative electrochemical SERS of flavin at a structured silver surface - Mamdouh E. Abdelsalam, Philip N. Bartlett, Andrea E. Russell, Jeremy J. Baumberg, Ernesto J. Calvo, Nicolás G. Tognalli and Alejandro Fainstein
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Toward less dependence on platinum group metal catalysts: the merits of utilizing tin - Richard D. Adams, Douglas A. Blom, Burjor Captain, Robert Raja, John Meurig Thomas and Eszter Trufan
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

10,11-Dihydrodiindeno[1,2-b:2',1'-d]-thiophene - Irina Afonina, Simon J. Coles, Michael B. Hursthouse, Alexander Kanibolotsky and Peter J. Skabara
Type: Article | 2008

Cyclisation reactions of bis-protected guanidines - C. Albrecht, S. Barnes, H. Bockemeier, D. Davies, M. Dennis, D.M. Evans, M.D. Fletcher, I. Jones, V. Leitmann, P.J. Murphy, R. Rowles, R. Nash, R.A. Stephenson, P.N. Horton and M.B. Hursthouse
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

The synthesis and structure of terpyridine-N-oxide complexes of copper(II) perchlorate - A.J. Amoroso, M.W. Burrows, S.J. Coles, R. Haigh, R.D. Farley, M.B. Hursthouse, M. Jones, K.M.A. Malik and D.M. Murphy
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Nickel dithiolenes containing pendant thiophene units: precursors to dithiolene-polythiophene hybrid materials - T. Anjos, S.J. Roberts-Bleming, A. Charlton, N. Robertson, A.R. Mount, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hursthouse, M. Kalaji and P.J. Murphy
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Anion-triggered electrodeposition in ferrocene-functionalised ortho-phenylenediamine-based receptors - Marta Arroyo, Peter R. Birkin, Philip A. Gale, Sergio E. García-Garrido and Mark E. Light
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Comparison of chiral and racemic forms of zinc cyclohexane trans-1,2 dicarboxylate frameworks; a structural, computational and calorimetric study - Andrew Bailey, Clare Lee, Russel K. Feller, James B. Orton, Caroline Mellot-Draznieks, Ben Slater, William T.A. Harrison, P. Simoncic, A. Navrotsky, Martin C. Grossel and Anthony K. Cheetham
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Crystal structure and antitumor activity of the novel zwitterionic complex of tri-n-Butyltin(IV) with 2-thiobarbituric acid - V.I. Balas, S.K. Hadjikakou, N. Hadjiliadis, N. Kourkoumelis, M.E. Light, M. Hursthouse, A.K. Metsios and S. Karkabounas
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Phospholipid membranes decorated by cholesterol-based oligonucleotides as soft hybrid nanostructures - Martina Banchelli, Francesca Betti, Debora Berti, Gabriella Caminati, Francesca Baldelli Bombelli, Tom Brown, L. Marcus Wilhelmsson, Bengt Nordén and P. Baglioni
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Selective binding of L-glutamate derivative in aqueous solvents - S. Bartoli, T. Mahmood, A. Malik, S. Dixon and J.D. Kilburn
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Structural diversity in the first metal complexes of 2,5-dicarboxamidopyrroles and 2,5-dicarbothioamidopyrroles - Gareth W. Bates, Philip A. Gale, Mark E. Light, Mark I. Ogden and Colin N. Warriner
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

The dynamics of hydrogen adsorption on polycrystalline uranium - S.G. Bazley, T.S. Nunney, C. Mormiche and B.E. Hayden
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Integrative feedback and robustness in a lipid biosynthetic network - Jason Beard, George S. Attard and Matthew J. Cheetham
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Anion complexation via C–HX interactions using a palladacyclic receptor - R.B. Bedford, M. Betham, C.P. Butts, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hursthouse, P.N. Scully, J.H.R. Tucker, J. Wilkie and Y. Willener
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Applying hot-stage microscopy to co-crystal screening: A study of nicotinamide with seven active pharmaceutical ingredients - D.J. Berry, C.C. Seaton, W. Clegg, R.W. Harrington, S.J. Coles, P.N. Horton, M.B. Hursthouse, R. Storey, W. Jones, T. Friscic and N. Blagden
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Stable P-N bridged cyclophosphazenes with a spiro or ansa arrangement - S. Besli, S.J. Coles, D.B. Davies, A.O. Erkovan, M.B. Hursthouse and A. Kilic
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Clathrate and channel inclusion systems co-exist in the crystal structure of a bis-C-pivot macrocycle (Z? = 2) - Selen Bilge, Simon J. Coles, David B. Davies, Michael B. Hursthouse, Zeynel Kilic, John S. Rutherford and Robert A. Shaw
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Sharp-cornered liquid drops by wetting of nanoscale features - Fabrice Birembaut, Nicolas Perney, Katrin Pechstedt, Philip N. Bartlett, Andrea E. Russell and Jeremy J. Baumberg
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

DNA closed nanostructures: a structural and Monte Carlo simulation study - Francesca Baldelli Bombelli, Filippo Gambinossi, Marco Lagi, Debora Berti, Gabriella Caminati, Tom Brown, Francesco Sciortino, Bengt Nordén and Piero Baglioni
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Supramolecular helical porphyrin arrays using DNA as a scaffold - Imenne Bouamaied, ThaoNguyen Nguyen, Thomas Ruhl and Eugen Stulz
Type: Article | 2008

Introductory remarks: linear scaling methods - D.R. Bowler, J.-L. Fattebert, M.J. Gillan, P.D. Haynes and C.-K. Skylaris
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Diffractive micro bar codes for encoding of biomolecules in multiplexed assays - Graham R. Broder, Rohan T. Ranasinghe, Joseph K. She, Shahanara Banu, Sam W. Birtwell, Gabriel Cavalli, Gerasim S. Galitonov, David Holmes, Hugo F.P. Martins, Kevin F. MacDonald, Cameron Neylon, Nikolay Zheludev, Peter L. Roach and Hywel Morgan
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Fluorescent anthracene-based anion receptors - S.J. Brooks, C. Caltagirone, A.J. Cossins, P.A. Gale and M.E. Light
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Total synthesis of cis-sylvaticin - L.J. Brown, I.B. Spurr, S.C. Kemp, N.P. Camp, K.R. Gibson and R.C.D. Brown
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis, structures and DFT calculations on alkaline-earth metal azide-crown ether complexes - M.D. Brown, M.F. Davis, J.M. Dyke, F. Ferrante, W. Levason, J.S. Ogden and M. Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Classical molecular dynamics simulations of the complex between the RAD51 protein and the BRC hairpin loops of the BRCA2 protein - Nick Buis, Chris-Kriton Skylaris, Guy Grant, Eeson Rajendra, Mike Payne and Ashok Venkitaraman
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Impact of PtRu anode catalyst degradation on DMFC MEA performance - N. Cabello-Moreno, E. Crabb, J. Fisher and Andrea E. Russell
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Anion binding vs. sulfonamide deprotonation in functionalised ureas - Claudia Caltagirone, Gareth W. Bates, Philip A. Gale and Mark E. Light
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

1,3-Diindolylureas: high affinity dihydrogen phosphate receptors - Claudia Caltagirone, Philip A. Gale, Jennifer R. Hiscock, Simon J. Brooks, Michael B. Hursthouse and Mark Edward Light
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

1,3-diindolylureas and 1,3-diindolythioureas: anion complexation studies in solution and the solid State - Claudia Caltagirone, Jennifer R. Hiscock, Michael B. Hursthouse, Mark Edward Light and Philip A. Gale
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Stepwise cycloadditions of mesoionic systems: thionation of thioisomunchnones by isothlocyanates - D. Cantillo, M. Avalos, R. Babiano, P. Cintas, J.L. Jimenez, M.E. Light and J.C. Palacios
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Prediction of retention for sulfonamides in supercritical fluid chromatography - Amaury Cazenave-Gassiot, Robert Boughtflower, Jeffrey Caldwell, Richard Coxhead, Laure Hitzel, Stephen Lane, Paul Oakley, Clare Holyoak, Frank Pullen and G. John Langley
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Outer membrane protein G: engineering a quiet pore for biosensing - Min Chen, Syma Khalid, Mark S.P. Sansom and Hagan Bayley
Type: Article | 2008

Preparation, characterization, and structural systematics of diphosphane and diarsane complexes of indium(III) halides - Fei Cheng, Sarah I. Friend, Andrew L. Hector, William Levason, Gillian Reid, Michael Webster and Wenjian Zhang
Type: Article | 2008

Coordination networks derived from germanium(ii) thioether macrocyclic complexes—the first authenticated chalcogenoether complexes of Ge(ii) - Fei Cheng, Andrew L. Hector, William Levason, Gillian Reid, Michael Webster and Wenjian Zhang
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Syntheses and properties of heterobimetallic ligand-bridged ruthenium(II)/rhenium(I) complexes and their monometallic congeners - Benjamin J. Coe, Emma C. Fitzgerald, Madeleine Helliwell, Bruce S. Brunschwig, Anthony G. Fitch, James A. Harris, Simon J. Coles, Peter N. Horton and Michael B. Hursthouse
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Experiences with repositories and blogs in laboratories - Simon Coles, Leslie Carr and Jeremy Frey
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

The eCrystals Federation - Simon Coles and Liz Lyon
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

‘The eCrystals Federation’ management and publication of small molecule structure data for the whole crystallographic community - Simon J. Coles, Michael B. Hursthouse, Richard A. Stephenson, Pete Cliff, Elizabeth J. Lyon, Manjula Patel, Jim Downing and Peter Murray-Rust
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Double-quantum 13C nuclear magnetic resonance of bathorhodopsin, the first photointermediate in mammalian vision - Maria Concistre, Axel Gansmuller, Neville McLean, Ole G. Johannessen, Ildefonso Marin Montesinos, Petra H.M. Bovee-Geurts, Peter Verdegem, Johan Lugtenburg, Richard C. D. Brown, Willem J. DeGrip and Malcolm H. Levitt
Type: Article | 2008

DNA that is dispersed in the liquid crystalline phases of phospholipids is actively transcribed - J. Corsi, M.K. Dymond, O. Ces, J. Muck, D. Zink and G.S. Attard
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Protein-ligand binding affinity by nonequilibrium free energy methods - Benjamin P. Cossins, Sebastien Foucher, Colin M. Edge and Jonathan W. Essex
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis, chemistry and structures of complexes of the dioxovanadium(V) halides VO2F and VO2Cl - Martin F. Davis, Marek Jura, Alethea Leung, William Levason, Benjamin Littlefield, Gillian Reid and Michael Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Structure-performance relationships of Rh and RhPd alloy supported catalysts using EDE/DRIFTS/MS - Andy J. Dent, John Evans, Steven G. Fiddy, Bhrat Jyoti, Mark A. Newton and Moniek Tromp
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding in bis(2-amino-5-fluoro-3-methylphenyl)disulfide - J. E. Drake, M. B. Hursthouse, M. E. Light, R. Maheshwari, K. G. Ojha and R. Ratnani
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

On the highly stereoselective addition of lithio-acetylides to alpha-hydroxy-ketones - D. Dunford, M. Guyader, S. Jones, D.W. Knight, M.B. Hursthouse and S.J. Coles
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Sulfimidation of thioether groups—a versatile method for modifying and linking thia/oxa crowns - Mark R.J. Elsegood, Paul F. Kelly, Gillian Reid, Alexandra M.Z. Slawin and Paul M. Staniland
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Controlled release of Chol-TEG-DNA from Nano- and micropatterned SU-8 surfaces by a spreading lipid film - Yavuz Erkan, Kiona Halma, Ilja Czolkos, Aldo Jesorka, Paul Dommersnes, Ravindra Kumar, Tom Brown and Owe Orwar
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Kinetics of iminium ion catalysis - G. Evans, T.J.K. Gibbs, R.L. Jenkins, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hursthouse, J.A. Platts and N.C.O. Tomkinson
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Metal–organic anion receptors: trans-functionalised platinum complexes - Matthew G. Fisher, Philip A. Gale, Mark E. Light and Stephen J. Loeb
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

A catemer-to-dimer structural transformation in cyheptamide - A.J.K. Florence, T. Gelbrich, M.B.N. Hursthouse, A. Johnston, P. Fernandes and C.K. Leech
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Article | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Hydration, structure, and superconductivity of KOs2O6·nH2O - R. Galati, C. Simon, C.S. Knee, P.F. Henry, B.D. Rainford and M.T. Weller
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Rapid typing of STRs in the human genome by HyBeacon® melting - Nittaya Gale, David J. French, Rebecca L. Howard, David G. McDowell, Paul G. Debenham and Tom Brown
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Anion receptors based on organic frameworks: highlights from 2005 and 2006 - Philip A. Gale, Sergio E. Garcia-Garrido and Joachim Garric
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

delta-Sulfanilamide - Thomas Gelbrich, Ann L. Bingham, Terence L. Threlfall and Michael B. Hursthouse
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Covalent modification of glassy carbon surface with organic redox probes through diamine linkers using electrochemical and solid-phase synthesis methodologies - Mohamed A. Ghanem, Jean-Mathieu Chrétien, Aleksandra Pinczewska, Jeremy D. Kilburn and Philip N. Bartlett
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Adsorption of rhodamine 6G at the water-air interface - R. Greef, J.G. Frey, J. Robinson and L. Danos
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

The water-like film on water - Robert Greef and J.G. Frey
Type: Article | 2008

Synthetic and computational studies of thiocarbonyl/?-organyl coupling reactions(1) - Jennifer C. Green, Andrew L. Hector, Anthony F. Hill, Sibo Lin and James D.E.T. Wilton-Ely
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Cooperative binding of calix[4]pyrrole-anion complexes and alkylammonium cations in halogenated solvents - Dustin E. Gross, Franz P. Schmidtchen, Wiebke Antonius, Philip A. Gale, Vincent M. Lynch and Jonathan L. Sessler
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

High-throughput synthesis and screening of hydrogen-storage alloys - Samuel Guerin, Brian E. Hayden and Duncan C.A. Smith
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis, characterisation and structures of thio-, seleno- and telluro-ether complexes of gallium(III) - Chitra Gurnani, William Levason, Raju Ratnani, Gillian Reid and Michael Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Optimal probe length varies for targets with high sequence variation: implications for probe library design for resequencing highly variable genes - Niall J. Haslam, Nava E. Whiteford, Gerald Weber, Adam Prügel-Bennett, Jonathan W. Essex and Cameron Neylon
Type: Article | 2008

A non-oxide sol–gel route to synthesise silicon imidonitride monolithic gels and high surface area aerogels - Shereen Hassan, Andrew L. Hector, Jason R. Hyde, Ali Kalaji and David C. Smith
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Density kernel optimization in the ONETEP code - P.D. Haynes, C-Kriton Skylaris, A.A. Mostofi and M.C. Payne
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

[{Cp2(tBuSe)Nb}2E] (E= O and Se) with bridging oxide or selenide ligands - A.L. Hector, M. Jura, W. Levason, G. Reid, S.D. Reid and M. Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Bis(?5-cyclopentadienyl)bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyltellurolato)zirconium(IV) - A.L. Hector, W. Levason, G. Reid, S.D. Reid and M. Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008

Type: Thesis | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Towards a universal product ion mass spectral library - reproducibility of product ion spectra across eleven different mass spectrometers - Chris Hopley, Tony Bristow, Anneke Lubben, Alec Simpson, Elaine Bul, Katerina Klagkou, Julie Herniman and John Langley
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Pattern recognition based on color-coded quantum mechanical surfaces for molecular alignment - Brian D. Hudson, David C. Whitley, Martyn G. Ford, Martin Swain and Jonathan W. Essex
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

A study of the reactive intermediate IF and I atoms with photoelectron spectroscopy - Fabrizio Innocenti, Marie Eypper, Sonya Beccaceci, Alan Morris, Stefano Stranges, John B. West, George C. King and John M. Dyke
Type: Article | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Conformational dynamics of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier: a simulation study - Jennifer M. Johnston, Syma Khalid and Mark S.P. Sansom
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Preparation and properties of sterically demanding and chiral distibine ligands - Marek Jura, William Levason, Gillian Reid and Michael Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

OmpA: Gating and dynamics via molecular dynamics simulations - Syma Khalid, Peter J. Bond, Timothy Carpenter and Mark S.P. Sansom
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

DNA and lipid bilayers: self-assembly and insertion - Syma Khalid, Peter J. Bond, John Holyoake, Robert W. Hawtin and Mark S.P. Sansom
Type: Article | 2008

Polyaniline-based microelectrodes for sensing ascorbic acid in beverages - Paul A. Kilmartin, A. Martinez and P.N. Bartlett
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Rapid and efficient DNA strand cross-linking by click chemistry - Petr Kočalka, Afaf H. El-Sagheer and Tom Brown
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Towards a nanostructured thermoelectric generator using ion-track lithography - E. Koukharenko, X. Li, I. Nandhakumar, N. Frety, S.P. Beeby, D. Cox, M.J. Tudor, B. Schiedt, C. Trautmann, A. Bertsch and N.M. White
Type: Article | 2008

Development of nanostructures for thermoelectric microgenerators using ion-track lithography - E. Koukharenko, X. Li, I.S. Nandhakumar, B. Schiedt, C. Trautmann, J. Speed, M.J. Tudor, S.P. Beeby and N.M. White
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Micro and nanotechnologies for thermoelectric generators - E. Koukharenko, M. J. Tudor, S. P. Beeby, N. M. White, X. Li and I. S. Nandhakumar
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2008

An HMV mapping study of a pulsating jet system - Jekaterina Kuleshova, Peter R. Birkin and Joanne M. Elliott
Type: Article | 2008

Imaging optical near fields at metallic nanoscale voids - P.D. Lacharmoise, N.G. Tognalli, A.R. Goñi, M.I. Alonso, A. Fainstein, R.M. Cole, J.J. Baumberg, J. Garcia de Abajo and P.N. Bartlett
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis and in vivo evaluation of 4-deoxy-4,4-difluoro-KRN7000 - Leo Leung, Cyrille Tomassi, Katrien Van Beneden, Tine Decruy, Dirk Elewaut, Tim Elliott, Aymen Al-Shamkhani, Christian Ottensmeier, Serge Van Calenbergh, Joern Werner, Tony Williams and Bruno Linclau
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Selenoether macrocyclic chemistry—syntheses and properties of new potentially tridentate and hexadentate Se/O-donor macrocycles - William Levason, Joanna M. Manning, Manisha Nirwan, Raju Ratnani, Gillian Reid, Hayley L. Smith and Michael Webster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Screening for polymorphs on polymer microarrays - Albert R. Liberski, Graham J. Tizzard, Juan J. Diaz-Mochon, Michael B. Hursthouse, Phillip Milnes and Mark Bradley
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Addressable molecular node assembly - high information density DNA nanostructures - E. Lundberg, J. Tumpane, M. Kumar, P. Sandin, N. Gale, I. S. Nandhakumar, B. Albinsson, P. Lincoln, L. M. Wilhelmsson, T. Brown and B. Norden
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Scaling up: towards a federation of crystallography data repositories - Liz Lyon, Simon Coles, Monica Duke and Traugott Koch
Type: Monograph | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

SERS-melting: a new method for discriminating mutations in dna sequences - Sumeet Mahajan, James Richardson, Tom Brown and Philip N. Bartlett
Type: Article | 2008

Self focusing of acoustically excited Faraday ripples on a bubble wall - Alexey O. Maksimov, Timothy G. Leighton and Peter R. Birkin
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

A Hall effect angle detector for solid-state NMR - Salvatore Mamone, André Dorsch, Ole G. Johannessen, Manoj V. Naik, P.K. Madhu and Malcolm H. Levitt
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Assembly, structure and electrical conductance of carbon nanotube-gold nanoparticle 2D heterostructures - Dan H. Marsh, Graham A. Rance, Richard J. Whitby, Francesco Giustiniano and Andrei N. Khlobystov
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis, structure, and supramolecular architecture of benzonitrile and pyridine adducts of bis(pentafluorophenyl)zinc: pentafluorophenyl-aryl interactions versus homoaromatic pairing - Eddy Martin, Claire Spendley, Andrew J. Mountford, Simon J. Coles, Peter N. Horton, David L. Hughes, Michael B. Hursthouse and Simon J. Lancaster
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Magnetic molecular charge-transfer salts containing layers of water and tris(oxalato) ferrate(III) anions - Lee Martin, Peter Day, Sarah A. Barnett, Derek A. Tocher, Peter N. Horton and Mike B. Hursthouse
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

An efficient and highly diastereoselective synthesis of C-glycosylated 1,3-oxazolidines from N-methyl-D-glucamine - R.F. Martinez, M. Avalos, R. Babiano, P. Cintas, J.L. Jimenez, M.E. Light, J.C. Palacios and E.M.S. Perez
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Direct solvothermal synthesis of early transition metal nitrides - Baishakhi Mazumder, Pietro Chirico and Andrew L. Hector
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

New routes to crystallographic data publication - Brian McMahon, Simon Coles, Ashley Buckle, William Clegg, Howard Einspahr, Frank Allen, John Westbrook, Nick Day and Saulius Grazulis
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

XUV diffraction from a self-assembled 2D array of hexagonal close-packed 200nm diameter PMMA spheres - B. Mills, C.F. Chau, E.T.F. Rogers, J. Grant-Jacob, S.L. Stebbings, M. Praeger, C.A. Froud, R.T. Chapman, T.J. Butcher, D.C. Hanna, J.J. Baumberg, W.S. Brocklesby and J. Frey
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Direct measurement of the complex refractive index in the extreme ultraviolet spectral region using diffraction from a nanosphere array - B. Mills, C.F. Chau, E.T.F. Rogers, J. Grant-Jacob, S.L. Stebbings, M. Praeger, A.M. de Paula, C.A. Froud, T.J. Butcher, J.J. Baumberg, W.S. Brocklesby and J.G. Frey
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

A combined ab initio and Franck-Condon simulation study of the photodetachment spectrum of ZrO2 - Daniel K.W. Mok, Foo-tim Chau, John M. Dyke and Edmond P.F. Lee
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Probing the effects of ligand structure on activity and selectivity of Cr(III) complexes for ethylene oligomerisation and polymerisation - Jerome O. Moulin, John Evans, David S. McGuinness, Gillian Reid, Adam J. Rucklidge, Robert P. Tooze and Moniek Tromp
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Genetic selection of cyclic peptide dam methyltransferase inhibitors - Todd A. Naumann, Ali Tavassoli and Stephen J. Benkovic
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

The study of aluminium anodes for high power density Al/Air batteries with brine electrolytes - Maria Nestoridi, Derek Pletcher, Shuncai Wang, Richard L. Jones, Keith R. Stokes and Ian Wilcock
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

DNA polymorphism as an origin of adenine-thymine tract length-dependent threading intercalation rate - Pär Nordell, Fredrik Westerlund, Anna Reymer, Afaf H. El-Sagheer, Tom Brown, Bengt Nordén and Per Lincoln
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

A quantitative coarse-grain model for lipid bilayers - Mario Orsi, David Y. Haubertin, Wendy E. Sanderson and Jonathan W. Essex
Type: Article | 2008

Thermal history effects and methyl tunneling dynamics in a supramolecular complex of calixarene and para-xylene - K.S. Panesar, A.J. Horsewill, F. Cuda, M. Carravetta, S. Mamone, A. Danquigny, M.C. Grossel and M.H. Levitt
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

The long-lived nuclear singlet state of 15N-nitrous oxide in solution - Giuseppe Pileio, Marina Carravetta, Eric Hughes and Malcolm H. Levitt
Type: Article | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Estimation of internuclear couplings in the solid-state NMR of multiple-spin systems: selective spin echoes and off-magic-angle sample spinning - Giuseppe Pileio, Salvatore Mamone, Giulia Mollica, Ildefonso Marin Montesinos, Axel Gansmüller, Marina Carravetta, Steven P. Brown and Malcolm H. Levitt
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

A novel flow battery—A lead-acid battery based on an electrolyte with soluble lead(II) V. Studies of the lead negative electrode - Derek Pletcher, Hantao Zhou, Gareth Kear, C.T. John Low, Frank C. Walsh and Richard G.A. Wills
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Facile, one-step production of niacin (Vitamin B-3) and other nitrogen-containing pharmaceutical chemicals with a single-site heterogeneous catalyst - Robert Raja, John Meurig Thomas, Michael Greenhill-Hooper, Steven V. Ley and Filipe A. Almeida Paz
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2008

Characterization and use of an unprecedentedly bright and structurally non-perturbing fluorescent DNA base analogue - Peter Sandin, Karl Borjesson, Hong Li, Jerker Martensson, Tom Brown, L. Marcus Wilhelmsson and Bo Albinsson
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Catalytic oxidation of CO over ordered mesoporous platinum - Ali Saramat, Peter Thormahlen, Magnus Skoglungh, George S. Attard and Anders E.C. Palmqvist
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Reduction in crystallization time of Sb:Te films through addition of Bi - R.E. Simpson, D.W. Hewak, P. Fons, J. Tominaga, S. Guerin and B.E. Hayden
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Generating highly active partially oxidized platinum during oxidation of carbon monoxide over Pt/Al2O3 : in situ, time-resolved, and high-energy-resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy - Jagdeep Singh, Evalyn M.C. Alayon, Moniek Tromp, Olga V. Safonova, Pieter Glatzel, Maarten Nachtegaal, Ronald Frahm and Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Novel dithiolene complexes incorporating conjugated electroactive ligands - P.J. Skabara, C. Pozo-Gonzalo, N.L. Miazza, M. Laguna, E. Cerrada, A. Luquin, B. Gonzalez, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hursthouse, R.W. Harrington and W. Clegg
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton | Item not available on this server.

Field assessment of a new membrane-free microelectrode dissolved oxygen sensor for water column profiling - Maciej Sosna, Guy Denuault, Robin W. Pascal, Ralf D. Prien and Matt Mowlem
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Binding of 14-3-3 proteins to a single stranded oligodeoxynucleotide aptamer - R. Stevenson, H. Baxter, A. Aitken, Tom Brown and R. BAXTER
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Er:Ta2O5 waveguide optimization & spectroscopy - Ananth Subramanian, Claudio J. Oton, Robert Greef and James S. Wilkinson
Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008

Invariant NKT cells promote CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell responses by inducing CD70 expression on dendritic cells - Vadim Y. Taraban, Sonya Martin, Kathrine E. Attfield, Martin J. Glennie, Tim Elliott, Dirk Elewaut, Serge Van Calenbergh, Bruno Linclau and Aymen Al-Shamkhani
Type: Article | 2008 | Item availability restricted.

Inhibition of HIV budding by a genetically selected cyclic peptide targeting the Gag?TSG101 interaction - Ali Tavassoli, Quan Lu, Jongsik Gam, Hui Pans, Stephen J. Benkovic and Stanley N. Cohen
Type: Article | 2008

Letter. Omnidirectional absorption in nanostructured metal surfaces - T.V. Teperik, F.J. García de Abajo, A.G. Borisov, M. Abdelsalam, P.N. Bartlett, Y. Sugawara and J.J. Baumberg
Type: Article | 2008

Cooperative effect of carborane and pyridine in the reaction of carboranyl alcohols with thionyl chloride: halogenation versus oxidation - Vincent Terrasson, Jose G. Planas, Damien Prim, Clara Vinas, Francesc Teixidor, Mark Edward Light and Michael B. Hursthouse
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

PtML/Pd/C Core-Shell Electrocatalysts for the ORR in PEMFCs - Beatrice Tessier, Andrea E. Russell, Brian R. Theobald and David Thompsett
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Ionisation in the absence of high voltage using supercritical fluid chromatography: a possible route to increased signal - Mohini A. Thite, Robert Boughtflower, Jeff Caldwell, Laure Hitzel, Clare Holyoak, Stephen J. Lane, Paul Oakley, Frank S. Pullen, Stefan Richardson and G. John Langley
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Synthesis, characterization, electronic structure and catalytic performance of bimetallic and trimetallic nanoparticles containing tin - John Meurig Thomas, Richard D. Adams, Erin M. Boswell, Burjor Captain, Henrik Gronbeck and Robert Raja
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

A theoretical study of the gas-phase chemiionization reactions La+O and La+O2 - Tanya Todorova, Ivan Infante, Laura Gagliardi and John M. Dyke
Type: Article | 2008

meso-Octamethylcalix[4]pyrrole: an old yet new transmembrane ion-pair transporter - Christine C. Tong, Roberto Quesada, Jonathan L. Sessler and Philip A. Gale
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

6?-derivatised ?-galcer analogues capable of inducing strong CD1d-mediated Th1-biased NKT cell responses in mice - Matthias Trappeniers, Katrien Van Beneden, Tine Decruy, Ulrik Hillaert, Bruno Linclau, Dirk Elewaut and Serge Van Calenbergh
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008

Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Enantiotropically-related polymorphs of {4-(4-chloro-3-fluorophenyl)-2-[4-(methyloxy)phenyl]-1,3-thiazol-5-yl} acetic acid: Crystal structures and multinuclear solid-state NMR - Frederick G. Vogt, Lee M. Katrincic, Stacey T. Long, Ronald L. Mueller, Robert A. Carlton, Yan T. Sun, Matthew N. Johnson, Royston C. B. Copley and Mark Edward Light
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

To alloy or not to alloy? Cr modified Pt/C cathode catalysts for PEM fuel cells - Peter P. Wells, Yangdong Qian, Colin R. King, Richard J.K. Wiltshire, Eleanor M. Crabb, Lesley E. Smart, David Thompsett and Andrea E. Russell
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Type: Thesis | 2008 | University of Southampton

Observation and assignment of the first photoelectron band of the CH3CO (X(2)A) radical - M.H.N. Zamanpour, A. Bahkshandeh, S. Ghaffarzadeh and J.M. Dyke
Type: Article | 2008 | Item not available on this server.

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