Number of items: 275.
Nutrition issues in Codex: health claims, nutrient reference values and WTO agreements: a conference report -
P.J. Aggett,
J. Hathcock,
D. Jukes,
D.P. Richardson,
P.C. Calder,
H. Bischoff-Ferrari,
T. Nicklas,
S. Mühlebach,
O. Kwon,
J. Lewis,
M.J. Lugard and
P. Prock
Type: Article
| 2012
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Nablus mask-like facial syndrome: Deletion of chromosome 8q22.1 is necessary but not sufficient to cause the phenotype -
Judith Allanson,
Amanda Smith,
Heather Hare,
Beate Albrecht,
Emilia Bijlsma,
Bruno Dallapiccola,
Emilio Donti,
David Fitzpatrick,
Bertrand Isidor,
Katherine Lachlan,
Cedric Le Caignec,
Paolo Prontera,
Annick Raas-Rothschild,
Daniela Rogaia,
Bregje van Bon,
Swaroop Aradhya,
Susan F. Crocker,
Olga Jarinova,
Jean McGowan-Jordan,
Kym Boycott,
Dennis Bulman and
Christina Ringmann Fagerberg
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, cause Coats plus -
Beverley H Anderson,
Paul R Kasher,
Josephine Mayer,
Marcin Szynkiewicz,
Emma M Jenkinson,
Sanjeev S Bhaskar,
Jill E Urquhart,
Sarah B Daly,
Jonathan E Dickerson,
James O'Sullivan,
Elisabeth Oppliger Leibundgut,
Joanne Muter,
Ghada M H Abdel-Salem,
Riyana Babul-Hirji,
Peter Baxter,
Andrea Berger,
Luisa Bonafé,
Janice E Brunstom-Hernandez,
Johannes A Buckard,
David Chitayat,
Wui K Chong,
Duccio M Cordelli,
Patrick Ferreira,
Joel Fluss,
Ewan H Forrest,
Emilio Franzoni,
Caterina Garone,
Simon R Hammans,
Gunnar Houge,
Imelda Hughes,
Sebastien Jacquemont,
Pierre-Yves Jeannet,
Rosalind J Jefferson,
Ram Kumar,
Georg Kutschke,
Staffan Lundberg,
Charles M Lourenço,
Ramesh Mehta,
Sakkubai Naidu,
Ken K Nischal,
Luís Nunes,
Katrin Õunap,
Michel Philippart,
Prab Prabhakar,
Sarah R Risen,
Raphael Schiffmann,
Calvin Soh,
John B P Stephenson,
Helen Stewart,
Jon Stone,
John L Tolmie,
Marjo S van der Knaap,
Jose P Vieira,
Catheline N Vilain,
Emma L Wakeling,
Vanessa Wermenbol,
Andrea Whitney,
Simon C Lovell,
Stefan Meyer,
John H Livingston,
Gabriela M Baerlocher,
Graeme C M Black,
Gillian I Rice and
Yanick J Crow
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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TET2 mutations are associated with specific 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiles in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia -
Esteban Ballestar,
Cristina Pérez,
Nicolas Martínez-Calle,
José Ignacio Martín-Subero,
Victor Segura,
Eric Delabesse,
Marta Fernandez-Mercado,
Leire Garate,
Sara Alvarez,
José Rifon,
Sara Varea,
Jacqueline Boultwood,
James S. Wainscoat,
Juan Cruz Cigudosa,
María José Calasanz,
Nicholas C. P. Cross,
Felipe Prósper and
Xabier Agirre
Type: Article
| 2012
How genetically heterogeneous is Kabuki syndrome?: MLL2 testing in 116 patients, review and analyses of mutation and phenotypic spectrum -
Siddharth Banka,
Ratna Veeramachaneni,
William Reardon,
Emma Howard,
Sancha Bunstone,
Nicola Ragge,
Michael J Parker,
Yanick J Crow,
Bronwyn Kerr,
Helen Kingston,
Kay Metcalfe,
Kate Chandler,
Alex Magee,
Fiona Stewart,
Vivienne P M McConnell,
Deirdre E Donnelly,
Siren Berland,
Gunnar Houge,
Jenny E Morton,
Christine Oley,
Nicole Revencu,
Soo-Mi Park,
Sally J Davies,
Andrew E Fry,
Sally Ann Lynch,
Harinder Gill,
Susann Schweiger,
Wayne W K Lam,
John Tolmie,
Shehla N Mohammed,
Emma Hobson,
Audrey Smith,
Moira Blyth,
Christopher Bennett,
Pradeep C Vasudevan,
Sixto García-Miñaúr,
Alex Henderson,
Judith Goodship,
Michael J Wright,
Richard Fisher,
Richard Gibbons,
Susan M Price,
Deepthi C de Silva,
I Karen Temple,
Amanda L Collins,
Katherine Lachlan,
Frances Elmslie,
Meriel McEntagart,
Bruce Castle,
Jill Clayton-Smith,
Graeme C Black and
Dian Donnai
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Xq28 duplications including MECP2 in five females: expanding the phenotype to severe mental retardation -
E.K. Bijlsma,
A. Collins,
F.T. Papa,
M.I. Tejada,
P. Wheeler,
E.A.J. Peeters,
A.C.J. Gijsbers,
J.M. van de Kamp,
M. Kriek,
M. Losekoot,
A.J. Broekma,
J.A. Crolla,
M. Pollazzon,
M. Mucciolo,
E. Katzaki,
V. Disciglio,
M.I. Ferreri,
A. Marozza,
M.A. Mencarelli,
C. Castagnini,
L. Dosa,
F. Ariani,
F. Mari,
R. Canitano,
G. Hayek,
M.P. Botella,
B. Gener,
M. Mínguez,
A. Renieri and
C.A.L. Ruivenkamp
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
| Item availability restricted.
Fish oil supplementation improves neutrophil function during cancer chemotherapy -
S.J. Bonatto,
H.H. Oliveira,
E.A. Nunes,
D. Pequito,
F. Lagher,
I. Coelho,
K. Naliwaiko,
M. Kryczyk,
G.A. Brito,
J. Repka,
L.V. Sabóia,
G. Fukujima,
P.C. Calder and
L.C. Fernandes
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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A novel prognostic model in myeloma based on co-segregating adverse FISH lesions and the ISS: analysis of patients treated in the MRC Myeloma IX trial -
K.D. Boyd,
F.M. Ross,
L. Chiecchio,
G.P. Dagrada,
Z.J. Konn,
W.J. Tapper,
B.A. Walker,
C.P. Wardell,
W.M. Gregory,
A.J. Szubert,
S.E. Bell,
J.A. Child,
G.H. Jackson,
F.E. Davies and
G.J. Morgan
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Genome-wide association study of age-related macular degeneration identifies associated variants in the TNXB-FKBPL-NOTCH4 region of chromosome 6p21.3 -
V. Cipriani,
H.-T. Leung,
V. Plagnol,
C. Bunce,
J. C. Khan,
H. Shahid,
A. T. Moore,
S. P. Harding,
P. N. Bishop,
C. Hayward,
S. Campbell,
A. M. Armbrecht,
B. Dhillon,
I. J. Deary,
H. Campbell,
M. Dunlop,
A. F. Dominiczak,
S. S. Mann,
S. A. Jenkins,
A. R. Webster,
A. C. Bird,
M. Lathrop,
D. Zelenika,
E. H. Souied,
J.-A. Sahel,
T. Leveillard,
A. J. Cree,
J. Gibson,
S. Ennis,
A. J. Lotery,
A. F. Wright,
D. G. Clayton and
J. R. W. Yates
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Mutations affecting mRNA splicing define distinct clinical phenotypes and correlate with patient outcome in myelodysplastic syndromes -
F. Damm,
O. Kosmider,
V. Gelsi-Boyer,
A. Renneville,
N. Carbuccia,
C. Hidalgo-Curtis,
V. Della-Valle,
L. Couronne,
L. Scourzic,
V. Chesnais,
A. Guerci-Bresler,
B. Slama,
O. Beyne-Rauzy,
A. Schmidt-Tanguy,
A. Stamatoullas-Bastard,
F. Dreyfus,
T. Prebet,
S. de Botton,
N. Vey,
M. A. Morgan,
N. C. P. Cross,
C. Preudhomme,
D. Birnbaum,
O. A. Bernard and
M. Fontenay
Type: Article
| 2012
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Frequency of mutations in the genes associated with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy in a UK cohort -
G. L. Davidson,
S. M. Murphy,
J. M. Polke,
M. Laura,
M. A. M. Salih,
F. Muntoni,
J. Blake,
S. Brandner,
N. Davies,
R. Horvath,
S. Price,
M. Donaghy,
M. Roberts,
N. Foulds,
G. Ramdharry,
D. Soler,
M. P. Lunn,
H. Manji,
M. B. Davis,
H. Houlden and
M. M. Reilly
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Fractional flow reserve–guided PCI versus medical therapy in stable coronary disease -
Bernard De Bruyne,
Nico H.J. Pijls,
Bindu Kalesan,
Emanuele Barbato,
Pim A.L. Tonino,
Zsolt Piroth,
Nikola Jagic,
Sven Möbius-Winkler,
Gilles Rioufol,
Nils Witt,
Petr Kala,
Philip MacCarthy,
Thomas Engström,
Keith G. Oldroyd,
Kreton Mavromatis,
Ganesh Manoharan,
Peter Verlee,
Ole Frobert,
Nick Curzen,
Jane B. Johnson,
Peter Jüni and
William F. Fearon
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Plasma inflammatory and vascular homeostasis biomarkers increase during human pregnancy but are not affected by oily fish intake -
C.E. García-Rodríguez,
J. Olza,
C.M. Aguilera,
M.D. Mesa,
E.A. Miles,
Paul S. Noakes,
M. Vlachava,
L.S. Kremmyda,
N.D. Diaper,
Keith M. Godfrey,
P.C. Calder and
A Gil
Type: Article
| 2012
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Does consumption of two portions of salmon per week enhance the antioxidant defense system in pregnant women? -
Cruz E. García-Rodríguez,
Maria D. Mesa,
Josune Olza,
Maria Vlachava,
Lefkothea-Stella Kremmyda,
Norma D. Diaper,
Paul S. Noakes,
Elizabeth A. Miles,
Maria Carmen Ramirez-Tortosa,
Bjorn Liaset,
Livar Froyland,
Adrien Rossary,
Marie-Chantal Farges,
Marie-Paule Vasson,
Concepcion M. Aguilera,
Johanna Helmersson-Karlqvist,
Keith M. Godfrey,
Philip C. Calder,
Samar Basu and
Angel Gil
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci -
Maya Ghoussaini,
Olivia Fletcher,
Kyriaki Michailidou,
Clare Turnbull,
Marjanka K. Schmidt,
Ed Dicks,
Joe Dennis,
Qin Wang,
Manjeet K. Humphreys,
Craig Luccarini,
Caroline Baynes,
Don Conroy,
Melanie Maranian,
Shahana Ahmed,
Kristy Driver,
Nichola Johnson,
Nicholas Orr,
Isabel dos Santos Silva,
Quinten Waisfisz,
Hanne Meijers-Heijboer,
Andre G. Uitterlinden,
Fernando Rivadeneira,
Per Hall,
Kamila Czene,
Astrid Irwanto,
Jianjun Liu,
Heli Nevanlinna,
Kristiina Aittomäki,
Carl Blomqvist,
Alfons Meindl,
Rita K. Schmutzler,
Bertram Müller-Myhsok,
Peter Lichtner,
Jenny Chang-Claude,
Rebecca Hein,
Stefan Nickels,
Dieter Flesch-Janys,
Helen Tsimiklis,
Enes Makalic,
Daniel Schmidt,
Minh Bui,
John L. Hopper,
Carmel Apicella,
Daniel J. Park,
Melissa Southey,
David J. Hunter,
Stephen J. Chanock,
Annegien Broeks,
Senno Verhoef,
Frans B.L. Hogervorst,
Peter A. Fasching,
Michael P. Lux,
Matthias W. Beckmann,
Arif B. Ekici,
Elinor Sawyer,
Ian Tomlinson,
Michael Kerin,
Frederik Marme,
Andreas Schneeweiss,
Christof Sohn,
Barbara Burwinkel,
Pascal Guénel,
Thérèse Truong,
Emilie Cordina-Duverger,
Florence Menegaux,
Stig E. Bojesen,
Børge G. Nordestgaard,
Sune F. Nielsen,
Henrik Flyger,
Roger L. Milne,
M. Rosario Alonso,
Anna González-Neira,
Javier Benítez,
Hoda Anton-Culver,
Argyrios Ziogas,
Leslie Bernstein,
Christina Clarke Dur,
Hermann Brenner,
Heiko Müller,
Volker Arndt,
Christa Stegmaier,
Christina Justenhoven,
Hiltrud Brauch,
Thomas Brüning,
Shan Wang-Gohrke,
Ursula Eilber,
Thilo Dörk,
Peter Schürmann,
Michael Bremer,
Peter Hillemanns,
Natalia V. Bogdanova,
Natalia N. Antonenkova,
Yuri I. Rogov,
Johann H. Karstens,
Marina Bermisheva,
Darya Prokofieva,
Elza Khusnutdinova,
Annika Lindblom,
Sara Margolin,
Arto Mannermaa,
Vesa Kataja,
Veli-Matti Kosma,
Jaana M. Hartikainen,
Diether Lambrechts,
Betul T. Yesilyurt,
Giuseppe Floris,
Karin Leunen,
Siranoush Manoukian,
Bernardo Bonanni,
Stefano Fortuzzi,
Paolo Peterlongo,
Fergus J. Couch,
Xianshu Wang,
Kristen Stevens,
Adam Lee,
Graham G. Giles,
Laura Baglietto,
Gianluca Severi,
Catriona McLean,
Grethe Grenaker Alnæs,
Vessela Kristensen,
Anne-Lise Børrensen-Dale,
Esther M. John,
Alexander Miron,
Robert Winqvist,
Katri Pylkäs,
Arja Jukkola-Vuorinen,
Saila Kauppila,
Irene L. Andrulis,
Gord Glendon,
Anna Marie Mulligan,
Peter Devilee,
Christie J. van Asperen,
Rob A.E.M. Tollenaar,
Caroline Seynaeve,
Jonine D. Figueroa,
Montserrat Garcia-Closas,
Louise Brinton,
Jolanta Lissowska,
Maartje J. Hooning,
Antoinette Hollestelle,
Rogier A. Oldenburg,
Ans M.W. van den Ouweland,
Angela Cox,
Malcolm W.R. Reed,
Mitul Shah,
Ania Jakubowska,
Jan Lubinski,
Katarzyna Jaworska,
Katarzyna Durda,
Michael Jones,
Minouk Schoemaker,
Alan Ashworth,
Anthony Swerdlow,
Jonathan Beesley,
Xiaoqing Chen,
Kenneth R. Muir,
Artitaya Lophatananon,
Suthee Rattanamongkongul,
Arkom Chaiwerawattana,
Daehee Kang,
Keun-Young Yoo,
Dong-Young Noh,
Chen-Yang Shen,
Jyh-Cherng Yu,
Pei-Ei Wu,
Chia-Ni Hsiung,
Annie Perkins,
Ruth Swann,
Louiza Velentzis,
Diana M. Eccles,
Will J. Tapper,
Susan M. Gerty,
Nikki J. Graham,
Bruce A.J. Ponder,
Georgia Chenevix-Trench,
Paul D.P. Pharoah,
Mark Lathrop,
Alison M. Dunning,
Nazneen Rahman,
Julian Peto and
Douglas F. Easton
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Spectrum of mutations in the renin-angiotensin system genes in autosomal recessive renal tubular dysgenesis -
Olivier Gribouval,
Vincent Morinière,
Audrey Pawtowski,
Christelle Arrondel,
Satu-Leena Sallinen,
Carola Saloranta,
Carol Clericuzio,
Géraldine Viot,
Julia Tantau,
Sophie Blesson,
Sylvie Cloarec,
Marie Christine Machet,
David Chitayat,
Christelle Thauvin,
Nicole Laurent,
Julian R. Sampson,
Jonathan A Bernstein,
Alix Clemenson,
Fabienne Prieur,
Laurent Daniel,
Annie Levy-Mozziconacci,
Katherine Lachlan,
Jean Luc Alessandri,
François Cartault,
Jean Pierre Rivière,
Nicole Picard,
Clarisse Baumann,
Anne Lise Delezoide,
Maria Belar Ortega,
Nicolas Chassaing,
Philippe Labrune,
Sui Yu,
Helen Firth,
Diana Wellesley,
Martin Bitzan,
Ahmed Alfares,
Nancy Braverman,
Lotte Krogh,
John Tolmie,
Harald Gaspar,
Bérénice Doray,
Silvia Majore,
Dominique Bonneau,
Stéphane Triau,
Chantal Loirat,
Albert David,
Deborah Bartholdi,
Amir Peleg,
Damien Brackman,
Rosario Stone,
Ralph DeBerardinis,
Pierre Corvol,
Annie Michaud,
Corinne Antignac and
Marie Claire Gubler
Type: Article
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Physical activity, calcium intake and childhood bone mineral: a population-based cross-sectional study -
N.C. Harvey,
Z.A. Cole,
S.R. Crozier,
M. Kim,
G. Ntani,
Laura R. Goodfellow,
S.M. Robinson,
Hazel M. Inskip,
K.M. Godfrey,
E.M. Dennison,
N. Wareham,
U. Ekelund and
C. Cooper
Type: Article
| 2012
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Evaluation of methylation status of the eNOS promoter at birth in relation to childhood bone mineral content -
Nicholas C. Harvey,
Karen A. Lillycrop,
Emma Garratt,
Allan Sheppard,
Cameron McLean,
Graham C. Burdge,
Jo Slater-Jefferies,
Joanne Rodford,
Sarah Crozier,
Hazel Inskip,
B.S. Emerald,
C.R. Gale,
M. Hanson,
P. Gluckman,
K. Godfrey and
C. Cooper
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Common variants at 6q22 and 17q21 are associated with intracranial volume -
M. Arfan Ikram,
Myriam Fornage,
Albert V. Smith,
Sudha Seshadri,
Reinhold Schmidt,
Stéphanie Debette,
Henri A. Vrooman,
Sigurdur Sigurdsson,
Stefan Ropele,
H. Rob Taal,
Dennis O. Mook-Kanamori,
Laura H. Coker,
W.T. Longstreth,
Wiro J. Niessen,
Anita L. DeStefano,
Alexa Beiser,
Alex P. Zijdenbos,
Maksim Struchalin,
Clifford R. Jack,
Fernando Rivadeneira,
Andre G. Uitterlinden,
David S. Knopman,
Anna-Liisa Hartikainen,
Craig E. Pennell,
Elisabeth Thiering,
Eric A.P. Steegers,
Hakon Hakonarson,
Joachim Heinrich,
Lyle J. Palmer,
Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin,
Mark I. McCarthy,
Struan F.A. Grant,
Beate St Pourcain,
Nicholas J. Timpson,
George Davey Smith,
Ulla Sovio,
Mike A. Nalls,
Rhoda Au,
Albert Hofman,
Haukur Gudnason,
Aad van der Lugt,
Tamara B. Harris,
William M. Meeks,
Meike W. Vernooij,
Mark A. van Buchem,
Diane Catellier,
Vincent W.V. Jaddoe,
Vilmundur Gudnason,
B. Gwen Windham,
Philip A. Wolf,
Cornelia M. van Duijn,
Thomas H. Mosley,
Helena Schmidt,
Lenore J. Launer,
Monique M.B. Breteler,
Charles DeCarli,
Linda S. Adair,
Wei Ang,
Mustafa Atalay,
Toos van Beijsterveldt,
Nienke Bergen,
Kelly Benke,
Diane Berry,
Lachlan Coin,
Oliver S.P. Davis,
Paul Elliott,
Claudia Flexeder,
Tim Frayling,
Romy Gaillard,
Maria Groen-Blokhuis,
Liang-Kee Goh,
Claire M.A. Haworth,
Dexter Hadley,
Johannes Hedebrand,
Anke Hinney,
Joel N. Hirschhorn,
John W. Holloway,
Claus Holst,
Jouke Jan Hottenga,
Momoko Horikoshi,
Ville Huikari,
Elina Hypponen,
Tuomas O. Kilpeläinen,
Mirna Kirin,
Matthew Kowgier,
Hanna-Maaria Lakka,
Leslie A. Lange,
Debbie A. Lawlor,
Terho Lehtimäki,
Alex Lewin,
Cecilia Lindgren,
Virpi Lindi,
Reedik Maggi,
Julie Marsh,
Christel Middeldorp,
Iona Millwood,
Jeffrey C. Murray,
Michel Nivard,
Ellen Aagaard Nohr,
Ioanna Ntalla,
Emily Oken,
Kalliope Panoutsopoulou,
Jennifer Pararajasingham,
Alina Rodriguez,
Rany M. Salem,
Sylvain Sebert,
Niina Siitonen,
David P. Strachan,
Yik-Ying Teo,
Beatriz Valcárcel,
Gonneke Willemsen,
Eleftheria Zeggini,
Dorret I. Boomsma,
Cyrus Cooper,
Matthew Gillman,
Berthold Hocher,
Timo A. Lakka,
Karen L. Mohlke,
George V. Dedoussis,
Ken K. Ong,
Ewan R. Pearson,
Thomas S. Price,
Chris Power,
Olli T. Raitakari,
Seang-Mei Saw,
Andre Scherag,
Olli Simell,
Thorkild I.A. Sørensen and
James F. Wilson
Type: Article
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| 2012
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Deletions in PITX1 cause a spectrum of lower-limb malformations including mirror-image polydactyly -
Eva Klopocki,
Christian Kähler,
Nicola Foulds,
Hitesh Shah,
Benjamin Joseph,
Hermann Vogel,
Sabine Lüttgen,
Rainer Bald,
Regina Besoke,
Karsten Held,
Stefan Mundlos and
Ingo Kurth
Type: Article
| 2012
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Apolipoprotein E genotype and the cardiovascular disease risk phenotype: impact of sex and adiposity (the FINGEN study) -
B.M. Kofler,
Elizabeth A. Miles,
P. Curtis,
C.K. Armah,
S. Tricon,
J. Grew,
F.L. Napper,
L. Farrell,
G. Lietz,
C.J. Packard,
M.J. Caslake,
J.C. Mathers,
C.M. Williams,
P.C. Calder and
A.M. Minihane
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Documentation of functional and clinical effects of infant nutrition: setting the scene for COMMENT -
B. Koletzko,
H. Szajewska,
M. Ashwell,
R. Shamir,
P. Aggett,
K Baerlocher,
P.S. Noakes,
C. Braegger,
P.C. Calder,
C. Campoy Folgoso,
V. Colomb,
T. Decsi,
M. Domellöf,
C. Dupont,
M. Fewtrell,
J.B. van Goudoever,
K.F. Michaelsen,
W. Mihatsch,
A. Guarino,
S. Koletzko,
J. Rigo,
D. Turck and
J. Taminiau
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Twenty-year trends in the prevalence of Down syndrome and other trisomies in Europe: impact of maternal age and prenatal screening -
Maria Loane,
Joan K Morris,
Marie-Claude Addor,
Larraitz Arriola,
Judith Budd,
Berenice Doray,
Ester Garne,
Miriam Gatt,
Martin Haeusler,
Babak Khoshnood,
Kari Klungsøyr Melve,
Anna Latos-Bielenska,
Bob McDonnell,
Carmel Mullaney,
Mary O'Mahony,
Annette Queißer-Wahrendorf,
Judith Rankin,
Anke Rissmann,
Catherine Rounding,
Joaquin Salvador,
David Tucker,
Diana Wellesley,
Lyubov Yevtushok and
Helen Dolk
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Nanog-dependent feedback loops regulate murine embryonic stem cell heterogeneity -
Ben D. MacArthur,
Ana Sevilla,
Michael Lenz,
Franz-Josef Müller,
Bernhard, M. Schuldt,
Andreas, A. Schuppert,
Sonya, J. Ridden,
Patrick, S. Stumpf,
Miguel Fidalgo,
Avi Ma'ayan,
Jianlong Wang and
Ihor, R. Lemischka
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Clinical outcomes and treatment after drug-eluting stent failure: the absence of traditional risk factors for in-stent restenosis -
G. Maluenda,
I. Ben-Dor,
M.A. Gaglia,
K. Wakabayashi,
M. Mahmoudi,
G. Sardi,
A. Laynez-Carnicero,
R. Torguson,
Z. Xue,
A.D. Margulies,
W.O. Suddath,
K.M. Kent,
N.L. Bernardo,
L.F. Satler,
A.D. Pichard and
R. Waksman
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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The EuroPrevall birth cohort study on food allergy: baseline characteristics of 12,000 newborns and their families from nine European countries -
D. McBride,
T. Keil,
L. Grabenhenrich,
R. Dubakiene,
G. Drasutiene,
A. Fiocchi,
L. Dahdah,
A.B. Sprikkelman,
A.A. Schoemaker,
G. Roberts,
K. Grimshaw,
M.L. Kowalski,
A. Stanczyk-Przyluska,
S. Sigurdardottir,
M. Clausen,
N.G. Papadopoulos,
D. Mitsias,
L. Rosenfeld,
M. Reche,
C. Pascual,
A. Reich,
J.O'B. Hourihane,
U. Wahn,
E.N.C. Mills,
A. Mackie and
K. Beyer
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Cyclophosphamide, thalidomide, and dexamethasone as induction therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients destined for autologous stem-cell transplantation: MRC Myeloma IX randomized trial results -
Gareth J. Morgan,
Faith E. Davies,
Walter M. Gregory,
Sue E. Bell,
Alexander J. Szubert,
Nuria Navarro Coy,
Gordon Cook,
Sylvia Feyler,
Peter R.E. Johnson,
Claudius Rudin,
Mark T. Drayson,
Roger G. Owen,
Fiona M. Ross,
Nigel H. Russell,
Graham H. Jackson and
J. Anthony Child
Type: Article
| 2012
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The role of maintenance thalidomide therapy in multiple myeloma: MRC Myeloma IX results and meta-analysis -
Gareth J. Morgan,
Walter M. Gregory,
Faith E. Davies,
Sue E. Bell,
Alexander J. Szubert,
Julia M. Brown,
Nuria N. Coy,
Gordon Cook,
Nigel H. Russell,
Claudius Rudin,
Huw Roddie,
Mark T. Drayson,
Roger G. Owen,
Fiona M. Ross,
Graham H. Jackson and
J. Anthony Child
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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| 2012
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Generalized arterial calcification of infancy and pseudoxanthoma elasticum can be caused by mutations in either ENPP1 or ABCC6 -
Yvonne Nitschke,
Geneviève Baujat,
Ulrike Botschen,
Tanja Wittkampf,
Marcel Du moulin,
Jacqueline Stella,
Martine Le merrer,
Geneviève Guest,
Karen Lambot,
Marie-frederique Tazarourte-pinturier,
Nicolas Chassaing,
Olivier Roche,
Ilse Feenstra,
Karen Loechner,
Charu Deshpande,
Samuel j. Garber,
Rashmi Chikarmane,
Beat Steinmann,
Tatevik Shahinyan,
Loreto Martorell,
Justin Davies,
Wendy e. Smith,
Stephen g. Kahler,
Mignon Mcculloch,
Elizabeth Wraige,
Lourdes Loidi,
Wolfgang Höhne,
Ludovic Martin,
Smaïl Hadj-rabia,
Robert Terkeltaub and
Frank Rutsch
Type: Article
| 2012
The use of adrenaline autoinjectors by children and teenagers -
L. Noimark,
J. Wales,
G. Du Toit,
C. Pastacaldi,
D. Haddad,
J. Gardner,
W. Hyer,
G. Vance,
C. Townshend,
M. Alfaham,
P.D. Arkwright,
R. Rao,
S. Kapoor,
A. Summerfield,
J.O. Warner and
Graham Roberts
Type: Article
| 2012
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Parental insertional balanced translocations are an important cause of apparently de novo CNVs in patients with developmental anomalies -
Beata A Nowakowska,
Nicole de Leeuw,
Claudia AL Ruivenkamp,
Birgit Sikkema-Raddatz,
John A Crolla,
Reinhilde Thoelen,
Marije Koopmans,
Nicolette den Hollander,
Arie van Haeringen,
Anne-Marie van der Kevie-Kersemaekers,
Rolph Pfundt,
Hanneke Mieloo,
Ton van Essen,
Bert B A de Vries,
Andrew Green,
Willie Reardon,
Jean-Pierre Fryns and
Joris R Vermeesch
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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PTEN mutations as a cause of constitutive insulin sensitivity and obesity -
Aparna Pal,
Thomas M. Barber,
Martijn Van de Bunt,
Simon A. Rudge,
Qifeng Zhang,
Katherine L. Lachlan,
Nicola S. Cooper,
Helen Linden,
Jonathan C. Levy,
Michael J.O. Wakelam,
Lisa Walker,
Fredrik Karpe and
Anna L. Gloyn
Type: Article
| 2012
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International consensus on (ICON) pediatric asthma -
N.G. Papadopoulos,
H. Arakawa,
K-H. Carlsen,
A. Custovic,
J. Gern,
R. Lemanske,
P. Le Souef,
M. Mäkelä,
Graham Roberts,
G. Wong,
H. Zar,
C.A. Akdis,
L.B. Bacharier,
E. Baraldi,
H.P. van Bever,
J. de Blic,
A. Boner,
W. Burks,
T.B. Casale,
J.A. Castro-Rodriguez,
Y.Z. Chen,
Y.M. El-Gamal,
M.L. Everard,
T. Frischer,
M. Geller,
J. Gereda,
D.Y. Goh,
T.W. Guilbert,
G. Hedlin,
P.W. Heymann,
S.J. Hong,
E.M. Hossny,
J.L. Huang,
D.J. Jackson,
J.C. de Jongste,
O. Kalayci,
N. Aït-Khaled,
S. Kling,
P. Kuna,
S. Lau,
D.K. Ledford,
S.I. Lee,
A.H. Liu,
R.F. Lockey,
K. Lødrup-Carlsen,
J. Lötvall,
A. Morikawa,
A. Nieto,
H. Paramesh,
R. Pawankar,
P. Pohunek,
J. Pongracic,
D. Price,
C. Robertson,
N. Rosario,
L.J. Rossenwasser,
P.D. Sly,
R. Stein,
S. Stick,
S. Szefler,
L.M. Taussig,
E. Valovirta,
P. Vichyanond,
D. Wallace,
E. Weinberg,
G. Wennergren,
J. Wildhaber and
R.S. Zeiger
Type: Article
| 2012
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Research needs in allergy: an EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA -
Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos,
Ioana Agache,
Sevim Bavbek,
Beatrice M. Bilo,
Fulvio Braido,
Victoria Cardona,
Adnan Custovic,
Jan Demonchy,
Pascal Demoly,
Philippe Eigenmann,
Jacques Gayraud,
Clive Grattan,
Enrico Heffler,
Peter W. Hellings,
Marek Jutel,
Edward Knol,
Jan Lötvall,
Antonella Muraro,
Lars K. Poulsen,
Graham Roberts,
Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier,
Chrysanthi Skevaki,
Massimo Triggiani,
Ronald Vanree,
Thomas Werfel,
Breda Flood,
Susanna Palkonen,
Roberta Savli,
Pia Allegri,
Isabella Annesi-Maesano,
Francesco Annunziato,
Dario Antolin-Amerigo,
Christian Apfelbacher,
Miguel Blanca,
Ewa Bogacka,
Patrizia Bonadonna,
Matteo Bonini,
Onur Boyman,
Knut Brockow,
Peter Burney,
Jeroen Buters,
Indre Butiene,
Moises Calderon,
Lars Olaf Cardell,
Jean-Christoph Caubet,
Sevcan Celenk,
Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz,
Cemal Cingi,
Mariana Couto,
Nicolette Dejong,
Stefano Del Giacco,
Nikolaos Douladiris,
Filippo Fassio,
Jean-Luc Fauquert,
Javier Fernandez,
Montserrat Fernandez Rivas,
Marta Ferrer,
Carsten Flohr,
James Gardner,
Jon Genuneit,
Philippe Gevaert,
Anna Groblewska,
Eckard Hamelmann,
Hans Jürgen Hoffmann,
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber,
Lilit Hovhannisyan,
Valérie Hox,
Frode L. Jahnsen,
Omer Kalayci,
Ayse Füsun Kalpaklioglu,
Jörg Kleine-Tebbe,
George Konstantinou,
Marcin Kurowski,
Susanne Lau,
Roger Lauener,
Antti Lauerma,
Kirsty Logan,
Antoine Magnan,
Joanna Makowska,
Heidi Makrinioti,
Paraskevi Mangina,
Felicia Manole,
Adriano Mari,
Angel Mazon,
Clare Mills,
Ervinç Mingomataj,
Bodo Niggemann,
Gunnar Nilsson,
Markus Ollert,
Liam O'Mahony,
Serena O'Neil,
Gianni Pala,
Alberto Papi,
Gianni Passalacqua,
Michael Perkin,
Oliver Pfaar,
Constantinos Pitsios,
Santiago Quirce,
Ulrike Raap,
Monika Raulf-Heimsoth,
Claudio Rhyner,
Paula Robson-Ansley,
Rodrigo Rodrigues Alves,
Zeljka Roje,
Carmen Rondon,
Odilija Rudzeviciene,
Franziska Ruëff,
Maia Rukhadze,
Gabriele Rumi,
Cansin Sackesen,
Alexandra F. Santos,
Annalisa Santucci,
Christian Scharf,
Carsten Schmidt-Weber,
Benno Schnyder,
Jürgen Schwarze,
Gianenrico Senna,
Svetlana Sergejeva,
Sven Seys,
Andrea Siracusa,
Isabel Skypala,
Milena Sokolowska,
Francois Spertini,
Radoslaw Spiewak,
Aline Sprikkelman,
Gunter Sturm,
Ines Swoboda,
Ingrid Terreehorst,
Elina Toskala,
Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann,
Carina Venter,
Berber Vlieg-Boerstra,
Paul Whitacker,
Margitta Worm,
Paraskevi Xepapadaki and
Cezmi A. Akdis
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Report from the european myeloma network on interphase FISH in multiple myeloma and related disorders -
Fiona Ross,
Herve Avet-Loiseau,
Genevieve Ameye,
Norma C. Gutierrez,
Peter Liebisch,
Sheila O'Connor,
Klara Dalva,
Sonia Fabris,
Adele M. Testi,
Marie Jarosova,
Anna Collin,
Gitte Kerndrup,
Petr Kuglik,
Dariusz Ladon,
Paolo Bernasconi,
Brigitte Maes,
Zuzana Zemanova,
Kyra Michalova,
Lucienne Michaux,
Kai Neben,
Niels Emil U. Hermansen,
Katrina Rack,
Alberto Rocci,
Rebecca Protheroe,
Laura Chiecchio,
Helene A. Poirel,
Pieter Sonneveld,
Mette Nyegaard and
Hans E. Johnsen
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Activating CBL mutations are associated with a distinct MDS/MPN phenotype -
Juliana Schwaab,
Thomas Ernst,
Philipp Erben,
Jenny Rinke,
Susanne Schnittger,
Philipp Ströbel,
Georgia Metzgeroth,
Max Mossner,
Torsten Haferlach,
Nicholas C. P. Cross,
Andreas Hochhaus,
Wolf-Karsten Hofmann and
Andreas Reiter
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Inactivation of polycomb repressive complex 2 components in myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms -
Joannah Score,
Claire Hidalgo-Curtis,
Amy V. Jones,
Nils Winkelmann,
Alison Skinner,
Daniel Ward,
Katerina Zoi,
Thomas Ernst,
Frank Stegelmann,
Konstanze Döhner,
A. Chase and
Nicholas C.P. Cross
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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No interactions between previously associated 2-h glucose gene variants and physical activity or BMI on 2-h glucose levels -
Robert A. Scott,
Audrey Y. Chu,
Niels Grarup,
Alisa K. Manning,
Marie-France Hivert,
Dmitry Shungin,
Anke Tonjes,
Ajay Yesupriya,
Daniel Barnes,
Nabila Bouatia-Naji,
Nicole L. Glazer,
Anne U. Jackson,
Zoltán Kutalik,
Vasiliki Lagou,
Diana Marek,
Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik,
Heather M. Stringham,
Toshiko Tanaka,
Mette Aadahl,
Dan E. Arking,
Sven Bergmann,
Eric Boerwinkle,
Lori L. Bonnycastle,
Stefan R. Bornstein,
Eric Brunner,
Suzannah J. Bumpstead,
Soren Brage,
Olga D. Carlson,
Han Chen,
Yi-Der Ida Chen,
Peter S. Chines,
Francis S. Collins,
David J. Couper,
Elaine M. Dennison,
Nicole F. Dowling,
Josephine S. Egan,
Ulf Ekelund,
Michael R. Erdos,
Nita G. Forouhi,
Caroline S. Fox,
Mark O. Goodarzi,
Jürgen Grässler,
Stefan Gustafsson,
Göran Hallmans,
Torben Hansen,
Aroon Hingorani,
John W. Holloway,
Frank B. Hu,
Bo Isomaa,
Karen A. Jameson,
Ingegerd Johansson,
Anna Jonsson,
Torben Jørgensen,
Mika Kivimaki,
Peter Kovacs,
Meena Kumari,
Johanna Kuusisto,
Markku Laakso,
Cécile Lecoeur,
Claire Lévy-Marchal,
Guo Li,
Ruth J. F. Loos,
Valeri Lyssenko,
Michael Marmot,
Pedro Marques-Vidal,
Mario Morken,
Gabriele Müller,
Karl E. North,
James S. Pankow,
Felicity Payne,
Inga Prokopenko,
Bruce M. Psaty,
Frida Renstrom,
Ken Rice,
Jerome I. Rotter,
Denis Rybin,
Camilla H. Sandholt,
Avan A. Sayer,
Peter Shrader,
Peter E. H. Schwarz,
David S. Siscovick,
Alena Stančáková,
Michael Stumvoll,
Tanya M. Teslovich,
Gérard Waeber,
Gordon H. Williams,
Daniel R. Witte,
Andrew R. Wood,
Weijia Xie,
Michael Boehnke,
Cyrus Cooper,
Luigi Ferrucci,
Phillipe Froguel,
Leif Groop,
W. H. Linda Kao,
Peter Vollenweider,
Mark Walker,
Richard M Watanabe,
Oluf Pedersen,
James B. Meigs,
Erik Ingelsson,
Inês Barroso,
Jose C. Florez,
Paul W. Franks,
Josée Dupuis,
Nicholas J. Wareham and
Claudia Langenberg
Type: Article
| 2012
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| 2012
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Observer agreement comparing the use of virtual slides with glass slides in the pathology review component of the POSH breast cancer cohort study -
Emily C. Shaw,
Andrew M. Hanby,
Kevin Wheeler,
Abeer M. Shaaban,
David Poller,
Sheila Barton,
Darren Treanor,
Laura Fulford,
Rosemary A. Walker,
Deirdre Ryan,
Sunil R. Lakhani,
Clive A. Wells,
Heather Roche,
Jeffrey M. Theaker,
Ian O. Ellis,
J. Louise Jones and
D. M. Eccles
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of breast cancer identifies two novel susceptibility loci at 6q14 and 20q11 -
A. Siddiq,
F.J. Couch,
G.K. Chen,
S. Lindstrom,
D. Eccles,
R.C. Millikan,
K. Michailidou,
D.O. Stram,
L. Beckmann,
S.K. Rhie,
C.B. Ambrosone,
K. Aittomaki,
P. Amiano,
C. Apicella,
L. Baglietto,
E.V. Bandera,
M.W. Beckmann,
C.D. Berg,
L. Bernstein,
C. Blomqvist,
H. Brauch,
L. Brinton,
Q.M. Bui,
J.E. Buring,
S.S. Buys,
D. Campa,
J.E. Carpenter,
D.I. Chasman,
J. Chang-Claude,
C. Chen,
F. Clavel-Chapelon,
A. Cox,
S.S. Cross,
K. Czene,
S.L. Deming,
R.B. Diasio,
W.R. Diver,
A.M. Dunning,
L. Durcan,
A.B. Ekici,
P.A. Fasching,
H.S. Feigelson,
L. Fejerman,
J.D. Figueroa,
O. Fletcher,
D. Flesch-Janys,
M.M. Gaudet,
S.M. Gerty,
J.L. Rodriguez-Gil,
G.G. Giles,
C.H. van Gils,
A.K. Godwin,
N. Graham,
D. Greco,
P. Hall,
S.E. Hankinson,
A. Hartmann,
R. Hein,
J. Heinz,
R.N. Hoover,
J.L. Hopper,
J.J. Hu,
S. Huntsman,
S.A. Ingles,
A. Irwanto,
C. Isaacs,
K.B. Jacobs,
E.M. John,
C. Justenhoven,
R. Kaaks,
L.N. Kolonel,
G.A. Coetzee,
M. Lathrop,
L. Le Marchand,
A.M. Lee,
I.-M. Lee,
T. Lesnick,
P. Lichtner,
J. Liu,
E. Lund,
E. Makalic,
N.G. Martin,
C.A. McLean,
H. Meijers-Heijboer,
A. Meindl,
P. Miron,
K.R. Monroe,
G.W. Montgomery,
B. Muller-Myhsok,
S. Nickels,
S.J. Nyante,
C. Olswold,
K. Overvad,
D. Palli,
D.J. Park,
J.R. Palmer,
H. Pathak,
J. Peto,
P. Pharoah,
N. Rahman,
F. Rivadeneira,
D.F. Schmidt,
R.K. Schmutzler,
S. Slager,
M.C. Southey,
K.N. Stevens,
H.-P. Sinn,
M.F. Press,
E. Ross,
E. Riboli,
P.M. Ridker,
F.R. Schumacher,
G. Severi,
I. dos Santos Silva,
J. Stone,
M. Sund,
W.J. Tapper,
M.J. Thun,
R.C. Travis,
C. Turnbull,
A.G. Uitterlinden,
Q. Waisfisz,
X. Wang,
Z. Wang,
J. Weaver,
R. Schulz-Wendtland,
L.R. Wilkens,
D. Van Den Berg,
W. Zheng,
R.G. Ziegler,
E. Ziv,
H. Nevanlinna,
D.F. Easton,
D.J. Hunter,
B.E. Henderson,
S.J. Chanock,
M. Garcia-Closas,
P. Kraft,
C.A. Haiman and
C.M. Vachon
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Early-onset LBSL: how severe does it get? -
M.E. Steenweg,
L. van Berge,
C.G.M. van Berkel,
I.F.M. de Coo,
I.K. Temple,
K. Brockmann,
C.I.P. Mendonça,
S. Vojta,
A. Kolk,
D. Peck,
L. Carr,
G. Uziel,
A. Feigenbaum,
S. Blaser,
G.C. Scheper and
M.S. van der Knaap
Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Intracoronary abciximab and aspriration thrombectomy in patients with large anterior myocardial infarction: the INFUSE-AMI randomized trial -
G.W. Stone,
A. Maehara,
B. Witzenbichler,
H. Parise,
J. Godlewski,
J.H. Dambrink,
A. Ochala,
T.W. Carlton,
E. Cristea,
S.D. Wolff,
S.J. Brener,
S. Chowdhary,
M. El-Omar,
T. Neunteufl,
D.C. Metzger,
T. Karwoski,
J.M. Dizon,
R. Mehran,
C.M. Gibson and
N. Curzen
Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Common variants at 12q15 and 12q24 are associated with infant head circumference -
H Rob Taal,
Beate St Pourcain,
Elisabeth Thiering,
Shikta Das,
Dennis O Mook-Kanamori,
Nicole M Warrington,
Marika Kaakinen,
Eskil Kreiner-Møller,
Jonathan P Bradfield,
Rachel M Freathy,
Frank Geller,
Mònica Guxens,
Diana L Cousminer,
Marjan Kerkhof,
Nicholas J Timpson,
M Arfan Ikram,
Lawrence J Beilin,
Klaus Bønnelykke,
Jessica L Buxton,
Pimphen Charoen,
Bo Lund Krogsgaard Chawes,
Johan Eriksson,
David M Evans,
Albert Hofman,
John P Kemp,
Cecilia E Kim,
Norman Klopp,
Jari Lahti,
Stephen J Lye,
George McMahon,
Frank D Mentch,
Martina Müller-Nurasyid,
Paul F O'Reilly,
Inga Prokopenko,
Fernando Rivadeneira,
Eric A P Steegers,
Jordi Sunyer,
Carla Tiesler,
Hanieh Yaghootkar,
Myriam Fornage,
Albert V Smith,
Sudha Seshadri,
Reinhold Schmidt,
Stéphanie Debette,
Henri A Vrooman,
Sigurdur Sigurdsson,
Stefan Ropele,
Laura H Coker,
W T Longstreth,
Wiro J Niessen,
Anita L DeStefano,
Alexa Beiser,
Alex P Zijdenbos,
Maksim Struchalin,
Clifford R Jack,
Mike A Nalls,
Rhoda Au,
Haukur Gudnason,
Aad van der Lugt,
Tamara B Harris,
William M Meeks,
Meike W Vernooij,
Mark A van Buchem,
Diane Catellier,
Vilmundur Gudnason,
B Gwen Windham,
Philip A Wolf,
Cornelia M van Duijn,
Thomas H Mosley,
Helena Schmidt,
Lenore J Launer,
Monique M B Breteler,
Charles DeCarli,
Wei Ang,
Toos van Beijsterveldt,
Nienke Bergen,
Kelly Benke,
Diane Berry,
Lachlan Coin,
Paul Elliott,
Tim Frayling,
Romy Gaillard,
Maria Groen-Blokhuis,
Dexter Hadley,
Jouke Jan Hottenga,
Ville Huikari,
Elina Hypponen,
Matthew Kowgier,
Debbie A Lawlor,
Alex Lewin,
Cecilia Lindgren,
Julie Marsh,
Christel Middeldorp,
Iona Millwood,
Michel Nivard,
Lyle J Palmer,
Alina Rodriguez,
Sylvain Sebert,
Ulla Sovio,
Marie Standl,
David P Strachan,
Andre G Uitterlinden,
Beatriz Valcárcel,
Scott White,
Gonneke Willemsen,
Dorret I Boomsma,
Xavier Estivill,
Struan F A Grant,
Hakon Hakonarson,
Andrew T Hattersley,
Joachim Heinrich,
Vincent W V Jaddoe,
Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin,
Mark I McCarthy,
Craig E Pennell,
Chris Power,
Elisabeth Widen,
Alexandra I F Blakemore,
Rosetta M Chiavacci,
Bjarke Feenstra,
Julio Fernandez-Banet,
Anna-Liisa Hartikainen,
Albert J van der Heijden,
Carmen Iñiguez,
Mark Lathrop,
Wendy L McArdle,
Anne Mølgaard,
John P Newnham,
Aarno Palotie,
Annneli Pouta,
Susan M Ring,
H-Erich Wichmann,
Nadja Hawwa Vissing,
Gerard H Koppelman,
Mads Melbye,
Hans Bisgaard,
George Davey Smith,
Linda S Adair,
Mustafa Atalay,
Oliver S P Davis,
Claudia Flexeder,
Liang-Kee Goh,
Claire M A Haworth,
Johannes Hedebrand,
Anke Hinney,
Joel N Hirschhorn,
John W Holloway,
Claus Holst,
Momoko Horikoshi,
Tuomas O Kilpeläinen,
Mirna Kirin,
Hanna-Maaria Lakka,
Leslie A Lange,
Terho Lehtimäki,
Virpi Lindi,
Reedik Maggi,
Jeffrey C Murray,
Ellen Aagaard Nohr,
Ioanna Ntalla,
Emily Oken,
Kalliope Panoutsopoulou,
Jennifer Pararajasingham,
Rany M Salem,
Niina Siitonen,
Yik-Ying Teo,
Eleftheria Zeggini,
Cyrus Cooper,
Matthew Gillman,
Berthold Hocher,
Timo A Lakka,
Karen L Mohlke,
George V Dedoussis,
Ken K Ong,
Ewan R Pearson,
Thomas S Price,
Olli T Raitakari,
Seang-Mei Saw,
Andre Scherag,
Olli Simell,
Thorkild I A Sørensen and
James F Wilson
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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An analysis of polymer type and chain length for use as a biological composite graft extender in impaction bone grafting: a mechanical and biocompatibility study -
Edward Tayton,
Sherif Fahmy,
Matthew Purcell,
Alexander Aarvold,
James O. Smith,
Spandan Kalra,
Adam Briscoe,
Stuart Lanham,
Steven Howdle,
Kevin Shakesheff,
Douglas G. Dunlop and
Richard O.C. Oreffo
Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
| Item not available on this server.
Antitumor activity of sustained N-Myc reduction in rhabdomyosarcomas and transcriptional block by antigene therapy -
Roberto Tonelli,
Alan McIntyre,
Consuelo Camerin,
Zoë S. Walters,
Korinne Di Leo,
Joanna Selfe,
Stefania Purgato,
Edoardo Missiaglia,
Andrea Tortori,
Jane Renshaw,
Annalisa Astolfi,
Kathryn R. Taylor,
Salvatore Serravalle,
Cristina Nanni,
Linda J Valentijn,
Andrea Faccini,
Ivo Leuschner,
Serena Formica,
Jorge S. Reis-Filho,
Valentina Ambrosini,
Khin Thway,
Monica Franzoni,
Brenda Summersgill,
Rosangela Marchelli,
Patrizia Hrelia,
Giorgio Cantelli-Forti,
Stefano Fanti,
Roberto Corradini,
Andrea Pession and
Janet Shipley
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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The gene involved in X-linked agammaglobulinaemia is a member of the src family of protein-tyrosine kinases -
David Vetrie,
Igor Vorechovsky,
Paschalis Sideras,
Jill Holland,
Angela Davies,
Frances Flinter,
Lennart Hammarström,
Christine Kinnon,
Roland Levinsky,
Martin Bobrow,
C. I. Edvard Smith and
David R. Bentley
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Genome-wide association study to identify genetic determinants of severe asthma -
Y. I. Wan,
N. R. G. Shrine,
M. Soler Artigas,
L. V. Wain,
J. D. Blakey,
M. F. Moffatt,
A. Bush,
K. F. Chung,
W. O. C. M. Cookson,
D. P. Strachan,
L. Heaney,
B. A. H. Al-Momani,
A. H. Mansur,
S. Manney,
N. C. Thomson,
R. Chaudhuri,
C. E. Brightling,
M. Bafadhel,
A. Singapuri,
R. Niven,
A. Simpson,
J. W. Holloway,
P. H. Howarth,
J. Hui,
A. W. Musk,
A. L. James,
M. A. Brown,
S. Baltic,
M. A. R. Ferreira,
P. J. Thompson,
M. D. Tobin,
I. Sayers and
I. P. Hall
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Rare chromosome abnormalities, prevalence and prenatal diagnosis rates from population-based congenital anomaly registers in Europe -
Diana Wellesley,
Helen Dolk,
Patricia A. Boyd,
Ruth Greenlees,
Martin Haeusler,
Vera Nelen,
Ester Garne,
Babak Khoshnood,
Berenice Doray,
Anke Rissmann,
Carmel Mullaney,
Elisa Calzolari,
Marian Bakker,
Joaquin Salvador,
Marie-Claude Addor,
Elizabeth Draper,
Judith Rankin and
David Tucker
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Update on Kleefstra syndrome -
M.H. Willemsen,
A.T. Vulto-van Silfhout,
W.M. Nillesen,
W.M. Wissink-Lindhout,
H. van Bokhoven,
N. Philip,
E.M. Berry-Kravis,
U. Kini,
C.M.A. van Ravenswaaij-Arts,
B. Delle Chiaie,
A.M.M. Innes,
G. Houge,
T. Kosonen,
K. Cremer,
M. Fannemel,
A. Stray-Pedersen,
W. Reardon,
J. Ignatius,
K. Lachlan,
C. Mircher,
P.T.J.M. Helderman van den Enden,
M. Mastebroek,
P.E. Cohn-Hokke,
H.G. Yntema,
S. Drunat and
T. Kleefstra
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
| Item availability restricted.
Dendritic cells ameliorate autoimmunity in the CNS by controlling the homeostasis of PD-1 receptor+ regulatory T cells -
Nir Yogev,
Friederike Frommer,
Dominika Lukas,
Kordula Kautz-Neu,
Khalad Karram,
Daniele Ielo,
Esther von Stebut,
Hans-Christian Probst,
Maries van den Broek,
Dieter Riethmacher,
Tal Birnberg,
Thomas Blank,
Boris Reizis,
Thomas Korn,
Heinz Wiendl,
Steffen Jung,
Marco Prinz,
Florian C. Kurschus and
Ari Waisman
Type: Article
| 2012
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Meier–Gorlin syndrome genotype–phenotype studies: 35 individuals with pre-replication complex gene mutations and 10 without molecular diagnosis -
Sonja A. de Munnik,
Louise S. Bicknell,
Salim Aftimos,
Jumana Y. Al-Aama,
Yolande van Bever,
Michael B. Bober,
Jill Clayton-Smith,
Alaa Y. Edrees,
Murray Feingold,
Alan Fryer,
Johanna M. van Hagen,
Raoul C. Hennekam,
Maaike C.E. Jansweijer,
Diana Johnson,
Sarina G. Kant,
John M. Opitz,
A. Radha Ramadevi,
Willie Reardon,
Alison Ross,
Pierre Sarda,
Constance T.R.M. Schrander-Stumpel,
Jeroen Schoots,
I Karen Temple,
Paulien A. Terhal,
Annick Toutain,
Carol A. Wise,
Michael Wright,
David L. Skidmore,
Mark E. Samuels,
Lies H. Hoefsloot,
Nine V.A.M. Knoers,
Han G. Brunner,
Andrew P. Jackson and
Ernie M.H. F. Bongers
Type: Article
| 2012
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Meier-Gorlin syndrome: growth and secondary sexual development of a microcephalic primordial dwarfism disorder -
Sonja A. de Munnik,
Barto J. Otten,
Jeroen Schoots,
Louise S. Bicknell,
Salim Aftimos,
Jumana Y. Al-Aama,
Yolande van Bever,
Michael B. Bober,
George F. Borm,
Jill Clayton-Smith,
Cheri L. Deal,
Alaa Y. Edrees,
Murray Feingold,
Alan Fryer,
Johanna M. van Hagen,
Raoul C. Hennekam,
Maaike C. E. Jansweijer,
Diana Johnson,
Sarina G. Kant,
John M. Opitz,
A. Radha Ramadevi,
Willie Reardon,
Alison Ross,
Pierre Sarda,
Constance T. R. M. Schrander-Stumpel,
A. Erik Sluiter,
I. Karen Temple,
Paulien A. Terhal,
Annick Toutain,
Carol A. Wise,
Michael Wright,
David L. Skidmore,
Mark E. Samuels,
Lies H. Hoefsloot,
Nine V. A. M. Knoers,
Han G. Brunner,
Andrew P. Jackson and
Ernie M. H. F. Bongers
Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Article
| 2012
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Type: Book
| 2012
| Springer
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Type: Book
| 2012
| Oxford University Press
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Book Section
Type: Book Section
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| Wiley-Blackwell
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Type: Book Section
| 2012
| Nova Science Publishers
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Type: Book Section
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| Nova Science Publishers
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Type: Book Section
| 2012
| Academic Press
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Type: Book Section
| 2012
| Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
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Type: Book Section
| 2012
| Academic Press
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Type: Book Section
| 2012
| CRC Press
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Type: Book Section
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| Wiley-Blackwell
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Type: Book Section
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| SAGE Publications
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Type: Book Section
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| Springer New York, NY
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| Cambridge University Press
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| Humana Press
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| CRC Press
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| Elsevier
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Type: Book Section
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| Springer
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Type: Book Section
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| Springer
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Type: Thesis
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| University of Southampton
Type: Editorial
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Type: Editorial
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Type: Review
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